Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Schoolwork

I'm happy to report that I actually have my act together this summer!  We've been doing about 90 minutes of schoolwork a day.  Surprisingly, it always seems to be the happiest part of our day. The boys seem to thrive on the mental stimulation. The twins are learning how to write their names and letters.  They work on their scissor skills and pasting.  Pierce is keeping sharp on his reading and math, and working on learning the capitals of all 50 states.  Recently the school book that Pierce has been using had an edible mud pie activity.  Pierce had a lot of fun making the pie, and then we ate it for dessert that night.

We're reading tons of books too - over halfway through our summer reading program goal of 600 minutes. 

When the time comes, I think I'll feel good about my boys being ready to transition to back to school.  Assuming I can keep it up (after all, we've still got another month left)!  Clif Kid sent the boys some organic, whole grain, back to school snacks - Z Bars - and they've enjoyed eating them while they do their work. 

Readers, are you already thinking about back to school, or is it too early? 

Disclaimer:  I received some Clif Bar snacks for the boys, and it's a snack I feel good about and the boys love, so I mentioned it on my blog.  I was under no obligation to do so, and was not compensated for this post. 


  1. As a Mom I can tell you that it was never too early to be thinking about back to school, lol.

  2. We love their snacks too. Pierce is doing such great work.

  3. Great idea to keep the learning going throughout the summer months. They will be that much more ahead when school starts. Yay you!

  4. It looks like the boys are really engaged in what they are doing. I bet that the 90 minutes pass really quickly. What a great mom!

  5. Taking advantage of the local library is a HUGE and free tool for a parent as well during the summer months away from the classroom. Love hearing that your boys are readers! Soooo important.

  6. You are a great mom, as others have said.

    Our grandchildren are out of school, but they keep themselves busy with reading and music. Our granddaughter cooks and bakes with her grandma; she and her brother both play story adventure role-playing games with me. They'll be ready for school when their dad decides to start up for the year, sometime in September, I expect.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  7. You are an amazing Mom, Lisa!

  8. How fun! I love the mud pie activity.

    Maybe your twins would enjoy this one: Get plastic Easter eggs and write an upper case letter on one side of the egg, and the lower case letter on the other 1/2. Do that with all the letters. Take the eggs apart and have them match up the eggs with the correct upper and lower case.

    I'm going to try that with Isaak. He knows most of them, but it would still be fun.

  9. the edible mudpie sounds like great fun!

  10. School starts back here on 8/19. So a little more than a month.

    The boys are doing great, and so are you! Making it fun too. :)


  11. My boys are signed up for summer school--fun stuff, and mandatory reading. After summer school ends in another week, I have some writing activities to keep their brains churning.

  12. I'm impressed! Many children don't like summer school work, but your boys are eager learners. That's wonderful! Mmmm mud pie to boot.

  13. Edible mud pies ...what more could a kid ask for lol

  14. Reading in the summer really is important to help them be able to keep up once school starts again.

  15. As a grandmother now, I hear my children and grandchildren talking about school already. Summer seems to have flown by.

  16. Well, I just can't believe that school has been out so long already. Gosh! The thing you will learn as you get older is that time speeds by much much faster. You are a great mom! Now, what was in the mud pie?

  17. You're doing a wonderful thing to keep the boys actively learning during the summer. So glad they like books! I remember learning the 50 capitals--it was so much fun. It really did make me think about the other states and what they looked like and where they were. I wonder how many I remember now? :-)

  18. I love the Clif bars and I eat them all the time! Even the ones that are supposed to be for kids haha. It's so great that you are putting forth the effort to continue their learning over the summer. It will really be helpful to them when the next school year is here!

  19. I loved teaching my kids school stuff. It's cool that you're taking action in their education and making it fun for ROCK!

    We're taking the girls school clothes shopping this Saturday...yikes! School starts in just a month.

  20. Sounds like you are doing some major reading! Reading is so important. You are so good to your boys. They should grow up loving to read. I was always worried my boys would not like reading since their father is not interested in reading much. Well, they turned out to love reading just like myself. I am not ready for back to school yet. I need to see my granddaughters first!

  21. Actually, our Walmart was putting out their BACK TO SCHOOL supplies today when we went there. Hard to believe!!!!

    BUT-you are smart to keep teaching the boys all summer. Kids sometimes forget SO much during the summers --and teachers have to re-teach many things they learned the year before. That's why I like year-round school --with shorter vacations throughout the year.

    P.S. Bet that Mud Pie was GOOD...

  22. I would like to come eat some foods at your house-- your house is fun,.

  23. Good for you for keeping up with the school work. I used to forget everything ..or most everything I learned during the year.


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