Monday, July 1, 2013

Running Recap June 2013

I am starting to miss racing!  I have done no speedwork this spring, so I'm in no shape to race, but I do miss it. 

The past month I added quite a few supplements to my routine, in hopes that I would start to feel better in my running.  Here's what I'm taking:
I don't normally take supplements, but I was at a point where I needed to try something.  I feel like I typically get what I need in my diet.  But I guess a little boost never hurts.  I'm taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin for the joint pain I've been having.  I don't like to take this because it does tend to raise my blood pressure, but I don't plan to stay on it for more than a month or so.  I love the Vitamin Shoppe's Energy Formula multivitamin - it's a vitamin I took about 8 years ago.  I am feeling a bit better since I started back on it.  I also added in sublingual B-12, as I've had a B-12 deficiency in the past.  And lastly, some Omega-3 Fusion that tastes like lemon meringue pie.  Quite an assortment, but I do think that they are making a small difference.

Running - 115 miles
Weights - 7x
Swimming - 3x
Yoga - 1x

Not a bad month.  Next month will be lower because we will be really busy for much of July. 

What about you, readers?  Do you take any supplements? 


  1. Oh Lisa you are doing great you are more apt to see me eating the lemon meringue pie. :)The heat probably does not help. B

  2. Supplements...yes! Been taking them for years and the doc says to keep up the good work! Hope you get back to normal!!!...:)JP

  3. No supplements here , no running either lol ! Hope you have a great start to your week Lisa !

  4. Wow! I am so impressed. You are doing great!

  5. I totally understand you - I prefer not to take pills of any kind. no what I must ... which is nothing. I do take a sometimes a vitamin for my knee every one in a while. "white willow bark" ... a type of aspirin ... but the natural way. it works wonders. not habit forming. ( :

    have a great week. happy 4th!

  6. I don't take as many supplements as I did a year ago, but most of the ones you are taking are ones I try to take daily.

  7. i take gluc/chond every day for joints. fish oil for heart. chromium for metabolism. :)

  8. I take a handful of vitamins everyday as well. I don't know if they help but they probably don't hurt. My newest is Co Q 10. Dr. Oz said to!

  9. My sister is a runner. She takes some supplements as well.

  10. Funny you should ask. My doc just told me on Thursday to start taking a B complex. He also did blood work to ck my B-12 levels. I started taking the pills on Saturday. I'm hoping this will take care of some of my fatigue. I'm also taking a multivitamin and flax seed oil pills for the omega-3.

    Your stats look good! Hope your supplements help!

  11. Yeah I take a host of supplements but no prescription stuff.
    Vit D,E, B12, red yeast rice, flax oil, fish oil,baby aspirin, metafolin(800mg) as I am genetically deficient in Folate, dhea 2x/week or so, multivitamin, vit c. I think that's it. I am adding in zinc and coq10( per DH's cardiologist), turmeric and resveratrol(to try).

  12. I take glucosamine for joint health too. It hasn't affected BP, thankfully. Also bone broth, vitamin D3, B12, freshly ground flaxseed, large amounts of fresh ginger and hemp oil. But I think I would give it all up to be able to run 115 miles!

  13. I have just started taking a probiotic. I would like to take cod liver oil but I am still researching which one on the market I Should be using. I am glad you are feeling better with the supplements you are trying. I applaud your stats this month they look great.

  14. I take an Omega 3 supplement, and a calcium/magnesium supplement to protect my almost 50 year old bones from osteoporosis.. hopefully that is. :)

    Lemon meringue pie, eh? Might have to look for that one. No calories there...

  15. You are an inspiration.

    Wishing you guys a great July!

  16. I think trying to get what you need from your diet, but then filling in the gaps with substitutes occasionally seems like the best approach.

    Your stats look good!

  17. Omega that tastes like lemon meringue???

    THAT sounds like a miracle.

    Please take care of yourself - (I mean - PLEASE Listen to your heart)

    love & love,

  18. You GO, girl!!!! I have been thinking abut supplements, but I take about 20 drugs and gosh so much trouble to calculate if there would be any reactions with my other pills. I WANT B-12!!!! My doctor was going to take a blood test then forgot.

  19. I hope the supplements work well for you! I don't take anything at all, but have been thinking about a multivitamin lately.

  20. I take 1200 mgs. of fish oil everyday. It has saved my knees!

    Good job!

  21. I take a multi-vitamin, an omega supplement, and a mega b vitamin mix that has helped with my energy and mental focus. I do have some joint pain and have been thinking about adding some glucosamine, but didn't know it might raise bp. Hmmmmm....

  22. That is a fantastic month!!!
    I do take daily vitamins and I've added hot green tea, oolong tea and white tea and I've felt better!

  23. Timely post, as I have decided to pick up running again, after a 7 month hiatus:-(

    I also take vitamin D3 in addition to the ones you have listed. I see you have joint pain, as do I, and doc found out a vitamin D deficiency may be the culprit.

    Just maybe......

  24. Hope those supplements help, Lisa. I will tell you though --that your body does change as you get older... Running may not be that good for you now... I do alot of walking --and that seems to work for me. BUT--I'm alot older than you...

    We take extra vitamins besides our multi... We take Red Yeast Rice, calcium, Vit. C, and I take Probiotics. At our age (we're 71)---they help!!!!! ha


  25. With the pills I have take, I've never been very good at keeping up a supplement or vitamin regimen.

    I like that you are able to keep up your fitness routine with all you have to do. :)

  26. I take calcium, along with a multi; biotin & kelp & an extra B. I couldn't even begin to tell you what all the dh takes..he's a firm believer in fighting his diabetes with vitamins & herbs. I'm a walker.. he's a biker.

  27. I'm loving my new bike-it's really helping my knees. Amy and I ride almost every day-it's a fun activity to do together.

    I don't take supplements, but I've been thinking of starting to take a good multi-vitamin, and Amy too. I want to try to prevent her from getting pneumonia again, and I'm thinking that might help-the one you take sounds like a great one!

  28. You're still doing great, girl. No, I have never taken supplements of any kind, and every type vitamin I've tried, for some reason, didn't agree with me.

    I hope you guys have a nice 4th.


  29. You bet! Flaxseed Oil, a Multi-Vitamin, Super B Complex, Biotin and Selenium.

    What a timely post, as workouts stopped almost five months ago while I rehabbed my back from being rear ended at a red light during Christmas Holidays. I'll be starting back slowly with supervision.


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