Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Will Be in This Year's Easter Baskets?

I have tried to stay away from the more junky Easter candies in past years (like jelly beans).  The kids seem to get those through school, so I don't feel like they need them in their baskets.  I have tried to choose healthy snacks that are still a special treat to them.  Plus, I do get them each a small chocolate bunny (or I think last year I may have done chocolate chicks).

I made so many pencil cases when I had vertigo, that I thought they would be a neat Easter morning surprise.  I stuffed this Star Wars case with healthy kid friendly snacks from Clif.  Their kid's bars are made with whole grains, are 95% organic, and don't have high fructose corn syrup. 
 After they eat their snacks, they can use the bag to store Star Wars figures.  I know these will be a huge hit, because the boys adore Clif Kid snacks.

Readers, do you do traditional Easter baskets in your house, or do you stray a bit from the norm?  I would love to hear about your plans! 

Disclaimer:  I received snack products from Clif Kid for review purposes.  The opinions in this post are my own. 


  1. Great idea! Nice job on the pencil bags too. I'm sure the boys will find lots of stuff to put in them.

  2. When my Daughter was young, we stuffed her basket full of candy.... Knowing what I know now about sugar... I would be much more into healthy snacks.

  3. You are so much more crafty than I am Lisa! I too try not to buy a lot of candy for our Monkeys, and they do love Clif bars, etc.

    I have been making a variant of Logan Bread (think home made Clif bars but less sticky). My only fear is, if I give them to the kids, they will hog down the whole batch!


  4. We love ClifKids snacks! I need to put them in JDaniel's basket.

  5. Well, I don't have any little ones at home any more, but I did buy the hubs a bag of Easter M&Ms. My bad. :)

  6. I dont do Easter baskets anymore...but we did traditional way back when we did them for the kids. Your boys look so cute eating their treats

  7. Straight up chocolate in the eggs they'll hunt for--and a couple DECENT toys in the basket, plus a small carton of Whoppers and a package of Peeps. Pretty standard for us--my biggest thing is to not buy any individually wrapped candy so I don't find it stuffed under my furniture!!!

  8. We're pretty traditional !!! Try to have more toys and games and candy but tone down on the candy BUT you have to have a chocolate bunny no matter what kind of basket you make ! Lol

  9. I've done the Annie's bunny crackers before. It's nice because they have different flavors.

    We do coins to.

    I did cave, and got some chocolate.

  10. I usually put traditional candy, healthy treats, simple toys, a movie and a book in them.

  11. I don't have any little ones, so I don't have any baskets to make. It would be fun, though! Larry usually gets me some candy if I specify exactly what kind he should get. He is paranoid about getting me something that has nuts in it (allergic). I love the chocolate creme eggs and the little chicks.

  12. We do an easter egg hunt with all those plastic eggs - but we fill them with stickers and bunny crackers :-) I also try to give them a little chocolate, but not much!

  13. When my kids were little - many moons ago - I did the traditional candy thing... and also a small stuffed animal. One year I had a friend "make" a fabric easter basket - and that was a HUGE hit :)

  14. I usually come up with my own theme. One year they got tennis equipment when we went to Canaan for Easter. One year I gave them summer things that I found on clearance in the fall. I always give them the newest dvd's that are coming out the month of Easter. As far as candy goes, they get a lot of candy at church. The schools aren't allowed to give candy here. This year I just got them a Reeces bunny rabbit. Something that I forgot that I got them! lol Since my son is getting braces and can't have sticky candy I bought them both their own thing of Oreo spring cookies. They aren't big on the candy anyway. My daughter will get some fingernail polish in her basket and a pair if sunglasses. My kids don't get things every time we go shopping. Basically they just get Christmas, Easter and their birthdays. Once in a while they might get something just because.

  15. That was a great idea to use your pencil pouch! And I love that you give them healthier treats. It's so funny because I know the Clif bars are marketed for kids, but I buy them for my husband and me all the time! They are yummy.

