Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Field Trip Day

Pierce's class recently had their year-end field trip.  We went to see Stuart Little at the theatre, and then spent the rest of the day at the Mill Mountain Zoo.

This bird made me laugh.  He squinted his eyes like he thought he would blend in or something.  No blending in to be had for Mr. Fluorescent. 

It was a beautiful day for walking around the zoo.  I was bummed that the Pallas Cat, my favorite animal, wasn't out.  I hope he is okay.

Also notably absent was the prairie dog exhibit.  Not sure what happened there.  But at least Pierce's favorite animal, the snow leopard, was still around.  Sorry I don't have any pictures of him.  I don't like taking their picture when they're behind bars.  I feel kind of bad for them.  Even though they are healthy and well-tended.  It's just not quite natural, is it?

Pierce got to pet a ferret, and for the first time, held back from petting a snake.  He said he didn't want to get any bacteria.  That's a new one! 
What about you, readers?  What's your favorite zoo animal?


Heather said...

I love the elephants. It is fun to watch them, and they are so huge up close! We don't go to the zoo a lot up here in Maine, although we do have one, but we love Busch Gardens in Tampa and the Animal Kingdom at Disney :-)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i don't think i could pick just one ... fun trip. wow, great pics. ( :

Anonymous said...

I love reading what Pierce is saying.

Anonymous said...

Always monkeys.

mail4rosey said...

We did a zoo field trip at the end of the year too. Fun, fun!!

I like the Flamingos in the Florida zoo. We don't have those here though.

Your pictures are fun!

Jill said...

Great shots, Lisa! I'm with Pierce. I don't want bacteria either. hehe!

Tanya Breese said...

lol didn't want to get any bacteria! that is hilarious! i love the hippos, elephants, otters, polar bears! and spider monkeys! the boys were supposed to go to the nc zoo for their 5th grade field trip but it was rained out...thankfully we had just been to the pittsburgh zoo a couple of weeks before so they weren't that disappointed!

TexWisGirl said...

love the lizard! very cool scarlet bird, too!

andy said...

Looks fun Lisa ! Oh by the way it's a lion !

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the little prairie dogs, too! Also the birds. WHAT is that orange duck??? Seriously, I have NEVER seen anything like it? Maybe one of the kids wandered in with a marker...

Anonymous said...

He didn't want to get any bacteria? Oh lordy... kids do say the funniest things... LOL

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That bright bird is awesome! I don't think I've ever seen one like that before. I like the big cats at the zoo. The lions are probably my favorite.

An Apel a Day said...

That looks like a fun day. That squinting bird is funny!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your pictures are amazing and I can't believe the color of that duck!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Ha, no don't let the boy come in contact with any bacteria!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Pierce is so cute and smart!

You took some great photos. I'm with you on the bars--I don't like seeing animals behind bars, even if I know they're well taken care of. I feel sorry for them.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmm...bacteria??? That's a good one...wonder who he's been talking to...Mia told me the other day that ticks (get this) bite your head and neck but nowhere else because that happened to her friends!...:)JP

Mary said...

I also have very mixed feelings about zoos. It's especially hard to watch the Big Cats pace around their enclosures. I know zoos do good work, and the animals here at the Portland Oregon Zoo are very well cared for, but...

An nope, no hiding for Mr. Orangey. :). I'm glad Pierce was able to pat a ferret. They're adorable.

Sally said...

I love that Pierce didn't want to get any "bacteria". That is too cute. :)

We haven't been to the zoo in a long time but probably should. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

I love the elephants but now I want one of those birds in your top photo, it is very cool. B

Maggid said...

Mr. Florescent??? What the heck is he? a flamingo??? hmmmm

Angela said...

That pink bird sure was pink! No hiding for it for sure! lol

Debbie said...

WoW you got some amazing pictures!! I love the zoo, I don't think I could pick a favorite animal, I just adore all of them!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a fun day Its always a delight to see such special color birds, and animals that you don't usually see.
We get excited to look through those lens thing so you can see more stuff.

Rob-bear said...

I may be a bit biased, but I like the Bears. After that, kangaroos and giraffes.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry).

Andrea said...

Those pics are beautiful, Lisa! Great shots. And great colors!!

We're personally in love with the polar bears. :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Cute pictures! What a fun field trip!

Willow said...

That first bird just didn' t look real ...amazing color.

born imaginative. said...

My kid would say the kangaroo. :)

Nancy said...

Your photos are great Lisa! I haven't been to a zoo in ages.