Friday, August 2, 2013

Is that a Church?

1.  Driving across the state of Iowa on I-80, I was really tired of looking at corn.  So I was happy to see this interesting structure in the distance.  I asked Paul, 'What is that?'.  He said, 'A church.'.  He was wrong.  Do you have any ideas?

2.  It turned out it was a rest area.  That's right!  Surprised?  It took me a minute to realize that the spike from the ground was actually a piece from one of these:

3.  We don't have wind turbines in Virginia, and they are so huge and looming and everywhere in Iowa.  Kind of felt like tall thin aliens, gazing down at me. 
4.  When I was traveling in the Midwest, I missed iced tea terribly.  I make mine at home unsweetened, and add a little Stevia to my individual glass.  During the days that temps hit the mid 90s I craved it. 
5.  I hope you all are not getting bored with all my travel posts.  Because I still have a long ways to go!  We were gone for almost 2 weeks, which is the longest we've ever been away.  I worried some about our dog, who hates when we are gone.  He was in good hands, with the neighbors, but he misses his boys.
Linked with Random Friday from A Rural Journal


  1. My daughter drove back and forth to Colorado this summer and the wind turbines were the only thing that kept her from going crazy or falling asleep from the monotony of CORN.

  2. That's certainly original! I never would have guessed it. And, I had no idea they were that huge (tall).

  3. I should have brought Scooter to our house.

  4. That must have been a neat but long trip for the boys but good for them to get out and see things. The teachers start back to school on Monday, it seems so early.

  5. The make those wind turbines not far from where we live, so we see them frequently, being hauled on flatbed trucks, on the interstate highway.

    We also have been thru the Smoky Hill wind farm in Kansas. We all thought that was cool!

  6. Never get tired of vacation photos it is like a mini vacation for me in my kitchen:)
    We have lots of wind turbines along Lake Ontario around here, I love the look of them.
    I am sure your dogs are fine.
    Iced tea addiction withdrawal is hard:) B

  7. The turbines are popping up in places in Michigan. There is some controversy about it.
    I don't think I would be happy if they were in my backyard either.

  8. glad you had a fun trip. those are so funny shots. glad you figured out what they were. ( :

  9. Hi new friend....enjoyed your blog this morning. I have never seen a wind turbine in person! I guess I need to take a trip...yours sounds like fun.

  10. I LOVE your travel posts! Our country is fascinating and it is always enjoyable to see it through another's eyes. Keep on posting on :) We don't have wind turbines like those here. Just your ordinary windmills, but they are still pretty awesome.

  11. Wind farms are really cool, we saw several really HUGE ones out in California. We used to travel 3 wks at a time when we camped, it was awesome, loved being away that long. I find the first week you just start to relax and then the vacation is over, but hubbies job's not as flexible as it used to be.

    Travel safe, have fun and enjoy.
    Sandy for Random 5 Friday

  12. never get tired of other peoples travel photos, it is like being an arm chair traveller.

  13. I love when people take me on trips with them ...gets me out if the house ;)

  14. I grew up in Iowa. Very flat, hence very windy so a great place for those turbines. LOTS of corn and soooo boring of a state. I hope you just drove very fast and got through it... LOL

  15. I enjoy seeing your trip photos ... sort of armchair traveling! Aren't the turbines something?!!! Aliens is right! I understand missing your iced tea. Don't think I could live without it!

  16. Wow. We don't have those in FL either. Very interesting. So funny about being tired of seeing corn! :)

    Gotta have iced tea here though too!

    I'll never get tired of your trip, keep it up. :)


  17. Enjoying your travels. I wouldnt have known what that was if you hadnt told us, as we dont have them in Tennessee either.

  18. Watch out skydivers. That steeple looks deadly!

  19. I love your travel posts! Keep going and going! :)

    I love iced tea too. I drink it every day. Even in winter.

  20. I love to see turbines...much better than the steam plume from the local coal fired plant here...I can see it from 10 miles away! Ugh

  21. Those wind turbines completely creep me out. I hate them!

  22. that first shot is SO cool! totally faked me out, too! :)

    midwestern folks don't drink iced tea, that's for sure. and don't ever order it in a restaurant - you'll get the instant kind. yuck!

  23. I enjoy reading about your traveling adventures !

    I have never seen a wind turbine. They were not in Ohio on 80s. They do look alien.

    I like my iced tea unsweetened too.

  24. Your vacation looks like you had an amazing time. It's pretty cool that you figured out what that giant spike was. I think I'd still be scratching my head.

  25. Those things fascinate me. It's amazing when there's a ton of them around. Wonder what the stats are on success vs. potential problems. Really, I don't side either way and just wonder. :)

    Happy traveling.

  26. I could never get bored with your trip! Something new, different, and interesting each day!!! The first picture really had me puzzled and I had to guess a bit before going on.

  27. The first photo tricked me! I'm enjoying your travels. :)

  28. I would have guessed it was a church, too! Crazy. We definitely like our iced tea around here :) I usually have a big pitcher of sweet tea in the fridge.

  29. Wow - I have missed a lot! That is a long time to be away, especially if you have animals. So glad for you. We have lots of windmills here too. I like them.

  30. I think I would have been stumped - it's a very cool shot!

  31. Wind farms are everywhere around here. Years ago, Stuart and Amy and I got to sign our names on one of those blades and I was in awe of how huge it was!

    I'll never get tired of your travel posts:)

  32. I like wind farms...we got stopped for construction right beside one, and it was kind of eerie to sit and watch them turn so slowly. Saw several fins (or whatever they are called) being pulled behind 18 wheelers out there too.

  33. I never get tired of your travel posts. I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful vacation...

    When we were in Kansas, we passed about 3 huge trucks carrying the parts to one of those turbines.. Those things really are HUGE...


  34. I would have never guessed what it was! It's actually really cool!

  35. Living in a place where the wind (almost) always blows, we're getting accustomed to those wind things in our part of Canada. We've even going one on top of our mountain of garbage. Yup; that's for real. (Bear shakes his head with puzzlement.)

    But I don't think they would put something like that as close to civilization as it appears. Those things are huge, and potentially dangerous to human life and limb.

    But what does a Bear really know?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  36. Our friendly state to the east is very progressive when it comes to wind energy. Nebraska? Not so much.

  37. I am so proud of myself.... before I scrolled down to the reveal I had guessed what it was. And, heaven only knows I've only seen a couple of these in my entire life. Wow.

  38. We have wind turbines here in CA but seeing it on the ground like that does give it a different perspective!

  39. I used to travel across Iowa twice a year - along with my best companion in the world, Bud the Border Collie. The new highway was being built - so part was stellar & zippidy and part was still rural type - slowish for caution . . . we never minded so much because - besides all the corn . . there were interesting things to get excited about - and bark about - you know - there were the "regular" things - cows, sheep - sometimes ducks . . BUT, there were cool surprises - like ostrich farms. The rest stops in Iowa could win awards . . and a friendly pupster could always convince someone to throw his soft Frisbee - we could stretch, have a nibble & sip - then - on our way to Minnesota . . . . or - home again . . . either way - Iowa is a good place to pass through - especially with a border collie. (grin)

  40. Well thats a pretty cool way to recycle.

  41. I hate those things on the horizon. If you go by at night, they all have a light on them and they blink in unison--it looks horrible.

  42. I've been there! It's pretty cool to look at all of them.


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