  16. I admire the effort you put into making sure your boys have healthy snacks. You are a good mom.

  17. I admire your healthy eating efforts too, especially for the easter baskets! (pencil cases)...

    I have to admit that I have always bought the junky but fun stuff for their baskets - jelly beans, marshmallow peeps, a big chocolate bunny, and usually a t-shirt or bathing suit to indicate SPRING IS HERE!!.. I used to also put sidewalk chalk, jumproad, jacks, crayons, etc. in there too. My kids are getting older now though, so they are getting a Nike gift certificate instead of the clothes part, because they like to pick out their own stuff.

  18. cute ideas you have. this year i am doing easter prints gift bags from dollar tree for easter baskets for my little ones. just how many baskets do little ones need,i thought. their parents give them baskets and i know they dont want to be storing or stashing easter baskets all year. i filled my easter print gift bags with baby friendly items (since they are too young to eat easter candy) like gerber baby snacks, disposable bibs(their moms will appreciate) a summer outfit, a book, etc.

  19. O.K. this Star Wars pencil case is AWESOME! I even love it myself and I am a girl. I think you could make money by selling specialized pencil cases, and no one else is doing it. Because I am not the mom of the girls, I feel free to dump in all the stuff that catches my eye. And they are piled very high this year. Not just candy nut little spring toys like light up bunnies and chick erasers and such.

  20. Those pencil cases are so adorable. What a great idea!

  21. Used to do Easter Baskets for my sons ---and even for the grandchildren when they were little. BUT--I agree. Kids don't need all of that candy. There are so many other neat little gifts to give them these days..

    I do want ONE Cadbury Egg this year.... JUST ONE!!!!! ha


  22. Nice idea!

    My kiddos are older now, so they don't do the Easter basket thing anymore, however, I always buy them a little treat, like a Cadbury Creme Egg. (And I get myself one, too!)

  23. I thnk I may have to get some of those to have here at the house, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  24. I'm sure those Clif products are yumm! I have liked them in the past but they have too much soy protein in them last I checked. I can't do soy! Gives me a horrid ichy throat that I can't get rid of easily. Soy and M&Ms does that to me. Odd, huh?

    Thanks for saying you like my pink pants! I love them. They are usually sold at Macys for $30! cool.

  25. Great idea! My kids are grown up, but when they were small we always got them a big Easter Egg filled with candies.
    enjoy your week! hope you're feeling better now.


  26. Great idea. Just about anything goes for Easter treats around here : )

  27. Well it's been a long time since I've done baskets. I know if I had grandchildren I would try to go healthier with their baskets. I do give little candy treats to my friends children at bowling. Easter was always about candy at our house!

  28. Love the Star Wars pencil case my Mom watches those movies all the time.
    You are such a good Mom to have healthy snacks in the baskets Lisa. I love Clif bars. I miss having kids around at Easter but my girls will be home for Easter maybe I will make up baskets for them even though they are grown it will be fun. Thank you for the tips. B

  29. There is a big age gap in my children so they each get different things.

    Anika 14- I'm planning on getting her some makeup, a necklace or earrings, a cute shirt and maybe a pair of flip flops or an ITunes Card.

    Axle- 2 1/2 will be getting things like bubbles, hot wheels, maybe a shirt, some new swim trunks and some craft stuff.

    Annalee- 8 months will get a stuffed animal, maybe a new bathing suit, some gerber snacks and some new passies.

    Not sure that is what exactly they are getting but those are just some ideas I have. I like to stay away from the traditional candies and stuff.

  30. Good idea to avoid the HFCS. Hope the kids have a great Easter!

  31. Wonderful post and great ideas.

  32. You're so handy, I can't believe you made that pencil case. I want to try and outnumber healthy to junk candy too. Mostly because I know I'll be sneaking into their baskets to eat them:)

  33. I like to give the grandchildren a nice basket with a toy some colored eggs and a special treat. This year I am making healthy whole grain cut out cookies and dipping them in organic chocolate. For little Bug I will make a paleo cookie instead. I do like your idea of using a pencil case.


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