Thursday, March 28, 2013

Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening Giveaway

In my upper 30s now, I've noticed my teeth have lost some of their whiteness.  I confess that twice now I've used the teeth whitening feature to edit photos of myself.  Embarassing!  Needless to say, I was eager to try the Smile Brilliant teeth whitening program.  This is what they sent me in the mail:
What you do is paint the professional strength whitening gel on your teeth, and then you use the mouthguard so you don't absorb the gel into your lips.  Over that, there is a blue LED light you can use to further the whitening process.  It can be used daily, for 20 minutes to 2 hours at a time. 

I used the teeth whitening kit for 8 days at 20 minutes a day before taking this picture.  I found it easy to use and convenient in the evenings when my kids were in bed and I was reading. The difference after 8 days is definitely noticeable.  I plan to continue using it for another week or two for even more whitening.  I took this picture with no makeup and did not edit it in any way other than to crop it.  That way you would see my teeth completely naturally. 

I think they look so much better than they did, and I bet by the end of another week of treatment they will be fanastic (but without being like when Ross whitened his teeth on Friends, ha ha!). 

The exciting news is that Smile Brilliant is giving away a teeth whitening set to one reader!  Please click on the Rafflecopter to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer:  I was sent a Smile Brilliant teeth whitening set to try for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own.


Sandra VanHoey said...

I like that it can whiten at home and you can choose the time you want to spend doing it

Anonymous said...

I had mine whitened professionally by my dentist a couple of years ago. Made a huge difference in how I felt about my smile. I am a coffee drinker so it really does a number on the color of my teeth. This may sound strange, but after the whitening (which is mighty pricey by the way) I started drinking my coffee through a straw just to make the whiteness last. I am considering doing a home whitening kit too! Have to be careful though because over-use can make the teeth hurt/sensitive. Thanks for this post!!

Heather said...

I'm not sure my teeth have a chance at ever being white, I drink too much coffee (and red wine!) :-) My teeth are sensitive, so I have never tried whitening, maybe this would work!

andy said...

Sounds like a cool product !!! Have a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

I think my teeth are way less than white. I need to look into this.

Nancy said...

Okay so I want your teeth to glow in the dark like Ross's. Is that wrong? :)

Eat To Live said...

My Hubs liked how it worked for him. Happy to see it is working for you too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like that you paint it on and that it comes with the light!

Sally said...

Lookin' good, Lisa. Now, after 8 more days, show us another photo!


Chatty Crone said...

I think your smile is beautiful - sandie

Gail Dixon said...

I've always wondered if those whitening treatments work. Looks like this one does. Thanks for the heads up!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I like the idea I could use it at home. Awesome review thanks for sharing.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What a great giveaway! I used to use the crest whitestrips and they did a pretty good job. I'd love to try this system out. I like the LED light that you can use with it. So neat!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your teeth look really good!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Thank you for telling us about this product! I have a front tooth that was root canaled, and my dentist said whitening won't help that tooth much. I really need a cap.

Jill said...

Lookin' good!

sarahz13 said...

I've been wanting to try whitening with the LED light for awhile!

sarah.zaengle at yahoo dot com

Vicki Lesage said...

Looks cool! I like how you can do it for 20 minutes to 2 hours. If I have the patience, I'd like to do it as long as possible each time so that I wouldn't have to do it as many times.

Unknown said...

I like u can choose your time!

Deanna said...

i like that it doesn't take hours each day...20 min is cool with me

Unknown said...

I like that is seems relatively easy to use and gives nice results.

Unknown said...

i like that it looks very easy to use!

Susan DeVaux said...

It looks very professional :) Would love to try!

Unknown said...

I like tha you can do it at home and get results!