Friday, June 21, 2013

Why Do You Have to Bolt?

1.  Dear Lettuce,
     Why must you bolt?  I love you so dearly.  You can't beat a quick dash to the garden for a fresh, organic, almost-free side dish to dinner.  That goes with any meal.  Lettuce, you could take a note from kale, who seems committed to hanging around a bit longer.

2.  Maternity clothes spoiled me.  Ever since my pregnancy, I can't stand to wear restraining clothes like jeans, which I used to live in prior to pregnancy.  Now, even years later, I'm all yoga pants, yoga pants, and more black yoga pants!

3.  Do you all follow Chatty Crone?  Well the other day I was completely overwhelmed.  Paul was out of town for a week, and on the home front I was dealing with some scary asthma (Cort) and a stomach bug (Reid).  I glanced outside in the pouring rain, and there was a package sitting by the horse arena.  I walked down and discovered a box from Sandie.  She'd had a yard sale recently for her grandson, and was kind enough to send us a huge box of his toys.  What a welcome distraction!  From the boys and I, thank you!!! 

4.  My hair is naturally curly and I straighten it with a blow dryer everyday.  It isn't cute curly.  It's bad 80s perm that has partially fallen out curly.  And don't get me started on the frizz this time of year.  Virginia humidity in the summer is not kind. 

5.  The other day we were at the library and a little girl asked Cort and Reid why they were wearing the same shirts.  They looked at each other and looked down at their shirts and then got these confused looks on their faces.  I don't always dress them the same, but I guess when I do they don't really notice, or think about that it might be because they are twins. 

This post linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a wonderful gift box arrived! I hope everyone is feeling better!

Sue Frelick said...

LOL! I love your letter to lettuce. I too am a curly girl and I think sometime I hope no one thinks this is a bad perm! It's so funny that you feel the same way about yours. :-) Thanks for the smiles.

p.s. I was finally able to load your blog which I haven't been able to do for ages. grrrr Must be my dated laptop.

Rob-bear said...

Sandie is such a sweetheart, isn't she. We all need friends like that. Sorry you've been sick, btw. Hope you're doing much better.

I did not know this, but apparently lettuce is a very religious vegetable. It's constantly being reminded to pray, as in "Lettuce, pray." But maybe that's only in Canada.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa that Sandie is such a sweet person.
I love wearing my flannels yes even in the summer no excuse I have not been pregnant for over 29 years:)
You have frizzy hair I have pure white hair want to trade?
Two sets of twin boys in our house growing up and they always looked at each other funny when someone asked the same question:)
Have a nice weekend Lisa. B

Sandy said...

Dad brought me over some garden goodies the other day. I'm planning on having a nice big salad this evening..hubby has a long work day and will be eating there so I get them all to myself! Hope you feel better soon. Cute shirt story! I don't own yoga pants, but have never thought jeans very comfortable. I LOVE skirts. I call them my uniform skirts. Got 4 in varying shades of kaki. Big pockets, elastic in the sides of the waste band....comfy, that's what I'm talking about. AND cooler then capri's for me.
Friday, Eveyrone's Favorite Day

Maggid said...

Hair!!! What was God Thinking?

I get it about clothes and not noticing . . sometimes we just live from the inside out - and what others see surprises us.

Happy Summer,
love & love,

Mary said...

What a wonderful thing, that package of toys! :)

Now i'm craving a salad made with organic kale and lettuce. It's 6am. Lol

Latane Barton said...

aren't blogger friends just the best ever? I know they boys enjoyed all those toys.

Monkeywrangler said...

I'll trade you some of my straight hair for some of your curly! The only curl I have ever had in my hair was chemically induced (perms), and then it reeked for months on end whenever it got wet.

Lynn said...

Finding a surprize gift box like that was cool. Hope everyone is better, that the rain has gone.And that was a cute story about the twins and their matching shirts.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, bless sandie! what a sweet, sweet woman!

Lin said...

Isn't it nice to get a surprise...just when you need it? It's like the angels just know....

I think the world lives in everything comfortable now. But that doesn't mean we should. I like yoga pants for home, but that's where they stay...because I don't have a nice body for yoga pants. There's a LOT of folks out there who don't get that. Or the fact that leggings are NOT pants. It's sorta scary when you see that.

The Cranky said...

So glad you got a pick me up when you most needed it, and it was very kind of Chatty Crone to provide it!

