Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oh Those Socks!

Have you ever......loved a pair of socks so much......that you pulled them up high for all the world to see?

Have you ever...loved a pair of socks so much that you wore them....even when they didn't match a single item of clothes you were wearing?

Have you ever.....loved those socks so dearly that you hid them from your Mom when they were dirty so you could keep wearing them and they wouldn't be delayed in the wash?

Have you ever....loved your socks to such an extent, that if you discovered with horror that they had made it into the wash one day, you sat down and sobbed over having to wear a different pair?

Me neither.

But I know someone who has.


andy said...

Lighting !!!!! I love them ! You can't go wrong with cars !!! Have a wonderful day Lisa

Heather said...

Oh goodness, if my Jack had those socks he would do the same. Huge fan of the Cars movies :-)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

all the time. my kind of kid. too cute. show off those socks, head high & be super cool. ( :

Anonymous said...

I can see why. They are very cool!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Yes to all the above questions. Poor little guy:) B

mail4rosey said...

Awww. And they ARE awesome socks. ;)

Cat said...

Happy birthday Lisa. Hope your day is wonderful.

Sue Frelick said...

Oh, my goodness! This is so cute. It made me smile.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Those are some special socks.

Monkeywrangler said...

Socks? Me? Nope... but I love the story on your son, and the picture!

Sharon Wagner said...

My cat Hana loves socks the most in this family. She leaves them by the door when we leave. So cute.

Eat To Live said...

LOL... He does love those socks, Doesn't he.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, how cute! :)

An Apel a Day said...

How funny!!!

Mica insists on wearing socks and sandals. He looks so silly! Most the time I tell him, "NO!" Sometimes it slips. One time I didn't notice he had shoe slippers on at the Lowes Clinic; with socks.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So cute! I do have my favorite pairs that I try to make sure are washed and dried for certain days. So I can understand the little guy. :-)

Michaele said...

Those really are cool socks!

Becky Jane said...

This is hilarious - my kids would wear 'friends' and not 'pairs'. Meaning the socks didn't match but it's what they wanted to

LisaS said...

So cute! Very nice socks ;)

I have a pair with colorful fish designs that I do give up for the summer ...and washings ;)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH!! Maybe they are like a security blanket or something. Run out and buy some more! Then it won't matter if something should happen to one...

Jill said...

Ohhh...that is so sweet!

Mary said...

Oh no! I feel bad for him, but at the same time it's hilarious. Lol. They do look to be pretty cool socks though. No wonder he lives them!

Marie said...

He's just adorable!!

Chatty Crone said...

He loves his CARS!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my goodness- this brings back memories of my two when they were little. But yes, those socks are very cool and I would want to show them off too! :)

Nancy said...

Oh how cute! A boy and his socks. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I can see where Reid is coming from-those are some pretty awesome socks!! ;)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh how sweet. Boy will be boys. That brought back some memories. My son had a Police costume that he wore night and day. We had to take it off to wash when he was sleeping. He is now a state trooper and wears his uniform daily. Lol!