Friday, August 9, 2013

Funny Kids

1.  Cort is a funny kid.  He's always dressing himself up and making us laugh.  This is a picture of him walking the streets of downtown Lincoln, sporting his Native American pouch, his lion face (which he insisted I paint for him at the Children's Museum), and carrying a pirate umbrella he picked out at the gift shop.  Our other two boys looked completely normal...and then there was Cort.
2.  I taught Pierce how to play Mad Libs during our long car ride back from Nebraska.  He LOVED it.  And I loved that he was learning to distinguish between verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns. 

3.  On our trip, Reid saw Pierce writing postcards and immediately he wanted to send postcards too.  Reid doesn't write yet (other than his name) but he sent off two postcards anyhow, with pictures he drew on them and his name.  They were kind of cute.

4.  I ran 22 miles in Nebraska on gravel roads (broken into 4 runs), swatting at these nasty biting flies the whole way.  On one of my runs, a young sweet brown dog adopted me.  She ran with me the whole way.  I hope she made it home alright afterwards.

5.  One day we went wading in the Platte River which is muddy and flat and spread out.  Somehow, Pierce discovered a matchbox truck buried in the muck.  It is now his most treasured possession.

Found any treasures lately, readers?

Linked to A Rural Journal for Random Friday.


Cat said...

1-If Pierce can distinguish parts of speech now, he is ready to play Coffee Pot.
2-Love this picture of Cort so much!
I'm going to ask Reid to send me a 3-post card.
4-Is running on gravel hard on your feet?
5-You paint excellent lion faces.

Karen said...

You're doing such great things with your boys, Lisa.. a great way for them to grow up.

I remember Mad Libs well.. I don't think I ever laughed harder than when we would sit together as kids in the neighborhood and put those together.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Treasures yes this one(your post) your kids are so different and I love hearing about thier days. Individuality is key in this world and your kids have there own style and that is awesome.
Yeah on the run. B

andy said...

Great look !!!! Have a wonderful weekend !

Anonymous said...

Be thankful for a funny kid. I hope he stays that way and continues to bring a smile to those around him.

Yay, Nebraska. Hope you enjoyed your visit to the Cornhusker State, minus the bad flies.

Out on the prairie said...

Great time, there are 2 others with the same name as me in Lincoln.I found an army man on the beach in Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

I love the Pierce found a treasure in the muck. You had such a wonderful trip.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

If all parents spent time with children like you do! We spent a lot of time with our daughter, it makes a difference. Your work doesn't go unrecognized by his teachers.

Harry Flashman said...

Children are a lot of fun at that age. Mine are grown up now, and living their own lives. You don't have them for long.

We have lost two ladies here who were out running along the road and disappeared. Be careful doing that.

An Apel a Day said...

You were 45 minutes from me. :)

Your Cort sounds like my son Mica. Mica's 8 and still dresses up.

You did a great job on the face painting!

That's cool the dog ran with you.

The hidden treasure car would be Isaak's type of thing. He finds stuff everywhere. Trash is turned to treasure from him.

Sally said...

Love reading these adventures, Lisa!

Great photo of Cort! Good job on the face painting. It's amazing how different siblings are, and fun to watch.

Good for you running 22 miles; awesome!

Learned yesterday Britt is having a BOY due Christmas Eve. Will be interesting in seeing the girls relate! :)

Have a great weekend.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love it - that you found a new doggie friend. i bet she thought you need a buddy for a moment or two. oh those precious moments in our lives. so perfect. ( :

Sharon Wagner said...

I love buried treasure myself!

Tanya Breese said...

love number 1, what an individual! did you say you painted his face? wow!! you are talented!

Lynn said...

oh goodness that is a cute photo of Curt, a star in the making! It is great that Pierce is so willing learn..and that Reid likes to copy his big brother, your three sound so adorable!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your boys are so sweet! I love the lion face--you did a great job! Cort looks like he has a lot of interests--animals, pirates, Native Americans . . .
Anyone who got postcards from Pierce or Reid received a treasure for sure. :-)
What is Mad Libs?

Mary said...

Cort is very creative, and that's awesome. Plus he looks adorable in this photo!

Those sound like the awful black flies in Nebraska. Ick!

Sue Frelick said...

I love the photograph of your lion-hearted-boy. :-) How does one play Mad Lib? It sounds like my kind of game. Wow 22 miles a lot of running! You must be in fantastic shape.

mail4rosey said...

You did a great job on the face paint! He looks adorable. :)

Tami Von Zalez said...

Cort is a character!

Popped by from Random 5 Friday.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute.

did you stop and see nancy while in nebraska? :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Cert is a scream!! He has his own style and I get the impression he will always be fun to be around, and a very unique person! I can't run, but I'm starting P.T. next week, so that is my mention about exercise. Now, you MUST tell me about Mad Libs!! I have heard the name, but don't know anything abut them. Do you think our seven year old girls will like them?

Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K. I found some good printable Mad Libs online. You can choose from seasons and holidays. BUT how do you actually play it?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The picture made me giggle. I love how he feels free to express himself! That was really cute with the postcard, made me smile :) Have a wonderful weekend.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Cort is too cute! I love that he has his own sense of style. So sweet that you had a running partner in Nebraska :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

He will be an independent thinks of Cort. Yes, I still have the little blue duck I found walking your gravel mountain!...:)JP

Latane Barton said...

One of these years we may be seeing Cort on the big screen doing some imaginative acting. He's got a good start.

Nancy said...

Now you know what it's like to run on gravel. Not too bad, in my opinion, if you have the right shoes.

Glad you had a good vacation.

Michelle said...

Go Cort! You must be who you are in life.

MastHoliday said...

Well done, Great art, Cort! your art work looking beautiful on the face. love it.
nice post..

Valerie Boersma said...

Buttons said exactly what I was going to say-your blog is a treasure!

I think it's wonderful that you guys did so much on your trip! And what a lucky find for Pierce, too! Amy found two Polly Pocket dolls at a rest area once. She was pretty thrilled:)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well that's where the best treasures are always found- hidden in dirt or under rocks! I just adore Cort's sense of adventure- he has a creative mind.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your boy, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Gotta dig a kid who knows his own style and flair like that!
A find in a river is magical.
And how nice that you're running again.

Linda said...

Your kids are absolute treasures! So cute!

Vision By Mila said...

I guess life with kids is never boring!

Andrea said...

You painted his face? That's awesome! What a hidden talent you have. ;)

22 miles? Woman, as always, I bow down to you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, I'm back after a big birthday week. Trying to catch up a little on my blogging.

Amazing how different kids are--one from another. Cort is precious--but so are the other two....

Sounds like you had a great trip...


Michaele said...

You were in Nebraska!?! You ran 22 miles in Nebraska?! Hope we all treated you well on you visit : )

Eat To Live said...

Cool find for Pierce. Always nice to find a treasure. I haven't found any lately.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That picture is too cute!
Your boys sound like awesome kids!