Monday, July 29, 2013

Washington DC

During our weekend up in Northern Virginia, we quickly had vacation 'mini-crisis' number one, when we discovered my camera battery was low and I realized I had forgotten to pack the charger.  Thanks to a place called Batteries Plus, that crisis was quickly averted. 

Since we were planning on doing some camping on our trip, we had one of those car top carriers on the minivan.  I forgot it was up there and when we rolled in to the metro (subway) station, I drove right on in to the parking garage only to hear sccccrrriiiiitch KLUNK!  Uh oh.  I stopped immediately and Paul and I hopped out to look.  We pulled the minivan into the first available spot and decided we'd deal with it after we got back from DC. 

 I love the architecture in DC.  So many gorgeous historical buildings.  I could walk around all day.  Although preferably on a day slightly cooler than when we were there!
The boys brought there 'where in the world' gnomes that they colored for the library summer reading program to take a picture.

Even though it was hot, the blue skies and puffy clouds made for some beautiful pictures. 

The Washington Monument was under construction.  Seems it was always under construction when I was growing up too, but when I was pregnant with Pierce, Paul and I got to go up in it.  It was really interesting - I loved all the sculptures on the walls inside for the elevator ride back down.
 DC is also full of incredible sculptures.  There is never enough time on the day trip there - we didn't even make it to any memorials.  But I so enjoyed the things we were able to see on this day!

When we got back to our car, after debating the best options, we ending up emptying the carrier, dragging it out of the parking garage, and then backing the car out of the garage to put it back on.  Not the best thing we've ever done, but we honestly couldn't think of any other way out! 
 Come on readers, tell me one of your interesting vacation stories!  I know you've got some.


  1. The boys will remember that trip for a long time and have some stories to tell when the teacher asks what they did over the summer. I remember my first vacation without my parents, being an expert on the Model A Ford, I drove an unrestored 1928 from Lexington to Myrtle Beach for a guy who didn't want to pay to ship it. I got it running and took tools and spare parts and worked on it along the road. It was a long day and I felt and looked like Lindbergh when I got there. I will never forget how nice the warm ocean felt that evening and I got to stay at their beach house.

  2. I am so glad things worked out with the carrier. I can so see myself forgetting it was there.

  3. I've been there once. It is so pretty!

    My favorite vacation story is the one where my husband was told where our cabin was. It was in the middle of no where, Craford, NE. Well we went to go to our cabin, and came across a house. We went in think it's where we needed to be. My husband went to the bathroom, and the boys ran around everywhere! Inside I was thinking, this is not it. There were herbal oils all over a table, and a check for $150. There was a bra on the step. Beds were unmade. I yell at Travis to hurry up and for the boys to come here! Travis called the people who we rented the cabin from. They said it was behind that house! We went to our cabin. Then Travis realized he left all his maps and note on the counter in that house. He had to go back and get them. I was freaking out thinking someone would come home and grab a shot gun. Seriously it was in the middle of no where, and here my husband is in their house.

  4. Thank goodness it doesn't look too badly messed up, just a dent in the corner. It DOES look like such pretty weather in these pictures. I love your picture of the boys in front of the capitol and the capitol alone.

  5. I think a lot of my stories end up on my blog eventually!

  6. We went to DC on a family vacation when I was about 7. I really, really need to go back!

  7. My senior trip when I was in high school was to Washington, DC and I have been back once since then, and it is a great place to visit. Loved your pictures. Have a good Monday.

  8. Great photos, especially of the capital and of the boys with the gnomes. The gnomes have been to DC!

    I can't think of any big mishap, but I do have a funny picture from a trip to Myrtle Beach when I was about 8. I had stubbed my toe at the pool, and then when we were on the beach, I discovered the salt water really made it hurt. In a family photo, everyone is smiling. I've got this grimace on my face. :-)

  9. beautiful photos, glad you had such great weather, oh oh for the mishap hope it is easily repaired. I once set out on a european trip without my passport or tickets didn't even realize it until two of my guardian angels raced onto the last ferry from the island and to the airport arriving just as I discovered they were not with me. ;-0

  10. That is a lot of interesting history to see. Family vacations are the best - especially the mishaps. They make such great stories to tell. ;-)

  11. I would love to go to DC. Glad you got a chance to stop there. So sorry about your carrier!

  12. You guys are always making the best of things which means you're very smart in book.

    Love the photo's. I haven't been in I was a young girl. So thanks! :)

  13. I was there many, many years ago. Should probably go again.

  14. It would be hard to pick only one area to play in this town.

  15. What great photos. My favorite vacation memories from childhood are trips to the ocean. I always took along my Thumbelina doll.

  16. Oh gosh that must have been the worst feeling. I don't fly much (once a year), but a few years ago we were flying an airline that uses ticketless travel with printout boarding passes via your computer. When the printer kicked out 4 sheets of paper that looked the same to me at a glance, I grabbed the two with our names on it (the Mrs. and I) and hopped in the car for the long drive to the airport.

    Did I feel stupid when I tried to board and all I had was the boarding pass for our connecting flights. Fortunately, they had me squared away in 5 minutes--I was sure red-faced.

  17. Oh boy! At least it sounds like everything was in working order.

    Great pictures of a great trip!

  18. When I went to DC for a conference a few years back, I talked to my husband how fun it would be to bring kids there. Someday! Your handsome trio of boys are growing up! So handsome!

  19. Woops! There goes the carrier...

    Let's see, how many times did we almost run out of gas???

    And let me tell you. I am sooooo ready for a vacation!

  20. Wow what a crazy story! I'm glad everything worked out for the trip. The architecture is really gorgeous! I've never been to DC but it's on my wish list. Looks like a lot of great sights to see!

  21. Great family trip! Great pics and memories!

  22. Once we went camping and I forgot to pack the can opener. This was in the day before any lids were pull-off.

  23. Man that was one nice trip though - going to Washington DC! It has been a long time since we have been camping!

  24. Love that photo of Paul -- smiling even through the crisis! :)

  25. We went to DC for one day last summer. The big kids loved it, so we need to go back for a longer visit.
    Love your pictures!

  26. Ahh, DC is a cool place to visit. Haven't been there in a couple decades. Cool photos - lucky you had the double BOB for the twins. ;)

    Haha! I once tried getting a full size van into a parking garage. Kinda scraped up the roof a bit. (Oops!)


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