Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garden Season

It's that time of year!  While I'm not excited about all the weeding, I am eager for all the harvesting. 

So far we have a few things up in the garden.  My asparagus is back and this year we get to eat it!  Since last year was the first year, I had to leave it alone.  I posted a picture of Pierce on Instagram recently with asparagus that is waist high! 

The garlic I planted last summer is up and doing well.  Also up are carrots, peas, lettuce, and some onions Reid helped me plant.  This is Cort with the garlic:

Last year I had 3 rhubarb plants but for some reason only one of them came back this year.  I'm hoping it will do well - since I only have the one it needs to be a good producer so we can have crisps and jams.  I will have to put more rhubarb in next fall.

Pierce helped me put in lima beans and brussel sprouts last weekend.  And I also put in a green pepper (it is still a little early, so I only planted one) and some broccoli.

I am waiting on all the squashes until June, in hopes I'll miss the squash bug population this year.  It is hard to wait though.  Summer squash is one of my favorites!  In the next couple of weeks I'll get tomatoes, potatoes, and beets in.

Readers, what is your favorite garden vegetable? 


The Cranky said...

My favourite? All of the above!

I must confess to truly loving fresh pattypan squash however.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks wonderful! You are going to have such delicious garden based meals this spring and summer.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I just have one question can I borrow your boys the thought of them helping in the garden and looking at their beautiful huge smiles makes me want to rush out there and get to work? :) B

andy said...

Happy growing !!! Have a wonderful day !

Anonymous said...

Hope we aren't planting too late! Our dirt is being delivered tomorrow.... planting to come soon after!

Jill said...

Oh Lisa...it all looks so good!

Heather said...

So jealous of your asparagus! I wish we had planted some when we first bought the house. I really love all the stuff we grow, but I think my number one favorite is tomatoes. We plant a lot of different varieties and spend a lot of time canning them in the fall :-)

Eat To Live said...

Only one of my rhubarb survived too. Not sure what happened to the other two.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You're going to have a garden full of good eats! I love fresh green peas, tomatoes, new potatoes, and onions. Fresh veggies are the best. Your boys are learning early about gardening--that's great! I don't think I was allowed to do much at those young ages.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your garden veggies growing look so good...and Reid is so cute. My fav would be tomatoes

Gail Dixon said...

Waist-high asparagus? I had no idea they got that tall. All of your planting a sound healthy and delicious.

TexWisGirl said...

i love rhubarb crisp and rhubarb sauce (sort of like applesauce but tart). yum!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you have done a LOT! And asparagus seems like such a cool thing to grow, I don't think many people do it, maybe because of the wait? I am a carrots and potatoes person, and onions!

Liz Mays said...

I LOVE rhubarb!!! I'm the only one in my family who likes it though. :(

Out on the prairie said...

i make a rhubard dessert with the rhubarb and sugar on the bottom, a battter topping this and boiling water and butter over this that when baked is a real delight.

Valerie Boersma said...

It's still so cold here, but last Sunday we put in some lettuce, radishes, spinach and peas. As soon as the frost danger is gone then we'll plant everything else. I still can't get over my rhubarb! It's monstrous this year, and wish I could send you some:)

My allergies are HORRIBLE right now! Trying to garden while blowing my nose is challenging:) I will write soon-I promise. I want your rhubarb cake recipe!

Chatty Crone said...

Look at those little legs that will be to grow into a man one day. sandie

Debbie said...

oh i just can't wait!!

warren said...

I am jealous! I planted some asparagus last year but it hasn't shown itself yet. I planted more this year...we will see. I hope I get something to come up though!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Yay for asparagus! I really need to get some of that going in our garden. I'd say tomatoes have to be my favorite veggie to grow.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The Pres isn't doing a garden here, Baby Girl...he says it's too much work when he can drive to his friend's fields and pick...I guess he thinks wasting gas is better than wasting his efforts! Last year I put in two tomato plants in pots and they did fine...enough for my sandwiches!!!!!...:)JP

Sally said...

You're doing so well already!

My favorite would be squash (and collard greens, turnips, etc.)

Keep up the good work. Love the pic of that little sweetie pie. :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

the photo of Cort is one of the best photos I've ever seen...it's seriously fabulous!

born imaginative. said...

I'm so excited to start a hunt for asparagus. I guess there's some planted/hidden somewhere around this farmhouse. Mystery hunt is on!

We just bought a tiller and have dug up the soon to be garden. There was a garden there for over 100 years before we bought the place. I cannot wait to plant.

I love spring and this post made me giddy for gardening! :)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I follow a blogger in Australia who likes an Italian squash that squash bugs aren't supposed to eat. I found the seeds online at southern exposure seeds but not locally.
This is a neat blog as she has figured out a lot of what I try to do.

Anonymous said...

I love me some garden food! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have an awesome garden...enjoy!

Michaele said...

Wonderful! (I am so jealous!)

Nancy said...

You just reminded me I need to check on my asparagus patch! :)

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Our asparagus is about 5" tall and this is the year we get to eat too!! I am so excited about this. The waiting has KILLED me! haha