Friday, June 7, 2013

Car Racks Make Good Bird Perches

1.  I haven't actually put my car rack to use yet, but the birds have!  We have a nest on our side porch by the door, and the car rack makes the perfect spy location for hovering parents to watch us go in and out of the house, making sure we don't mess with their babies.  Happily, our cat Willie doesn't seem to know the nest is up there.
2.  Reid has a habit of tearing up matchbox cars.  A few weeks ago I asked him who kept tearing the wheels off the matchbox cars.  He looked at me with wide blue eyes and said, "Cat Cat did".  Cat Cat is my Mom.  A few weeks later, he brought me another broken matchbox car and asked me to fix it.  I said, "Reid, who broke the wheels off this car?"  He said, "Miller did."  Miller is our foster kitten.  Reid may need to do a little work on his accountability...

3.  I just finished reading an interesting novel called Sight Hound, by Pam Houston, and fell in love with a short passage written from the dog, Dante.  I thought I'd share:
Aren't the humans perfectly marvelous creatures?  Doesn't it make you double over with laughter the way they remain committed to the idea that they're the only species that feels deeply, because--what--they have words to talk about their feelings?  Has it not ever occurred to them that perhaps the reason they need so many words, the reason their words constantly fail them, is that they are so much poorer at interpreting their emotions than we are, that interpretation, per se, is a step that in the dog world we just skip?

4.  Speaking of dogs, I think that there are dog people in the world and there are cat people.  Sure, you can love both, but it seems like all of us have a preference.  As much as I love our dog, Scooter, I am definitely a cat person.  Paul is more of a dog person, although he likes cats. 

5.  At Pierce's school, they are having a drive to collect money for the tornado victims.  All the teachers have big jars with their pictures on them, and kids can put money in the jar of the teacher they MOST want to see hit in the face with a pie.  Unbeknownst to me, Pierce cleaned out his Darth Vader bank and took the change to school.  He deposited it all in his gym teacher's jar.  He adores his gym teacher.  He came home and told me about it, and all I could do was smile at a kid who's willing to donate his pocket change to a good cause and a pie in the face.  I decided to contribute, and the next day he took my change and put it in the principal's jar.  I can't wait to see who the winner is! 

Readers, are you a cat person or a dog person? 

This post linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal. 


Cat said...

Love both, but definitely a cat lady. Be sure to tell us who wins that contest. Wish I had known where the jars were yesteday. I had a ton of change with me.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

would you take a picture of the Darth Vader bank? i would love to see it ... is the coin place in his head or where?? so curious. love that. i am such a Star Wars fan. ( :

birds are so creative, aren't they??!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but do those birds poop on your vehicle when using the racks? They seem to poop on everything around here. Love to hear them sing but can't they take their bad habits into the woods for heaven sakes!!

Nancy said...

I was a cat person before we got our German Shepherds. Now I'm more a dog person, but cats hold a close second. :)

Lynn said...

I love cats, I love dogs, I couldn't choose between as for Reid's accountability, you just have to give him 100% for creativity!

Candy C. said...

I'm definitely a cat person but I do love our big dog too! Good for Pierce for thinking of others! :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

My daughter used to pop the heads off every Barbie in the house when she was young her answer when I asked why. "They look better that way" I have no idea what that meant then nor now but she is an amazing artist with a great imagination. I see a mystery writer emerging?
Your kids are so giving you are a great Mom. B

Monkeywrangler said...

I lived with a family of 5 cats for a number of years. I loved those cats dearly, but I am a dog-person in my soul, in my bones and in my heart.
Another pair of dog books to read are A Dog's Purpose, and A Dog's Journey, both by Bruce Cameron. I read them shortly after my Charlie died, and it sort of helped...

Anonymous said...

Oh, that Pierce!
I think people can like both but prefer one. I am all for cats.
I am intrigued by HOW a kid can destroy a matchbox car now...

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

They both shed / how to choose?

Love #3! :)

Hopefully the principal will get it. She probably has the highest salary there so she should win the pie, ha ha :)

Willow said...

Cats are cool ...but our dogs go everywhere with us and are so devoted to us and we to them of course it is the dogs ... but shh don't tell the cat.

Maggid said...

I most always have the companionship of a dog and a cat . . then, I put out treats for whatever creature hangs out in the yard . . . My neighbors on one side tore out all shrubs and habitat . . yikes!!! they give the impression they are the only beings on earth . but, enough about them except to say, It tickles me to think they have a "Francis Person" living next door. I pretend this gives them Great Joy . . . (giggle)

love & love,

Anonymous said...

I love that he took his money to school. He is such an amazing boy!

