Friday, July 5, 2013

The "I Don't Know Their Name" Lilies

1.  I never know the names of flowers.  But I planted these scarlet red lilies about six years ago, and I adore them.  They are always fleeting, never staying as long as I'd like, but the do bring me cheer while they're here.

2.  Kind of sad not to have run the Four on the Fourth race yesterday.  I've run it the past two years, and I really like it because it wraps through downtown Roanoke.  Hopefully next year.

3.  I just finished reading Tess Gerritsen's Last to Die, and I couldn't get anything done for the 3 days I was reading it.  I'm far behind on my reading this year, so it was nice to find a book that really captured me for a few days.  Even if it did leave me with a filthy house at the end of it. 

4.  Does anyone know what would cause a high bounce rate on a blog?  I need to do some investigating, because my bounce rate in Google analytics seems high.  If there is something wrong, I need to look into fixing it.  Any ideas?

5.  I would hate to be an inchworm.  As cute as they are, it seems like a lot of trouble to get around.  Plus, everything would be trying to either eat or squish you. 

This post linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


  1. Oh I love a book that totally puts everything else out of your mind :-) I will have to look into it!

  2. funny how inch worm suddenly show up out of no where. they are cute but in great shape i bet??!

    i wonder about the high bounce rate because i have notice a similar issue too on mine ... but no clue what is going on. if you figure out - would you let me know. ( :

  3. Sorry to say I don't even know what the term Bounce rate on a blog

    I'll have to check out that book! Always looking for a good read.

  4. Oh Lisa they are beautiful. Sorry about your race , next year for sure. Spike in hits maybe you got noticed and featured by Blogs of Note?
    Have a nice weekend. Hug B

  5. What a gorgeous flower! I would want them to last longer too.

  6. The day lily is beautiful! It's so vibrant. Sorry, I can't help with the bouncing blog thing. I have a tough time trying to keep up with technology. :-( I hope you get it fixed though. Maybe a kind soul who reads your blog will know the answer.

  7. What a pretty lily! Maybe it's an Asiatic lily? We have a lot of those and they are very colorful. We get a lot of bright orange blooms from them that are just gorgeous.

  8. Now I didn't know there was such a thing as bounce rate, shall have to find out. don't know the flowers name but what a gorgeous photo. I don't think I'd like to be any kind of a worm, cute or not ;-)

  9. Lilies are pretty! Yay for having plant success to enjoy.

    A good book is a simple pleasure that I enjoy too. A good book captures me and I get so caught up in the characters.

    My blog spam has been going crazy the last few days. It slowed down for a few weeks, which was nice.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  10. I'll take a good bounce on my blog any day of the week!

  11. Beautiful lily! I have one very similar. They definitely don't bloom long enough :)

    Emailing you about the bounce thing.

  12. I don't know what kind of bounce you mean (I always thought a bounce was when someone emailed you and it came back because it couldn't be delivered). That's a beautiful flower and I don't know the name either!

  13. For as long as I have been blogging, I have no idea what a bounce rate is! Maybe you can enlighten me?

    Love that deep maroon lily! It's gorgeous!

  14. Beautiful flower. I was wondering the same thing about my bounce rate as well. Seems extremely high. I see google what causes high bounce rate in my future. :)

  15. I know nothing about bounce rates. I love lilies and yours is gorgeous. I can sort of relate to an inch worm -- I'm sort of short myself! :D :D :D But cute! :D :D :D

  16. Aye!!! What a BEE-You-Tee-Fulll flower.

    You always seem like a breath of Light. I enjoy your posts.

    love & love,

  17. Lillies are gorgeous!

    Can't help with the bounce rate, sorry!

  18. We have orange lilies in the yard, they were planted by the previous owners..

  19. laughed at your #5. so cute and true. :)

    bounce rate? you mean high traffic surge? might be those fake hits from russian servers bouncing thru your url. if you click on any traffic source with an 'ru' extension, it seems to just invite them to bounce more.

  20. Beautiful lily! I don't know the name, but that's not necessary to enjoy. :-)

    Bounce rate? Isn't that where a viewer just visits one page and then leaves the site? I don't know what makes it high--or what % high is. I wonder if, because you have a lot of regular readers, they're just reading the one page and then leaving? Let us know if you find out.

    I've read some of Gerrittsen's books. I have an unread one on my shelf now. But I just got Anonymous Sources, a spy mystery thriller by former NPR correspondent Mary Louise Kelly. I'm anxious to get started on that!

  21. I love lilies and that one is beautiful. It's sad they don't last very long though. I don't have any at the moment, but will again some day. :)

    Have a good weekend.


  22. I just planted the same kind/color of lilies this spring. They are beautiful.

  23. I don't know their name either but they are very beautiful.

  24. Love the lilies; had over 25 different kinds and colors at one more. I dont run races, so didnt miss one yesterday. I just started a new book, "Gone Girl" and am anxious to get to the story. I have no clue what the bounce rate is??? Dont think I would do well as an inch worm....I am sorry as it is, and that would be even worse. Enjoy the weekend.

  25. I used to live in Boone, NC. I went to college at Applachian State. I loved the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  26. The lilies are so stunning and intense! They are beautiful and not often seen! DUH, I don't even know what a bounce rate IS?

  27. I haven't read this particular Tess Gerritsen novel, but i'll look into it. It sounds riveting. :)

    I wouldn't want to be an inch worm either.. or a caterpillar. (I've always wondered if their transition is painful.)

  28. I signed up for Google Analytics a long time ago and it always says zero, so I did something wrong. I don't even know what a bounce rate is *sigh* Hope you find your reason though.

    I love a good picture that captures you like that too!

  29. Love the lilies, so pretty! I don't even know what a bounce rate is.

  30. I get high bounce now and then and it usually coincides with my spam box filling up. Who knows though

  31. Lovely flowers!
    I admire the inch worm. It's got to be a slow crawl in their world.

  32. That flower is pretty! Red is my favorite color.

    I have no clue about the bounce rate thing.

  33. Love your lily! If it's short, it's probably an Asiatic Lily. If tall a daylily.

    I don't even know what a Bounce Rate is. So sorry!

  34. Beautiful lily!

    You sparked my curiosity about the bounce rate. Check this out:

  35. Those flowers are pretty. I have no clue what is a bounce rate. :(

  36. I agree with Tammy that is a beautiful "Asiatic Lilly " and your right they are beautiful but the blooms don't stay long. We have them in pink and yellow.

  37. Nice Lilly. I have always wished they would bloom multiple times but that is not to be. We have to enjoy their beauty while they last.

  38. I don't know what a bounce rate is and wouldn't it going higher be a good thing? sandie

  39. I dunno about the bounce thing, and does it really matter? I mean, I just like to come here to read your blog and from what I see, I think others do too. I think that is what matters. I don't pay much attention to numbers on the blog--I just want to have some fun.

    Caterpillars have a high mortality rate--I would think it would be bad to be them as well.

    LOVE a good book to read in the summer. I take care of the house, but my blog suffers when I have a good read.


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