Friday, March 8, 2013

Finding Normal. Or Whatever.

My friend Nancy at A Rural Journal started a new Friday meme where you list 5 random facts about...whatever.  So I thought I'd link up to support her.  Plus, it makes for an easy post, and I haven't been feeling very witty lately.

1.  I finally finished the course of steroids for this inner ear situation which caused the vertigo.  While I still feel the earth shakes a bit if I turn my head, overall I feel much better.  Thanks to all of you who checked up on me! 

2.  Two things that helped the vertigo were the very unattractive Sea-Bands, which put pressure on an acupuncture point of the wrist, and herbal mandarin orange tea with a splash of orange Stevia.  When I went to Urgent Care, they told me to drink lots of hot fluids, and for whatever reason it really seemed to help. 

3.  This cute mug is from my blogging friend Diane at DISH.  Somehow herbal tea tastes better in this mug, than in a plain mug.  I'm not normally a hot herbal tea drinker. 

4.  I'm getting my first haircut in nine months tomorrow.  It's way overdue.  I look like Cousin It.  No, really.  Maybe I'll even post a picture. 

5.  I had to get a TB test for my new job this week.  I took the twins, and Reid completely freaked out.  He sobbed and sobbed and begged the nurse to stop - that she was hurting me.  Even though I reassured him I was fine.  Then he wanted her to put a bandaid on, but of course you're supposed to leave that little bubble alone and not touch it.  Reid cried the whole way home.  It was sweet.  Although now I'm thinking he may have a needle phobia...

Go link up with Nancy if you feel inclined:


  1. Oh they boys were protecting mom !!!! Have a great Friday Lisa

  2. Or maybe he's phobic about seeing his Mommy get hurt? Or what he would think of as hurt in any case.

  3. What a cute cup... Spring time looking and how sweet of Diane to send it to you. I too have favorite cups that I like to drink my Herbal tea in.

  4. Oh Lisa so much going on for you Reid sure does love his Mama.
    I would love to see a photo of "IT" I can imagine you look great regardless.
    Take care enjoy the tea in the cool mug. Hug B

  5. I'm glad that you are feeling better! And I agree, tea always tastes better in a pretty mug :-)

  6. Oh gosh, I have had this whooshing vertigo for about two weeks now. I picked up some dramamine at the store and tried it last night. Not very helpful. Trying to avoid doc visit, but if this keeps up I may have to go. I feel for you- it's awful.

  7. Awww, poor Reid! That's so cute!

    I'm sorry I didn't know about your vertigo. I've had it before and it's terribly debilitating. Hope you feel 100% soon.

    Thanks for joining in my friend. xo

  8. Glad you are on the mend! My random fact is that I cannot take steroids. Ever heard about 'roid rage? Most think that just applies to bodybuilders that abuse the stuff. But nope, not true! I turn 'fell out of the crazy tree and hit every branch on the way down' RAGING CRAZY!

    Unfortunately we learned this after I took the 1st day dose of 10 in a step-down pack. It was not a fun 10 days.

  9. I haven't been feeling very witty either. Maybe it's the long winter months and we'll be witty again come Spring!

    Glad you're feeling better. Love that mug of yours and Diane's (I saw hers on her blog and always thought it was cute!).

    Cousin It. Now that's witty!

    What a sweet, caring boy!

  10. What sweet, caring boys you have!

    I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you get completely back to normal very soon.

    I bet you still look great even without a haircut for 9 months! I need one, too. It's been about that long for me, and it looks it!

  11. I wore those icky bands when I was pregnant--thank goodness for having a cute mug in hand!
    Glad you're feeling better now.

  12. Aww, poor Reid! So cute.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Vertigo is terrible.

  13. Whether you know it or now, you are always witty...Cousin It! ha!

    Glad your feeling better and I hope your healing continues.

  14. What a sensitive soul your Reid is! The sea band idea is brilliant. Hope you post a before and after pic of your hair! :)

  15. Love Your Sharing!
    makes me feel like family.
    Be Well!

  16. Glad you are better, Lisa. I often struggle with vertigo. Thanks for sharing the hot tea trick. That's a fun cup your friend gifted you. Hope you guys enjoy the weekend.

  17. Love the mug, super cute and I bet I think my coffee would taste better in something colorful like that mug too. Congrats on the new job, sounds like your son is protective of his mama and well i haven't have a hair cut in a really long time, cousin IT, that's funny and this may be the longest run on sentence ever... :)

    Have a great weekend

  18. Oh your beautiful boys! That really touches my heart because Amy was the same way!

    A TB test to see if you are a terrific blogger? Well, heck yes!

    I love that mug!