I have truly weird hair, super-fine but I have a LOT of it. It's also straight as a board when it's short but as it gets longer develops 'ringlet' curls. I wish it would make up my mind!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We have a lot of lettuce, if you guys get over this way, you can cut a bag full, too bad there is no way to preserve it. I think that it may do well if I can remember to plant some in the late summer.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a sweet thing to do, to send your boys the toys! I hope the twins are feeling better.

My hair is curly like yours--not a uniform curliness at all, and the Virginia humidity makes it frizz on top, so I have a layer of frizz overtop staight-ish hair. Ugh!

I love the shirt story. So cute!

Nancy said...

How nice of Sandie to send you boys some new toys. So generous.

And my hair get's frizzy naturally. Thanks Dad.

Have a great weekend Lisa and thanks for joining up at R5F.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I just had to harvest all my lettuce because it was starting to bolt and I didn't want to waste it. Been giving it away to family because I can't eat it all! So sweet that you got a package for the boys from your bloggy friend :)

Sandra said...

By the time my twins were about 7 the didnt want to "match" anymore!

Angela said...

You've gotta share a picture of you with the curly hair! You do a great job in getting it straight that I had no idea!

That is funny that the twins don't think anything about it when they wear the same clothes. My daughter used to love for me and her to wear the same shirts when she was little! lol

Sandie is a real sweetheart! Always thinking of others! She is such a blessing to have as a friend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have followed Chatty for many years! She has a heart of GOLD, even with all the busyness of her life. Did you have to take the boys to the doctor? I am sorry, and it happened at a bad time, as well. I hope they are all better now.

Marie said...

Sandie is a wonderful woman! What she did for you doesn't surprise me at all!
I know what you mean about the yoga pants. As soon as I get home for the day I slip into my yoga or velour house pants. :) funny!

An Apel a Day said...

You're funny!

I dress my boys similarly and they aren't twins. Isaak likes looking like his big brother Mica.

We just picked massive amounts of spinach. Luckily we go though it fast. Some we gave to my parents.

I liked maternity pants to. Now my body is so differently shaped.

Michelle said...

So funny that the boys noticed they were dressed the same. My husband has an identical twin and it is so cute to see their old pictures when they were dressed alike.

Eat To Live said...

How sweet of Sandie!! I am a blog friend with her. She is a sweetie thats for sure.

Jill said...

That Sandy is such a SWEETHEART! Just like YOU, Lisa! Love you both.

Huge smile about the boys in matching shirts. So cute!

mail4rosey said...

I hope everyone's feeling better now! I follow Sandie's blog. She's a gem. :)

Linda said...

I'm thinking I should have planted kale. I've gotten a handful of lettuce from my "garden" and probably won't get much more now that summer's here.

Anonymous said...

Yoga pants are so comfortable, I can't blame you for wanting to wear them. I have curly hair, too. Some days it doesn't pay to do anything with it but pull it up in a clip.

born imaginative. said...

The annoying part about lettuce is remembering to reseed so there's a constant supply. I always forget and then have a whole lot of nothing. Frustrating.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Nice to get a gift box just at the right time! :)

Vision By Mila said...

Check this website, they might have nice stuff, unfortunately for me, I don't think they ship outside the USA..

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa, I'm going to have a chat with my lettuce too! And at the beach the past few days, my hair looked awful. I guess it was in the same frame of mind as me;)
What a nosy little so and so at the library!!
My parents and sister and nephew come today for a short visit-I'll write after that:)

Chatty Crone said...

Well I agree about the lettuce. And did you know my hair is naturally curly too? And I spent time every day straightening mine too. I like jogging pants too - but be careful they stretch! lol Trust me. And I am not that sweet - you forgot to mention how sweet you were to me - two 'pugs' books in the mail. Heck we are ALL sweet. I am so glad the kids liked them though. I hated throwing Andy's memories out! lol
Love, sandie

Arti said...

Looks like you received a wonderful gift from a blogger friend. Have a lovely day :)

Sally said...

Your greens look wonderful!

I've never had yoga pants; maybe that's what I need instead of pj bottoms with T shirts when I go out in the yard. :)

Yay for new toys. That's really kind of your friend.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I don't like tight clothes either, yoga pants rock! Sandie is a sweetie, isn't she? I love her blog...always makes me smile.

Sandy said...

Tried to leave you a comment on your more recent post, but can't find your comment area? Maybe you disabled it by accident, so thought I'd leave a note so you would know why you're not getting any comments. Anyway, them, having my morning coffee now so wish I had one. Come join Memory Monday.
Old Time Christmas

Sharon Wagner said...

Good thinking with the creamer!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela receita...Espectacular....

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post... and please accept my apologies for not commenting for a while.