Friday, August 30, 2013

Side by Side - Random Friday

1.  It didn't matter where we were.  Every time I took a picture of the twins, they were side by side, playing.  They really put their bucket of pirates to good use on our trip.  I am fascinated by how much their bond has deepened this summer.

2.  During our trip I passed through the territory of so many blogging friends.  I was disappointed that I didn't have time for any meet ups.  It's hard when you are covering so much distance in such a short amount of time.
3.  These pictures were taken at our campsite at Natural Bridge in Kentucky.  While it rained both of the nights we were there, our tent held strong and did not leak.  And -- even better -- the weather was nice during the day!  We really lucked out.

4.  While we were gone, my garden was completely overtaken by weeds.  Deluges of rain wiped out parts of it.  I came back and my rows of onions and potatoes had both completely disappeared.  My broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts were demolished by bugs.  Aside from tomatoes, kale, beets, and carrots, my garden was pretty much a lost cause. 

5.  I had planned to start a new spot for some fall crops, but our tiller, which was in the shop for over a month, wasn't fixed in time.  I did manage to plant some kale, lettuce, and spinach.  I hope 2014 turns out to be a better gardening year for me.

Readers, do you have any fall garden plans? 

Linked with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal


  1. I gleaned some rye seed from the farmer's field as he just let it rot so I took some. Anyway I am going to plant that in my unused area of the garden this fall and have a winter cover to help with excess rain. I can plow it under as a green manure crop in the spring. Just an experiment.

  2. Oh Lisa the garden sacrifice was worth it look at those happy boys:) B

  3. Sorry to hear about your garden. I heard a lot of people have not had a good year. We just planted tomatoes and peppers and are still waiting on tomatoes....
    I do have some seeds of lettuce and spinach I thought of planting today! I have never tried a fall garden, we'll see how it works out!

  4. A bucket of pirates sounds like a wonderful fun!

  5. sounds like your trip went well. fun photos of the twins -- too cute! i didn't plant anything this year except for zinnias. i usually plant at the very least green beans and tomatoes. not this year. guess i decided it would be too hot! ;) i will probably plant some lettuce and spinach for the fall.

  6. I'm so glad y'all had a fun time camping! Makes for great memories. I've never planted a fall garden. I hope your garden produces some awesome bounty :)

  7. Grass...that's all I am planting this fall. Grass. Trying to regrow the back yard, devastated by the drought and the dogs.

  8. We have two grandsons in Arizona... not twins, but only 13 months apart in age and they have bonded nearly like twins. Their mom wanted to have her children very close in age so they would grow together and be best friends and that' pretty much what is happening with them.

    I've heard that the bond of twins is unbreakable. So glad your twins are developing in this way.

    Sorry about your garden this year. How awful to have lost so much of it... it's just been a really bad summer for gardens unfortunately. We can always hope for next year, right?

  9. What are those stories about ghost pirate ships that appear and disappear at unusual moments?? maybe there are matching garden stories . . . If not - you have just created one . . yes?

    Hey! You share online with all of us . . No need to stop and lunch with everyone around the nation . . . gadzooks, a girl can handle only so much peanut butter . . (giggle)

  10. Such sweet photos of the twins. Sorry about your garden but I'm happy you guys enjoyed so many wonderful sites on your trip.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. Your twins are adorable! Sorry about your garden. I managed to do well with one cucumber plant..and that was it. My tomato plant is just now putting out blooms but it's much too late. No fall crops for me.

  12. Made me think of my girls collecting bottle caps and drawing a checker board in the dirt to play with them.

  13. I would imagine the life of twins is very special, the connection very strong. Lucky you to witness this as your children grow.

    We are going to put our garden to bed as soon as the tomatoes are done. We're

  14. The boys are so sweet, lost in their play together. How wonderful that they share a strong bond! My best friends growing up were twins, and they were so close (still are) and understand each other so well.

    I'm sorry about your garden. This has been a strange year weather-wise, hasn't it? I don't think we'll get any fall crops in. Larry is still working on the raised bed. He has some of the wire around it and now needs to put the gates on it. Then we can put in the dirt. I'm wondering about planting a "cover" crop over the winter to add to the soil?

  15. It must be such a wonderful journey having your twins and watching them become closer. My oldest brother and I were only 11 months apart; he was my first best friend. :)

    I'm sorry about the garden woes, but at least you didn't lose all of it.

    Have a great weekend, Lisa with all your boys. :)

  16. I would love to learn about gardening. I just retired so I have time to learn new things. So sorry to hear about your garden loss this year. Hopefully next year will be better!

  17. That is so sweet that the twins bonded so much over the summer. So sorry about your garden! That would be very disheartening.

  18. We typically grow potatoes, oregano, basil, tomatoes and squash. For a city we have a big yard.

    We like to start growing cucumber and zucchini.

    That's sweet that your twins are bonding! Their photos are really cute!

    I know what you mean about not being able to see people. We pass by Kansas City sometimes to see Travis' parents. We have friends that live in Kansas City. We can't see them every time. Some year we want to go there and see no one. Then we can get a lot of family time in. Then I feel like I can't blog about it. Whenever they come to Omaha they stay with us. Some of them read my blog. It's hard if we just want to go down for the day to see them and go places.

  19. We stayed at the Natural Bridge years ago and it was beautiful. Sounds like you enjoyed your trip.

  20. You were so close to me! I live about an hour from Natural Bridge. We love it there. Did you all ride the Sky Lift?

  21. Lisa: For 9 months now, whenever Icall my Mom up North it's always: "We have had so much rain". You'd think she was living in Seattle! It would be interesting to sit down with a meteorologist and chat about this year's weather. We're still in the triple-digits here in the desert. I got a kick out of the twins' wardrobe! Have met 8 bloggers while on the road for coffee--some twice! Have a fun weekend, Lisa! :)

  22. It's difficult to get away when you have so many responsibilities at home -- but I've so enjoyed your vacation posts. I only had 4 tomato plants this year and not one tomato has ripened. Blah!

  23. How sweet are your boys? Twins are fascinating to me....they really do have such a TIGHT bond.
    I just added another raised bed to my garden. Last year I didn't do so good...hoping for a stellar year though. My gardening season is different than yours though: I can't put anything in the ground until late September. (crossing my fingers that it cools off sooner though!)

  24. No fall garden plans. My summer garden was overtaken by weeds also.

  25. Spinach, peas, lettuce...
    love how your boys play together so well.

  26. Lisa, I want a bucket of pirates!

    This summer it was so hot here, and I didn't want to leave my garden because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find a way to water it-and in the end, I decided that I really wanted to go to the beach for a few days and that the garden would just have to manage;) It survived for the most part-with the exception of some less heat tolerant plants. I'm hoping for cooler weather next summer.

    I apologize for being so bad about commenting-I'm hoping that as soon as Amy gets into her routine, I'll get into mine too and I won't feel so depressed. I don't like the end of summer. It always makes me feel sad, but this year is worse.

    I promise to send a nice long convo soon too:)

  27. My reader shows a post about a pool? Maybe that will be Monday.

    I hope you are all enjoying the weekend, and have good weather. :)


  28. I am glad you had a nice trip and that they boys are so close - it is nice to have a brother. And I am so sorry about your garden...

  29. The kids are so cute playing together.
    When we went on vacation, my squash grew so big that it killed the plants.

  30. Too bad about the garden. We had an unusually wet August. The grass is still bright green.

  31. They are so cute!

    Even though your garden wasn't as grand as you wanted it to be, you still did great growing and harvesting what you did for your family. :)

  32. They are just too darn cute for words!! Lucky to have you, lucky to have each other!!


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