Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Disclaimer: I participated in a program through TapInfluence and Sony to create a Foodimal, and was sponsored for this post. 

We have Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs on dvd, and the boys love to watch it.  We have the book as well.  It's such a fun story.  Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is coming out in theatres on September 27th! 

One of the characters in Cloudy 2 is a Cantelope.  A cross between a cantaloupe and an antelope.  I crafted one at home and you can find step by step directions on how to make your own HERE.

The boys loved our Cantelope.  How cute would this be at a child's birthday party or a potluck?  And guess what?  It's easy to make, too, and only involves three ingredients.  The movie includes many other fun Foodimals too, so be sure to check it out! 

Readers, have you seen Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?


  1. I have seen the movie. It is really cute! I love the children's book too.

  2. Sometimes it is okay to play with your food. :) It's cute.

  3. That cantaloupe turned out very cute Lisa!!

  4. Havent seen the movie, but do love the cantelope face!

  5. I love cartoon movies! They are my favorites! We went to see Despicable Me 2 on Saturday :)

  6. Your cantaloupe made me grin. :-) I have not read the book or seen the movie. That's just one of the disadvantages of being an empty nester...but maybe I will have grandchildren some day and thus, a valid excuse to watch children's movies again. ;-)

  7. My Monkeys did not enjoy the film, but that Cantelope is cute!

  8. Such a cute creation! I love the seed teeth. I bet your boys love having such a creative and fun mom! :-)

  9. I love canteloupe/antelope. He's very cool.

  10. We HAVE Cloudy and Ella LOVES it and has watched it a million times here! She is going to be SO happy about part 2!!! I will have to take her as soon as it comes here, I wish the wait wasn't so long! This site has such cute animals, and yours turned out even better then theirs!!! For one thing, your eyes are better. Are you going to make more animals?

  11. Very cute!

    I just wish the movie would have been more true to the original illustrations. My major was illustration in college, so it's dear to me.

  12. Look at that beautiful smile! The project turned out great. :)

  13. I am a fan of the book, but have not watched the movie.

  14. No, we have not seen it but I may have to watch it now that you've suggested it, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  15. I just found out there was a first a second?! We also love the book.

  16. You are educating this old woman, Lisa... ha ha ... Never heard of it---but love it.. I can understand why your kids love it too.


  17. Cute picture-all the way around!! :)


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