Friday, June 14, 2013

Flown the Nest

1.  I spent several days spying on our baby birds out the window.  I got to see them stand on the edge, flapping their wings.  Then, suddenly one day, they were gone.  I'll miss them.
2.  The other day Reid and I were at Target, and I absentmindedly called him Cort.  He looked at me in horror, and said, "Mom?  Did you just call me CORT?!?"  Whoops, bad Mom!

3.  We lost power from the storm yesterday afternoon.  It's still off.  I hope it's not for 8 days this time.  We always lose power right after I've done a big grocery store trip.

4.  The twins are finally old enough this year to do a short morning camp, and the one they picked is Dinosaur Camp.  It's next week.  I think they'll have fun. 

5.  A very Happy Father's Day this weekend to all the dads out there, including my own!  :-)  Here's a classic memory of my Dad.  Back in the 80s, when I was in 5th grade or so, we were driving down Electric Rd. when the song Electric Avenue came on the radio.  I remember my Dad making a big deal about it coming on while we were driving down Electric Rd., and bobbing his head and singing at the top of his lungs.  To this day, I can't hear that song without getting a little excited. 

This post linked with A Rural Journal for Random Friday. 


  1. Oh I am excited about your Dad singing at the top of his lungs on electric rad. Lucky girl. That is a great memory to share. B

  2. Children, like birds, eventually leave the nest. It may (or will likely) feel that they are leaving too soon.

    I spent last evening with our grandchildren, as their parents were out. Our grandson is ten! Even the grandkids seem to grow up too fast. Remember: if you think/thought turning 40 was "a big thing," wait til your kids turn 40 (as our have done over the last couple of years).

    Blessings and Bear hugs, Lisa!
    Bears Noting, Life in the Urban Forest (poetry).

  3. All of my girls have been called by a sisters name so many time they have probably lost count. They usually just look at me and say I am _______ with an eye roll :)

  4. Good luck to your kittens! And I hope your boys have fun at Dinosaur camp, that sounds awesome!

  5. I can see your dad car dancing now! I hope the twins have fun at camp.

  6. We saw 8 baby Purple Martins learning to fly this week. They were so cute!

  7. 'our' pigeon and dove babies have flown their coup-dinosaur camp sounds like a lot of fun for first timer. I was an only child and was called by cousin's or my M or D's brother's or sister's names, LOL!

  8. Your thoughts about your dad made me realize how old I am! Thanks for that sweetie. Lol.

  9. Ah what a GREAT Dad story...I am still laughing ! And now that song will be in my head all morning too, thank you very much! :)

  10. Great Dad memory. Dinosaur camp sounds like fun -- I'd like to go! :D :D One year I had a nest of baby doves I could see from my bathroom window. What it was to watch and how said I was when they left the nest. I often think they come back to visit year and after year. There are several doves that sit at my bathroom window cooing at me in the early morning. Perhaps they are the babes all grown up! Great 5!
    Have a lovely week!

  11. Love that bird picture...since we sold our place last fall... the birds are what I am missing the most!!!

  12. Our chickadees flew the coop as well.

  13. Your memory of you and your dad is SO awesome!! And I DO remember that song! And your babies are fantastic, a great shot, I hope they were able to fly away safely. I call Anne and Ella by each other's names quite a bit, all I can hope for is that I don't do it close enough for them to hear them.

  14. Cute birds! They always leave too soon. Love the story about your dad, it's so sweet!

  15. I'd surely miss those sweet little birds too!

    Electric Avenue is indeed a fun song!

  16. We had tornado weather last night.

    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! sandie

  17. loved the memory of your father. :) good luck with the power!

  18. Dinosaur camp will be so much fun!! :-)

  19. I loved your dad memory! :)
    I'll bet the boys will have a blast at dinosaur camp and I hope the power is back on for you already!

  20. what do you do at dinosaur camp? i am so curious? i love dinosaurs too. am i too old to join in too??!

  21. Hope your power comes back on FAST! You had a sweet front-row seat to the baby birds. I'm the mother of twins and one of my twins has twins.

  22. Just wait till they get cell phones and (if you don't check before you answer) you will spend the first half of the conversation trying to figure out which one you are talking to. It's not nice to ask.

  23. Dinosaur camp sounds so sweet. Those days have passed at our house...sadly. The memory of your Dad is a good one!

  24. Such cute babies!

    Laughed out loud at the story about Reid. Too cute!

  25. I can remember Mom calling us by each other's names, and now I do the same with the girls. I'll start out (like she did) Brittney, I mean Hunter, I mean Rylan. :)

    Happy Father's day to your hubby and enjoy the weekend.

    I sure hope your power isn't off long; mine was off for four hours and I was SO relieved when it came back on. It was close to l00 today.

  26. Glad you got a picture of the birds before they flew away!

  27. Love the birds...but what about Phoenix Keep me posted, Okay, dear?

  28. My parents told me there's a bird nest in the tree outside their kitchen window.. I wonder if the birdies are still gonna be there when I get there in July..

  29. Hope your power comes back on soon-I don't like it when we lose power around here it seems to take forever for it to come back on.

  30. Little things (like the Electric Ave song) do make kids excited, don't they. :) That's a fun memory.

    And the birds, awww. We had a mama make a nest in the same tree, same spot for three years just outside our front door. She didn't show up this year and we miss her!

  31. ooo so sweet . love them

    wanna follow each other?? kisses

  32. Lisa-what a wonderful story about your Dad!

    Your boys will have so much fun at Dinosaur camp too!!

  33. Holy 80's flashback with that song!
    Dinosaur camp sounds like the perfect fun for your boys.

  34. I would miss those sweet babies too!
    What a great memory!

  35. Yep, the electricity ALWAYS goes out when you have a full load of groceries you just put away! Oh, what a sweet memory of your Dad! Loved your Random 5!

  36. I hope your power is on by now. We were lucky again and didn't lose it. We had a pretty big wind storm here, though--took trees down in the area.

    That's a sweet memory of your dad!

  37. Mom's notoriously call everyone the wrong name sometimes. That's why we refer to everyone as "honey" after awhile. :)

    sad to see your birdies are gone.


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