Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Indiana Dunes State Park Trail #9

The first time I headed to Indiana Dunes State Park, a friend of mine told me to be sure to hike Trail #9.  Let me show you what makes it so great.  You start off in the woods along a sandy path.  There are ferns and wildflowers growing everywhere.  We also saw blueberries and raspberries.

After a while, you take a turn up a hill of sand, and emerge on top of sand dunes overlooking Lake Michigan.

The views are incredible.  On a clear day you can see Chicago.  On this day, Chicago was very hazy in the distance, so I couldn't really capture it on film.

The boys had a grand time climbing the dunes.  Since we were out early, there weren't any others around and we had the place to ourselves. 
I don't know if I'll get to return to Indiana Dunes state park, but if I do, you can be sure to find me on Trail #9. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Looks like the boys really enjoyed the hike.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

The boys must have loved all of that sand and probably brought some home with them.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful trail! Climbing the dunes looks like a lot of fun.

Eat To Live said...

Is that a natural sand dunes or man made. In NC we went to this huge place that was a Natural Sand Dunes. Amazing place.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I would be on trail #9 too it is fantastic. B

andy said...

Looks like a great time !!! Have a wonderful day !

Jeanne said...

How much fun! I used to go to the dunes when I was growing up. I'll bet your boys really had fun there!

Anne Payne said...

I don't know if I'll ever get there either, but if I do, I'm definitely going on Trail #9...that is awesome!!! Love your travel posts, Lisa :)

TexWisGirl said...

great place to run free!

Lynn said...

fabulous post!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What a fun trail! I bet the views were amazing. Looks like the boys had fun getting dirty :)

Anonymous said...

So cool! Would love to pay Lake Michigan and also the Chicago area a visit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot hike and don't like it anyway, but this is one place I WOULD go and walk. It is just lovely, with the beautiful white dunes, and the lake view. You seem to never run out of fun things for the boys to do.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Trail #9 looks great! I love the photos of the boys scampering around. They are true adventurers!

Sue Frelick said...

That must have been a fabulous view! The lake is so huge it looks like the ocean.

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I'm so happy I found your blog. The Indiana Dunes State Park is one of my favorite places on earth. When I was a kid I used to be able to walk there from my house. Looks like your boys had an awesome time.

Sally said...


Beautiful photo's, and you know I always love seeing pics of the cutie's. Pierce looks plum worn out in the one! And, I loved that dirty little face! :)

Jill said...

Lovely! Looks like so much fun!

Michelle said...

Love those dunes. Looks like the boys did too!

mail4rosey said...

You got the kids in motion for a lot of these, that's awesome!

Willow said...

Great little hikers you had as companions :)

born imaginative. said...

Simple times with family...my favorites. I love a little one running down a trail. :)

Linda said...

Looks wonderful! I think I was there as a small child.

Unknown said...

This is an amazing destination I have taken note of, Lisa. Thanks for sharing!!!

Liz Mays said...

It's beautiful there, isn't it? You were near my hometown area which is also on Lake Michigan. :)

Angie said...

Climbing the sand dunes at Indiana Dunes is on my bucket list!

Valerie Boersma said...

I'd love trail #9 too! I miss good hiking trails. There aren't any close to us now, but when we lived in Oregon they were plentiful.

Great photos Lisa!