  19. Reid is so sweet and he loves his mommy! You just reminded me that I haven't had a haircut in over a year! lol I like the long hair but was thinking yesterday about how I should get it cut before summer or I will sweat to death! lol I already get hot while shopping and have to put it up. Side effect from meds I have to take. It's not been too bad since it got so cold outside but I'm not looking forward to shopping when it warms up. Maybe I'll stock up for the summer so I won't have to shop! hahaha

  20. Herbal orange tea is one of the only ones I really like and I always drink it when I have a cold. I'm glad it's helping you! And I'm glad Nancy has a badge for the 5 Facts. I'll be posting mine later. Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. It's so sweet how the boys protected you!

  22. So sorry to hear about your vertigo.. I had vertigo once and I just remember thinking could someone please get me off this really bad roller coaster ride. Ever since then I can not go on rides..

    Yikes I hate needles..

    Hope you have a happy weekend.


  23. How sweet - has he ever had a shot? Glad you are feeling better in time for your job! sandie

  24. I think it's so adorable that he was so concerned about you! Glad you're feeling better, boy that lasted a while, huh? Now I know I've missed some posts, because I can't recall what the new job is, clueless! Will backtrack now. ...

  25. How sweet that Reid is so protective of you.

  26. Glad you're feeling better. I didn't know whether to laugh or feel bad for Reid. Poor kid.

  27. Reid reminds me of Ella, he has great empathy at a very young age. I actually believe this is a great gift, some people never have it. Cherish it. I love the mug and want one! Is this the band, the lavender on your wrist? Kind of pretty, I like the color. I love the orange spice tea, I used to drink it as a teenager and am coming back to it now. The best one is Constant Comment, with a little honey in it. We got our hair cut for the first time in just about as long as you. Got it cut right before the flu hit us. We looked like Cousin It's woodland cousin fourth removed. All we needed was a vest of locusts.

  28. Awww, Reid! So sweet but sad, too. I have to get TB tests for work and I hate them!

    That is one cute mug. I bet everything tastes better in it.

  29. Your boys will always be protective over you. :)
    I hope you post a photo of your new haircut. You already have such pretty hair. :)
    I'm so sorry to hear about the vertigo. Isn't it an awful feeling?? I can't stand it!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  30. have been lookin in on you blog from time to time and have never had the time to say it is great and so glad I was able to get on a blog site where I can link up with Five facts friday.. Just for a FIY me and my sons love trains and the Cass also.. we live close so it is a day trip thanks Jolynn

  31. I recognized that mug!! Di has one too, right? :)

    Glad you are feeling better. I hope the tea helps.

    Happy Haircut!

  32. I know the bands are ugly, but they work Baby Girl...every time for me and several of the grandkids who get car-sick! You have all those MEN to look out for you!!!!...:)JP

  33. So worried about his mama.... What a lovely child he is.

    Love my polka dot mug too, it always makes me smile. :)

  34. That is a cute mug!
    And the boys protecting you is such a heart warming thing, I can picture it!!
    Have a lovely weekend Lisa :)

  35. Sweet love of Reid- does not want mamma to hurt!
    The mug is so pretty! And glad your feeling a little better.

  36. I think you are rocking the Sea-Bands LOL.

    Looooving the polk-a-dot mug, so cute!

    YAAAAY for getting your hair done, nothing feels more "girly" then getting pampered a little bit... well maybe getting your make-up done or having a clothes makeoever... wouldn;t that be awesome if someone called you up & offered ALL OF THAT. Ahhhh a girl can dream

    Poor Reid :(

  37. Poor Reid. Probably thought you were being tortured.

  38. The tea sounds wonderful. I am so glad you are feeling better.

  39. Oh vertigo is awful...hope it is better...needle phobia?? just may have one but he will get used to it, maybe
    Nice to hear of a new job

  40. awww reid sure does love his momma, so cute!!

    5 things sounds like fun but i think everyone knows, everything!!

  41. I spent 18 years on steroids for my lungs. Thankfully I am off of them now but they are a miracle drug. Glad you getting better. No way you look like cousin It but glad you are going for a haircut. So sorry your TB test bothered Reid. How sweet of him. Enjoy your weekend!

  42. Awww, those boys love their mama!
    I'm sorry you have been sick. I hope it goes away completely and soon! Love that mug!

  43. Olá Lisa; votos de rápidas melhoras....

  44. I am out of the loop, I didn't know about the vertigo, but I am glad you're feeling better!

    I love the mug, it's too cute. :>

    And oh, poor baby about the shots!!

  45. I am glad you are feeling better. Congrats on the hair cut. I just got mine cut. It had been over a year.

  46. Glad you feel better! Congrats on having a child with so much empathy. Very sweet.

  47. I have those sea bands, too. They're not the most attractive, but they're definitely helpful. And I love that mug!

    Post pictures of your haircut! :-)

  48. Glad you are feeling better and you know we need to see your sweet, new haircut!

  49. Ah, do post a picture post haircut, I always like to see changes in hair.. for once I want to let mine grow..

  50. Cousin It? I'm sure you don't look like It! I think it's hard to get out to get my hair cut!

    I hope your ear gets better.

    Mica gets ear infections once in awhile. It's the only time he cries.


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