Monday, March 25, 2013


This is the first spring we have had an outdoor cat.  If you remember, we adopted Willie from Barn Cat Buddies last fall.  I'm totally smitten with Willie and he has done an excellent job keeping rodents out of my minivan all winter - I haven't had a single one since we got him.  He also brings me moles weekly.
(Picture taken through kitchen window)

But every spring we have a bluebird family that lives in this cedar birdhouse on our porch and has babies.  Sure, they tend to dive bomb Cort a lot as he walks across the porch (is it something about his curly hair that makes them want to attack?), but I'm VERY fond of them anyway.



Nancy said...

It's a trade off at times -- my outdoor cats snag a bird or two over the winter and I don't like it a bit!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh no! That may be the end of your bluebird visitors.

Aodhnait said...

Oh look at that naughty kitty taking a peek in the birdbox!! He is a very attractive fellow.

Eat To Live said...

Kitty would love to leave you a little bird on your doorstep. Too bad we can't train them to only kill what we want them to.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh no. B

Anonymous said...

He does look like he is looking for a snack.

Monkeywrangler said...

Sad to say but I think you will lose a bluebird or two this year...

GardenOfDaisies said...

Uh oh... that bird house needs to be a little bit higher up.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

He's being a cat. He just doesn't understand that Mom wants him to get the mice, but not the birds. Too bad we can't teach them the difference.

Gail Dixon said...

The National Audubon Society reports that a high number of bird deaths are directly related to cats. :( But I understand your need to control mice!

An Apel a Day said...

Oh no! It's like you want to say, "Cat only kill the bad things!"

I'm allergic to cats, but when I lived in Savannah, GA for 2 years for grad school the neighbor had an outdoor cat. We had our dryers outside. Kind of odd, but it got hot there. Maybe that is why. The cat would kill roaches, and bring them to our doorstep. I called her Zena the Warrior Cat.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh no! I hope he doesn't get to them.

Rodents in your minivan?! I think I missed that story...yikes!

Sharon Wagner said...

The good, the bad and the birdy. Moles are out, but let's keep the blue birds in. I hope the kitty decides to chase some sparrows instead!

TexWisGirl said...

uh oh. time to move that bird house! and put a metal baffle on the post!

Anonymous said...

Time to move the birdhouse. Glad Willie is working out well - he is a lucky cat.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Oh, boy! I hope he leaves them alone! Too bad you can't explain to him that he has plenty of other things to catch.

Stephanie said...

LOL At least he's cute!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Our cats don't mess with birds much and seem to prefer mice though one did catch a small bird last week and then didn't eat it. It is nice when they catch mice but most birds are good to have in the garden.

Liz Mays said...

Uh oh.... naughty!

LisaS said...

Aw .... cute photo! But please don 't get those baby birds!

andy said...

I think the kitty has other plans for your bluebirds !!!

Marie said...

I would move that bird house fast! :)
We like our moles. They're so cute! And they actually do good things. Our Rambo caught one and just played with him and didn't harm a hair on him! It was his lucky day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Gosh... You may need to put the Bluebird nest up higher.... Hope the cat doesn't scare them away....


Anonymous said...

Kind of how I feel when our pups kill turtles, birds or baby raccoons in our yard. There is really now way to stop them from being hunters. Kitty is just doing what comes natural to her. Still... poor bluebirds. :(

Valerie Boersma said...

Have you tried explaining the situation to him? ;)

He is a nice looking kitty!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He does want those birds.....but what a great job he has done with the rodents!

mail4rosey said...

Ah hah! A way to get rid of our moles (the pellets from Home Depot to deter them safely are not working). I can dig it!!! I'm kidding...really. But I do wish our moles would go away. :)

Angie said...

My Mom is having the same problems except the cats that are snagging her birds are community cats. It makes her so mad.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Do you think he will bother them? The birdhouse looks pretty low.

Tanya Breese said...

hmmm, you're making me think i should get an outside kitty though...i hear mice in the heater vents every once in a while

Anonymous said...

I hope he's able to resist!

Chatty Crone said...

I'm thinking you should raise the bird house too! sandie

Sally said...

I'm not exactly a cat person, but I do see the functionality AND attachment to them. Most of my friends have cats. Cute photo! :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awe sweet cat. I hope the birds stay alert when he is around.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You may to have Paul put that house up a little higher, Baby Girl. Otherwise Willie will have a definite early Thanksgiving!...:)JP

born imaginative. said...

Jealous! We have two useless cats. They're best at hairballs.

Jill said...

Hey Bad Kitty...I don't think you want to mess with Lisa! ;)

Love the shot!

Michelle said...

Oh no! You might have to tuck that birdhouse up a little higher!

The Cranky said...

Ut oh, naughty cat! On the other hand, I remember a summer when I was wee when a blue jay would dive at my head and yank out hair every time I went outside. That autumn, after a windstorm, Dad found a nest on the ground which had been completely lined with my hair.


Anonymous said...

Naughty kitty! I hope he doesn't start craving Eastern Bluebird's for dinner. :)

Unknown said...

Naughty kitty, is right! Though I feel your pain. I've found cardinal feathers around and know they got one. Though they do bring me shrews and voles, which is good, and I feel terrible when they bring birds and frogs! (And I'm at a cross roads for the squirrels...though our dog, Genny, gets upset, because that's what she likes to hunt!) Good luck!

Lin said...

Uh oh! Guess you gotta move that house when that family is done using it!

I hate baby bird season--too much death. :(

Sandy said...

Yay for no rodents in the mini van!! I would love to have an outdoor cat, but every time I get one it gets eaten by the coyotes....stupid cats :/