Monday, April 15, 2013

The Children's Museum in Greenville, SC

On day 2 of our Spring Break, my sister-in-law and I took all 5 boys to the Children's Museum.  Pierce was particularly excited about this.  Shortly after we got there he headed into the wind tunnel.

One of the most popular parts of the museum for my three was the grocery store section. 

Note that Reid stocked his cart with several boxes of honey buns and chocolate peanut butter bars.

Reid seems to be gathering supplies a little more quickly than his twin brother....

Pierce, meanwhile, has waited patiently for his turn to be a checker.  He loved checking out groceries for other kids.

Pierce climbed a rock wall on a large window overlooking the street. 

One of the really interesting parts to the museum are these glass climbing slide things.  They are kind of creepy since they are clear, but the kids were all over them.  They went really high!

Of course there was an excellent pirate ship.  Here, Pierce is mounting the black flag. 

Looking for other ships. 

Captain Cort.  I think he needs a step stool so he can see where he's sailing.

On the lower level of the museum is a huge water table set up.  The boys loved all the water features, although they did get slightly wet, even with aprons on.

There were plenty of boats for everyone.

And if you knew just where to crawl, you could duck under the water and wind up in a bubble in the middle. 

Can you guess what the first thing Cort said to me when we got in the car to go get some lunch? 
"But Mom, where's all my groceries?!"  Poor thing - he thought we were really taking home the groceries he "bought" at the museum. 


andy said...

Looks like fun !!! Have you ever went to the one in Greensboro nc it's a good one as well . Hope you have a great start to your week !'

Melanie said...

Sounds like you all had a great trip!! What fun! Watching kids have fun is fun to me!!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Poor Cort all that effort for nothing:)
Oh your boys look like they had an amazing time. Your posts always make me want to go out and borrow some kids:) B

Anonymous said...

We love that museum too. I am still bummed we were out of town when you were here.

Eat To Live said...

Oh what a fun day.... and a pirate ship too. That is right up your boys alley.

Sharon Wagner said...

Fun times! I would have put chocolate marshmallow cookies in my cart. A childhood favorite.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What fun! You boys really seem to have a sense of adventure and curiosity. They'll always have fun and learn, no matter where they go.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Looks like they all had a blast!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - they looked so cute - and they had a great time!!

Sally said...

So very precious! I'm with Cort; loving the honey buns and not being able to bring them home. They are all so cute!! :)


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---what a neat museum..That is such a great place for children... It's fun but also a great learning experience.

I laughed at Cort asking where his groceries were... ha


Grandma Bonnie said...

Looks like so much fun. Wish it was closer to where we live. Awe poor thing went shopping and did not get to bring the loot home. I really feel for them when they don't understand.
Happy Monday!!

TexWisGirl said...

cute about the groceries. climbing a glass wall - interesting...

Angela said...

That is a very cool looking museum! Looks like loads of fun! Cort was just a little hungry from all of the calories he burned off climbing that wall!

Kristin said...

I just love Greenville and the children's museum is WONDERFUL. My boys loved every minute of it. Did you make it to Soby's? Fantastic food!

An Apel a Day said...

My boys love children's museums! We've been to the Omaha, the Lincoln and a Chicago one. So far I thought the Lincoln one was the best. It was the most inexpensive one as well.

Liz Mays said...

My kids always loved the shopping part of the kids' museums too! I really like that odd climbing structure. :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

The pictures are so cute! That looks like such a fun place to visit!

Valerie Boersma said...

Poor Cort! I'd have wondered the same thing!

I loved museums like this when Amy was small. It looks like you guys had a very fun time-and your pictures are great!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What an awesome museum! I love how the kids could go grocery shopping. So neat! Funny that Cort was wondering where the groceries were!

Michaele said...

How friggin' fun!!! Love the twins and shopping carts photo.

LisaS said...

Lots of imagination going on here, sounds like a wonderful place ;)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Aww, that's too bad about the groceries but it certainly looked like a fun day at the Museum.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Pierce is a little Paul, isn't he? He looks so grown up in these pix, Baby Girl! Great day for all!!?..:)JP

Nancy said...

I wanna go in the bubble! ;)

mail4rosey said...

LOL on the groceries. These are great and it looks like a fun outing to be on for the day. :)

Gail Dixon said...

Awww! Can't say I blame Cort for wondering about all his thoughtful purchases. Looks like a great day, especially the bubble.

Lin said...

Oh, that looks like a GREAT place to visit. I love children's museums--I like to do hands-on stuff too!

Angie said...

What a fun place. We have a children's museum about an hour away and I've been saying forever that we are going. We really are going one day soon. I don't know what it's like but if it's anything like yours, my Axle will LOVE it! Great Spring Break Day. Enjoy the rest of them :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool! We have a great children's museum here in our town, but my boys have kind of outgrown it already:(

Sandy said...

I bet they were exhausted when they got home. It looks like that all had a blast!