Thursday, August 29, 2013

Butternut Squash Chickpea Soup - A Healthy Crockpot Recipe

I like soup year-round, but with the cooler temps that come with fall I start craving it.  I've been making this soup for almost a year now, and it's quickly become one of my favorite healthier soup options.  I clipped it from the newspaper, and made a few modifications.  I especially love that it is crockpot friendly (although I have made it on the stovetop before too). 

1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 - 2 1/2 lbs. butternut squash, peeled and cut into chunks
1 15 oz. can diced tomatoes, drained
1 16 oz. can chickpeas, rinsed
1/2 tsp. coarse salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
5 cups water
2 chicken boullion cubes
2 tbsp. butter

In a slow cooker, combine onions, garlic, squash, tomatoes, chickpeas, salt, and pepper.  Add boullion and water.  Cover and cook on high 4 hours OR on low 8 hours until squash is very soft and falling apart.  Use a potato masher to further mush up chunks and get a thick soup consistency.  Add butter, serve hot.  Makes about 6 servings, for 175 calories per serving.

This soup goes wonderfully with a crusty loaf of bread and a fresh side salad.  Enjoy it!

Readers, what is your favorite soup?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

We have a few butternut in the garden, already baked one. They used to have a similar soup at Edible Vibe that was very good. I don't think about putting squash in soup, maybe this fall as I am growing rutabagas and plan on making some different soups.

Anonymous said...

I love homemade vegetable soup. Your soup looks wonderful. I am going to pin it.

Nancy said...

That looks really good Lisa, but with the temps in the 100s this week, I'll save this recipe for later on this year. :)

Sandra said...

I always start pulling out the soup recipes the minute fall weather hits :)
Never tried a recipe with squash...looks like a must try!

Monkeywrangler said...

My favorite soups are listed below.

French Onion
Plaza III Steak Soup
Potato Soup
Ham and Navy Bean Soup
Vegetable Beef Soup
Amish Chilly Day Soup

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! And easy and that's the part I like best.

mail4rosey said...

I bet I'd like this, butternut squash is one of my faves.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Favorite soup? Wow--there are so many! Right now, I need fiber so my favorites are Campbell's Beans and Ham AND Progresso's Tuscany. BUT--my favorite home-made soups are Taco Soup and Baked Potato Soup.

But--your Squash Chickpea Soup sounds WONDERFUL. We love soup here in our family.


Sally said...

Looks so good. I'm going to write this one down. About the only soups I've made are homemade vegetable (which Hunter loves) and chicken noddle.

Thanks for sharing, Lisa.


Harry Flashman said...

My wife and I make crockpot meals every weekend, so we don't have to do a lot of cleaning up and cooking. My favorite is chili, which I suppose really isn't a soup. It's still good though!

GardenOfDaisies said...

This looks/sounds really good, Lisa! I love cooking soups, especially in the fall and winter, although using the crockpot does help keep the house cool in the summer, too. We are having a heat wave right now, so I'll probably wait a couple of weeks before I give it a try.
My favorite kind of soup is what my Mom used to call "refrigerator soup". She would dump all the little bits of leftovers from the past week into a big pot, a few fresh chopped veggies and some water, pop the lid on it and let it simmer away for several hours on the stove. My best friend in high school used to beg to be invited for dinner on the nights my mom made refrigerator soup.
My other favorite soup is turkey and rice, which I make every year with the bones from our Thanksgiving turkey. Once again, I learned how to do this by watching my Mom.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We adore soup! Phil loves black bean and chicken noodle. He eats a bowl of soup every night for his bedtime snack.

Mary said...

Gosh yummy! I will have to try!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Yummy! We are getting in lots of butternut squash right now, so this recipe is perfect for me. I do love soup in the fall. One pot meals are the best in my book :)

Eat To Live said...

Mmmmm this sounds really good. I love butternut squash almost any way you can make it.

LisaS said...

Have never used a crockpot for soups...I think I am going to try this one when the weather cools down a little ;)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This looks yummy! My favorite is potato. A local restaurant recently had some baked potato soup--really good.

simply bev said...

I love anything butternut. Thanks for this recipe! I'll be trying it out as soon as the temperatures begin to drop. Looks like a perfect fall soup.

Out on the prairie said...

A nice combo of flavors

Grandma Bonnie said...

Your soup looks great. The recipe sounds fairly easy. I will have to try it. I think the chick peas would give it that little extra something. My favorite soup is cheddar broccoli soup.

Willow said...

Lisa ,
This does look delicious ! I can"t wait to try it.

An Apel a Day said...

I should try that! That's another thing we grow - beans. Great white northern beans. I wounder if I could replace them with chick peas?

born imaginative. said...

Great way to up the protein. Never thought of adding chickpeas.