Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Frog Pencil Case with Goodies Giveaway

At some point in the midst of my vertigo attack, I got into sewing pencil cases.  This is interesting because I had tossed my sewing machine into a closet in a fit of anger well over a year ago, swearing to never let it see the light of day again.  Apparently, the machine learned it's lesson, because it has been behaving for me on the massive pencil bag production.

I made quite a few pencil case bags in different materials.  Or they could be makeup bags.  I picked this frog one for my giveaway because it seemed appropriate for an Easter basket - a nice non-candy item!  I'm including some Easter pencils and erasers inside.

The inside lining is done in pink. 

Want a chance to win this cute bag with pencils and erasers?  Just click on the Rafflecopter giveaway to enter.  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. How adorable! Too bad I haven't any littles with which to share it. =(

  2. You could also use a bag like that to hold knitting markers, little scissors, needles, etc. So cute!

  3. Pretty cool way of keeping up with your pencils !!!

  4. Well that is cute!! Kids love frogs for sure.

  5. So cute! You can use these bags for many different things. I'm thinking lens cloths, lens caps, memory cards...

  6. Oh that is very cute Lisa I packed my sewing machine away too and vowed to Take it out still sitting:
    Hope your vertigo hurries away. B

  7. Very cute! My niece would love this for her Squinkies toys

  8. Now, THIS is a great vision to begin my story time day -
    Spring Time Frogs . . . plenty of ideas to giggle about here . . .
    Good Morning!
    love & love,

  9. Wow! I'm so impressed you made that! It's super cute!

  10. I'm impressed, Lisa! I'm sorry that you had vertigo that "forced" you into crafts and sewing, but you sure did put your "down time" to good use. I love bags to hold pencils, pens, makeup, etc.

  11. I'd share it with Isaak. He would be happy with it!

  12. You are so talented! That is super cute!

  13. This is adorably awesome!!!! I know one of my girls would love it!! I would give it to Ella, because she is in the hospital with a PIC line. You did good, don't throw the machine away yet!

  14. This is so cute! I would love to have this in my bag!

  15. Now, that is adorable. You continue to amaze me, Lisa.


  16. Oh that is so cute. Great job! I wish I had a niece to share it with, but I only have nephews!

  17. Lisa-that pencil case is adorable!! My sewing machine has been acting up lately. I'll have to have a little talk with it and tell it about the place where bad machines go-to the closet;)

  18. I would like to win this for my niece.

  19. This is adorable, any of my girls would love it. Any chance you want to make them & sell them???

  20. See that Lisa, that counts as an artsy inspiration ...good job getting back to some sewing. :) Fab pencil bags by the way ! Glad that machine learned to behave itself !

  21. I would like to win this for my 4 yr. old granddaughter.

  22. I would love to win this for my daughter!!

    Chevy Reid Roper

  23. Well, I certainly need to win that, Baby Girl...I've got three little girls that would LOVE that!...:)JP

  24. This is so cute!! You did good!

  25. Cute little pencil or make-up bags, Lisa... You amaze me with your talent... I never EVER learned to sew even though Mama tried to teach me. I always used the excuse that I was left-handed... ha


  26. WOW~! You are a clever Rabbit.. sure am glad your sewing machine learned it's lesson... It gets to come out of the closet... I would like to win this bag for my daughter,,Tracie..Ben's mom.. She loves frogs and this would be super great for whatever she decides to use it for..
    ta ta for now ...From Iowa:)

  27. So glad you made peace with your sewing machine! :O).. good for you!


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