Monday, July 15, 2013

The Not-So-Lost Art of Letter Writing

Pierce likes to write letters.  He writes to relatives and to his previous teachers.  He writes often enough that I went to Michael's and stocked up on a variety of $1 stationary for him.  They have some really cute inexpensive stationary there.  I found a nice little cubby with three drawers and a "sticker compartment" to organize his letter writing supplies.
He has everything he needs when he feels like writing some letters.  Now if only I could get him to start leaving spaces between his words so people could actually read them....

Readers, do you still write letters?  I wrote letters all the time growing up - to relatives and friends.  Now, I just seem to email. 


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The teacher in me applauds you for nurturing his desire to write letters (the spaces will come!)
I am afraid letter writing (even the act of writing) is a dying art.

Heather said...

I love letters! Although, I am mostly an e-mail girl at this point. I try to write letters to some friends monthly, but it isn't as often as I like.

Cat said...

I was taught to put my finger at the end of each word before writing the next word to create the necessary space. Maybe that would help Pierce.

Sandra said...

I think that is great he writes letters.
I think people appreciate getting a handwritten letter/note.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i do it all the time - i have a lots of shut-ins, church friends & regular friends all who i enjoy sending notes & cards to all through the whole year. i love it. usually special occasional like their birthdays or other important must not forget days.

enjoy your week. ( :

Unknown said...

Sad to say, I dont write letters any longer, but email 99.9% of the time. I do send post cards however, for the 'postcrossing' group, and I send get well, happy birthday and friendship cards to friends and family.

Anonymous said...

I am not a letter writer. I do love that Pierce is. What a wonderful writing area you have created for him.

Sally said...

Good little Pierce; I know the ones who receive his letters are overjoyed. How sweet! :)

I wrote one letter last year. LOL

Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Good for Pierce!

I rarely write letters any longer but when I was younger, it was great fun.

mail4rosey said...

I cannot remember the last time I wrote a letter.

I used to though...

I like the system you set up.

Anne Payne said...

It's wonderful that Pierce likes to write letters! In time, he will space correctly. You know the adage - Practice makes perfect. Handwriting is a lot art in this electronic age. It always means more when I receive a handwritten note. It says the person cares enough to actually carve out time to write. I used to write letters and notes on a regular basis but since I now have arthritis in my hands, not so much :(

Liz Mays said...

I absolutely did, and I did it a lot! Even after I got married, I would sit on the couch with my stationery and watch tv and write letters!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, that's sweet! i used to write to my mother all the time, but she's been gone for years, now. these days if i send christmas cards, it's an effort...

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

How wonderful that Pierce writes letters! I'm neither a letter writer nor e-mailer.

Sharon Wagner said...

That is so cute. And a great skill to enjoy. Especially for the letter receivers!

Anonymous said...

We write letters! And my kids HAVE to write thank you notes and get well notes when the occasion requires.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your Little One enjoys writing letters. Neat Mom idea getting Pierce his own letter writing station. At 32 I still love stickers!

I like to send greeting cards for special occasions. My cards are frequently embellished with ... stickers!

Ranch Wife Robyn

Mary said...

I love to write letters, but i rarely do so. E-mail is so much more convenient.

It's wonderful that Pierce loves to write them! Maybe it's not a lost art after all.

Karen said...

I used to love receiving letters when I was a young girl. Writing them was also something I liked to do... Now it's mostly the instant gratification of e-mail, except for thank you notes, which I believe should still be hand written and snail mailed.

So good that your son likes writing, I hope many others do as well, it's an art, and a more personal way of keeping in touch. I love that kit you put together for him.

Mary said...

That's such a great idea. I need to have Hailey do that more. The grandparents always love a note from here, even if it's just a picture she drew.

Have a great Monday :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is so neat that Pierce like to write letters. The recipients of those letters must appreciate his sweet words.

I used to be a letter writer. Now, not too often. My handwriting is so bad--worse than it used to be--that if I do write a letter, I usually type it on the computer and print it out.

Michaele said...

How handy is that? We love the $1 isle at Michael's!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Lisa; é bom que as crianças não percam o habito de escrever cartas....
Em uma carta ainda pode cair uma lágrima, mas um e-mail nunca se fará acompanhar de emoções.
~José Saramago

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I haven't written one in a couple decades, if it weren't for bills, I would cut down the mail box.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That is so cute! I love that he likes to write letters. I honestly don't remember the last time I wrote a letter, but I do send out cards to family and friends quite often. I usually just email if I have something longer to say!

Lynn said...

This touches my heart, I am still a letter writer and have my own kit, my first came from my Mom who made me one out of an old wooden japanese orange box 57 years ago, lucky Pierce and very creative Mom.

warren said...

My wife and I lived on letter before we were married and before either of us could afford long distance! It's great to get a letter still so I Pierce will always enjoy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

There is nothing like getting a letter with a person's own handwriting! It is a wonderful thing, to know they thought enough of you to actually spend for the stamp and go out and mail it. I have always loved letter writing and have written plenty of them in my day. I would have died and gone to Heaven if someone would have gotten me this when I was little!!!t is just perfect, and will encourage his letter writing even more. I love the cute and funny mistakes kids make in their letters, too bad we have to teach them to be all proper!!

Angie said...

I actually still write lots of letters. My kids on the other hand do not. I think it's great that Pierce likes to write. Who knows, he might make a career out of it one day :)

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mom. Love it! I wrote letters all the time when I was growing up,all the way up until email, and even then continued corresponding via snail mail with my grandmother until she died. Sigh. I treasure the ones from her. I hope people write back to your son.

LisaS said...

How cute! I hope he sticks with it ;) I was never much of a letter writer but did enjoy having a few pen pals when I was young and guess that it why I enjoy blogging... in some ways similar but different too.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Pierce is a very wise boy there is nothing more special than a written letter. Great little box of writing material. I love writing letters. B

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is so great you are encouraging him to write real letters. I would love to get letters from my grandchildren. I have hinted but its not working. Hope you have a great week.

Michelle said...

I e-mail mostly, but do send cards that I make out of my photographs. Really great that you are promoting Pierce's letter writing habit! Love it!

Eat To Live said...

I never write letters any longer either and it is sad. The invention of the computer and internet have made us lose that part of our life.... But I feel at least I email.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love to write --but don't write hand-written (snail-mail) letters anymore. I send things via email these days ...

When my mother was alive, I'd send her a letter (computer written but snail-mailed) every single week... She loved getting my letters --and saved them all. I inherited them when she died...


Lin said...

I love to write letter and receive them...but I don't much anymore. Isn't that sad? Remember how fun it was to get an actual letter in the mail???! Wow. Wish we'd go back to that again.

Good for Pierce bringing it back in style!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Lisa - he loves to write - that is a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda said...

It's lovely that he likes to write! I pretty much just email now.

Marie said...

I still send out Christmas cards every year. :)
Cute cubby!

born imaginative. said...

I try to encourage my kids to write mail. I need to get better at it. Their grandparents would love some mail.

Jill said...

Bravo on doing this, Lisa! We can't let the art of letter writing die. Maybe it's time for another letter swap...

Valerie Boersma said...

I forgot about the whole space between words concept! I remember working on that with Amy! Amy is a big believer in writing letters. I like the idea, but I tend to email more often than not.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is just so sweet. I don't write many letters these days but I do send a lot of cards out.

An Apel a Day said...

Such a great little cubby for him!

Nancy said...

So sweet!~