Monday, March 4, 2013

Leaping Leprechauns - Giveaway

As my world turns, I continue with the crafting.  I sure do miss running.  I've never had vertigo last so long.  Incredibly frustrating.  I was surprised to hear that so many of you have experienced vertigo as well.  I definitely wouldn't wish it on anyone.

So with St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, I have crafted a set of little leprechauns. 
Cute, aren't they?  Kind of look like they could get up to some mischief in your house though.  If you're willing to take the risk of having this duo in your home, click on the Rafflecopter - maybe you could be LUCKY enough to win them! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pattern for these, if you'd like to make your own, can be found at Wee Folk Art. 


Aodhnait said...

So cute! You are very creative. Well done!

Anne Payne said...

Lisa, I am so sorry about your vertigo lasting so long. I've hard it for a few days at a time but nothing too extended. I certainly hope you get some relief soon.

Cute felt leprechauns :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa sorry about the vertigo hope it goes away soon. Love the crafts that are coming out of this little down time:) B

Barbara said...

They are so adorable!

Tanya Breese said...

cute little dudes!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!

Cat said...

I need to teach you to knit or crochet. You could nurse your vertigo and end up with adorable sweaters or hats. Love the little green men :-) Hope you get better soon. What about acupuncture?

andy said...

Hey Lisa I'm sorry that your having vertigo and it's stopping you from doing something u love so much ! I hope you get better soon ! Your craft project looks great ! Happy Monday to you

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute, Lisa. Sorry about your vertigo... Since I don't participate in Giveaways, please don't put my name on the list. I'll just enjoy them from here.


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So cute! I love the little green men. You're very creative! I'm sorry you're still struggling with the vertigo. Is it an inner ear problem?

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Lisa - that is a long time - hope you get to feeling better soon.

Sally said...

Now, those are just too adorable! So sorry about the vertigo; that stinks big time.


Mary Ann said...

Very cute! I've had vertigo in the past, and it is NO FUN!

Valerie Boersma said...

In my post today I mentioned that I hadn't been thrifting with my friend Paula in a couple weeks-and guess why? She had terrible vertigo too!!!

What going on, I wonder? Maybe your little leprechauns will bring us all some luck:)

Happy Monday, Lisa! I sure hope you feel better soon! xx

Sandy said...

So sorry this vertigo thing is still hanging around. You must be going nuts not being able to run!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Very cute! So sorry the vertigo is still hanging on. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Eat To Live said...

Oh how cute Lisa. I don't have any St Paddys things anymore. My Granddaughter took them last year for her apartment.


Gail Dixon said...

The vertigo doesn't seem to be affecting your crafting abilities! These are precious. Hope you feel better very soon!

Debbie said...

oh you are a crafty momma as well!! these are so cute and so well made!!

vertigo really sucks, i have bouts of vertigo as well but i take medicine (antivert)when it gets really bad. i hope your experience is short lived ;)

The Cranky said...

I'm so sorry to read about your problem with vertigo and hope it clears up soon.

These little guys are adorable btw!

Jill said...

I LOVE these! So cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Vertigo? I missed that ...what are you taking/doing? Isolde decorate my entry table with Cort & Reid...I mean those little guys!...:)JP

Are We There Yet! said...

You did a super nice job on those. They are adoreable

Tiggeriffic said...

I had vertigo after I had knee surgery.. Oh this is so aweful.. I went to my physical therapist and she told me that I needed to sit on the bed and lay down to the right ~ keep my eyes open and if I was dizzy to keep my eyes focused onto something. If I was not dizzy going to the right I was to do the same thing ~ lay down on your left side.. keep your eyes open and focus is your dizzy on this side.. She said to do this 3 times a day 3 times each.. I was dizzy when I laid on my right side.. After doing this 3 times a day for 3 days it was gone.. Hope this works for you..
being dizzy is not nice.. Have a great day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Nancy said...


warren said...

Awesome red beards! They look like many folk around here!

Amy Orvin said...

I'd like to win these for my mother.

Unknown said...

Sorry your vertigo is hanging around so long. On the bright side you sure are cranking out some super cute crafts. These are adorable. I hope you feel better soon.

Have a great day!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I bet my daughter in law would like to have them. They are so cute. I hope you get back to normal soon. I have never experienced a bad case of vertigo.

Stacey C. said...

Is it totally selfish to want them all for myself? St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday of the year!

Meaghan said...

my son would get a kick out of these!

Myya said...

Lisa I'm so sorry you are still feeling so blahh. I sure hope that it starts to subside pretty darn quick!

These little green guys are so cute. I think the girls would get a kick out of using them as decoration :)

1955nurse said...

Love to win these for my Grandkids, they're so cute!!! Thanks for the chance....

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

My mom! Her birthday is St. Patrick's Day!

MsRach said...

My little man would absolutely love these... as would my daughter ;) I hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win these for my daughter.

dottienielsen said...

I would like to win these for my daughter.

Angie said...

I would like to win these for myself