Sandra said...

Our cata hece been driving me crazy lately! So I would have to say dog person 😄

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm a cat person. I bet that surprises you, doesn't it? :-) I do love dogs, though, and was a dog person until I met Waddles. Then it was like the sun broke through and I understood the beauty of cats.

Pierce is such a generous little boy. You are raising him right! And Reid has such an imagination. The accountability part will get better with time, I'm sure. :-)

I love that quote. I think it's true of a lot of animals.

Snap said...

What a great young man Pierce is. I'm a cat person, although I do love dogs. Love the quote from the dog -- too true. I giggle about Reid and the match box cars. Fun shot of the bird and its new *tree*. !!! Have a lovely weekend.

Gail Dixon said...

I had two bad experiences with cats so I'm definitely a dog person. I love that passage from the book you shared. Reid's little fibs are too cute!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, reid! and sweet pierce!

i love all animals, but a few years ago, i realized dogs hold most of my heart.

loved that quote.

Chatty Crone said...

I love Reid's accountability! lol


Linda said...

Great photo! But I guess you may as well stop asking Reid who did it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think that was nice of the teachers to do the drive for the tornado victims and how sweet of Pierce to empty his bank! I like your new car rack and birds always find the strangest places. Yes I would say Reid needs a little work on his accountability but it's kinda funny.
I am definitely a dog person but I think cats are awesome too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, I would love to see that if it happens! Reid has a good imagination, and is also able to keep track of his stories! We are definitely cat people!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Love that bird photo, so cute! I do love my dog, but I'd have to say I'm a cat person at heart. I really like that passage you shared from the book - so cool!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see who wins the Contest.

Hope each of you has a great weekend.

Karen Lakis said...

Definitely a dog person, although I do love cats, too. It's wonderful that Pierce has such a generous spirit!

andy said...

Now that is a cool place to rest ! Hope you have a great weekend

Eat To Live said...

I have to say I have always been a dog person... but don't dislike cats.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I've had both cats and dogs---and definitely prefer dogs... BUT--I like cats.

Glad you have a car rack to give the birds a nice perch!!!!! ha

I didn't think the Matchbox cars could EVER be broken.. They used to last for years --but I don't think my sons tried to take them apart... ha

Neat that Pierce took his own money for the tornad victims... Love it.

Have a great weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl, I am a dog person....and good for Pierce!!!!...:)JP

Anne Payne said...

Funny boy with a generous heart!

Cats rule, dogs drool :) That would be why I am not partial to dogs...too much drool and stinky doggie breath.

Out on the prairie said...

dogs are best!Reid has learned to give with a heart of gold

Latane Barton said...

That Reid is just a curious little guy so give him an A for that. I am a cat person but have neither animal.

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-I'm a dog person. I was attacked by a cat when I was around 12, and I've been leery of them ever since. I still like them though:)

When Amy was little, her stuffed skunk Black and White was always guilty when something naughty happened!

I'd love to know which teacher gets the pie-please report back, ok? And my inlaws are coming today. I could use some pie myself;)

Have a great weekend!!

Janice Grinyer said...

you forgot to mention horse people... now that is a different breed all in itself and theres a reason why not everyone in the world owns a horse... nor has friends with horses... ;p

and Reid should take political science as his major when he gets to college...

and Pierce has a heart of gold - Wonderful trait to have!!

Sally said...

Pierce is surely a thoughtful little guy!

I'm not really an animal person, but definitely if I had to choose it would be a dog. I suppose that is due to having my daughter's dog with me for quite a while. I'm very good to him, and actually I've become quite attached. :)

Anonymous said...

I had outdoor cats from the time I was three until I married an allergic fella. Then we had a dog. Our daughter had indoor cats that roamed the top of the cupboards, knocking things off. I love them both, but would rather have an indoor bunny.

Marie said...

Dogs have our hearts! But, we do love all animals...God's creatures. :)
Happy weekend to you!

Vision By Mila said...

Without a doubt I am a dog person!

Lin said...

I am a cat person. We are dog-sitting Sammy the Weiner Dog this week and I'm on Day 2 or 3 and he's sort of getting on my nerves. Dogs are too needy for me. I'm not used to anyone following me around all the time.

That said, I don't mind watching him--he is a nice change in our routine.

Kim said...

I love that he calls your mom Cat Cat. I'm a dog person for sure but haven't had one since we've had kids.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Definitely a dog person!

I like cats (and appreciate barn cats who do their jobs well), but I'm allergic to them, and, well, they can be a bit too bossy for me. LOL. ;)

What a thoughtful thing for Pierce to do. I can't wait to see who wins.