Monday, April 8, 2013

Greenville Zoo

For Spring Break I took the boys down to visit their cousins in Greenville, SC.  My brother and his wife just moved and we were excited to see their new house.  We took a trip to the zoo, on a beautiful day full of sunshine.

The animals were all out enjoying the sunshine too. 

The boys were excited to see them.

This guy didn't seem as excited.

We didn't see any snakes out in the wild - just in the reptile house.

The boys enjoyed this bear statue.

He was fed lots of fresh mulch.

Gazing at the alligators.

Climbing trees.

Making our way slowly through the animals.

Always have to see the monkeys.

And the big cats.

And the grand finale - a huge playground outside the zoo.

Now that's a fun day!


Anonymous said...

It is so cool to see the zoo through your eyes. We have been there so many times and I don't think I captured it in pictures as well as you can.

andy said...

Looks like a great time !!! Didn't know they had a zoo there !

Nancy said...

My boys always loved a trip to the zoo on a warm spring day. Great photos Lisa!

Anonymous said...

It's been so long since I've visited the zoo. YOu got some great photos. Your boys are growing so fast. Looks like a great day.

Anonymous said...

Perfect Elephant shot, Lisa. What perfect weather it was for a day at the zoo!

Sharon Wagner said...

Thanks for letting your readers share in the fun of a great Zoo day!

Jeanne said...

Looks like all of you had great fun here! Your kids are sure growing!

mail4rosey said...

That does look like a fun day!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

The zoo and cousins - couldn't ask for a better spring break!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a full day and a wonderful outing for the boys. You took some great photos. Love the turtles and the tiger.

Out on the prairie said...

In always enjoy going to zoos.We used to get a season pass that was good to go to over 150, plus a few other venues.I have a huge one near my home.

Marie said...

My son always enjoyed visiting animals and still does. :) We would visit local wildlife rescues, Animal Kingdom and Silver Springs the most. He is sixteen, doesn't hunt, but rescues any living creature. :)
Your boys are adorable! Love the bear being fed mulch! so cute!

TexWisGirl said...

lots to see there! awesome!

Chatty Crone said...

That is a fun day - was that in Greenville? I have been to Greenville a lot - my uncle used to live there. Your little ones are just adorable. sandie

Valerie Boersma said...

Your pictures are just marvelous Lisa! When Amy was small we used to take her to the Rochester zoo quite often. I still remember how huge the tiger was!

Thank you so much for this mini trip with your sweet boys today-I thoroughly enjoyed it!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds perfect. Zoo's are the best. Looks like they had a wonderful time.
Hope your visit was fun too.

Growing up we had the Brookfield Zoo. Actually our HS backed up to it and we would sometimes walk home through it if we missed the bus. I am hoping to go to the San Diego Zoo next week if my husband agrees. We shall see!

Jill said...

Oh my, that looks like the perfect day!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Looks like you had a warm day with lots of fun. I think a zoo trip is most fun for all children. Hope you have a great day.

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are so adorable. Looks like they agree that it was a fun day. :)

Michelle said...

I bet your boys had a great time:)

Angie said...

Yes, sounds like a perfect day! I love the zoo almost more than the kids. I haven't had the chance to take Axle yet so I'm excited to see how he reacts. We are planning to do that this summer sometime. Loved all the pics. Thanks for sharing :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What good times! I love all the animals.

Linda said...

Such fun! The monkey pose is priceless!

A Colorful World said...

Great photos! Loved seeing your kids having fun! What a wonderful day I am sure this was!

Kerri Farley said...

How FUN!

Vision By Mila said...

I love going to ZOO, it's on top of my list whenever we go to some place we haven't seen before.. the best so far was in Tenerife, a huuuuge park..

Sandy said...

I haven't been to a zoo for years! It looks like the boys had a fabulous time.

Barbara said...

The pictures are amazing, it sounds like you had a great time. I lived in Greenville for a while and never went to the zoo. This makes me want to go the next time we are back in town.

Willow said...

Oh I love this post with all the animals and the boys look like they were having a blast. :)

42N said...

Zoos are incredible. That one looks very nice. Lots of photo opps there.