Monday, August 12, 2013

The Best Barn Ever

I can't begin to tell you how much fun my boys had exploring my inlaws' barn.  You can't blame them, as it is absolutely fantastic.  Built in 1900, it has stalls for 22 horses.  My father-in-law has done the most amazing job keeping it in pristine condition - no small task considering that roof!

The boys all loved how there is a secret nail installed that will open and shut the big barn door. 

Inside, a long aisle is lined with the original wooden wide planked floor boards.  It isn't hard to imagine the flicks of horses' tails, and the stomping of hooves.

The stalls are still ready to host equines, with feed buckets in the corners.  Did this one house a dappled gray?

On the walls there hang a few vintage bits, an old rope twitch, and some harnesses.  And up in the rafters, you'll find this old dump truck, filled with bird nests.  I'm not sure how Paul's old dump truck got so high up...

If you climb the stairs up, you'll find rafters and open space - room for loads and loads of hay. 

I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a prettier barn anywhere.  It certainly spoke to my imagination!

This post linked with Barn Charm Monday


Sunnybrook Farm said...

Wow, that is in good shape, the roof looked so good, I am used to looking at falling down barns here.

Angelwithatwist said...

Living in KY I often want to go digging in old barns around here. Not only home for animals many because storage areas for family memories and the like. Being a state with an affinity for horses I have seen barns that were better than many houses complete with central heat and air.

Anonymous said...

I love this barn. Great photos, Lisa.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now I understand why you and Paul love horses and heights so!!!!!....:)JP

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

WOW~ just WOW!

Eat To Live said...

That is a beautiful barn. You should put it on the Blog Hop called Barn Charm.

Anonymous said...

It is really wonderful. He has done a wonderful job keeping it in shape.

Sandra said...

I love wood barns!
This is a beauty. Who wouldn't love hanging out there :)

andy said...

What a wonderful barn !!!!! Have a wonderful start to your week!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful barn :) Have a great week!

Jeanne said...

This is a great barn! Thanks for sharing this!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well the title does say it all. Amazing barn I wish I could explore it. Keeping up a roof like that is an amazing feat in itself I bet your FIL does have or needs a ladder I know that one from experience:) B

Melanie said...

That is an awesome barn! It is just beautiful. Wow!!!

TexWisGirl said...

wow. just wow. i'd live in it...

Liz Mays said...

That is fantastic, and you get to visit it whenever you want. What a wonderful thing for those kids!

Paul Workman said...

And it's for sale! My parents are retired and ready to pass this property on to the next family to love.

Monkeywrangler said...

Lovely!@ I have never seen an old barn that empty and in that good a condition. What does he use it for?

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a fantastic barn! I'd love to explore that myself. :-) I bet it was a great place to play in and hide in as a child.

Anne Payne said...

You are right, Lisa! It is the prettiest and coolest barn...EVER!!! What stories it could tell :)

Lynn said...

This is a beautiful barn, anyone could live in it! Your FIL has done a spectacular job...really I wish my home looked as good, inside and out!

An Apel a Day said...

That is pretty! Some people are turning old barns into homes.

That truck made me smile.

Karen Lakis said...

Most definitely - a very beautiful barn!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love barns and this is definitely the finest I have ever seen. Absolutely gorgeous!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That's a beauty!

I Am Woody said...

Oh my!! That barn is beautiful!! My dad's cousin still runs the family dairy farm that was started by my great-great-grandfather. And they still use the original barn...although it isn't as pretty as yours. And it smells a whole lot worse, I'm sure!!

Sally said...

Now, that is one fancy barn. I love it! Great photo's, Lisa and I too wonder how Paul's little truck made it up there. :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh Lisa, it's a real beauty! No kidding, best barn ever! How lucky you are to have this in your family.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! When I was a wee thing we lived on the farm that had previously farmed by my grandfather and still belonged to him. The barn had a hay mow and I can still remember playing in the bales of hay up there. Awesome memories.

Sandra Orchard said...

Wow, your f-i-l has done an amazing job with it! I'd be tempted to add a bail of fresh hay and a small (very small) pile of horse manure to add just the right fragrance for the ambiance. ;)

Grandma Bonnie said...

That is such a beautiful barn. I love the smell of hay in the barn and listening to the animals in the early morning waiting to be let out.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH, you are right!! This IS the best barn ever!!! And it is in such great shape!! What is the roof made out of? Do they live very far away?

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, this is just gorgeous! This is exactly what I think of when I imagine my dream barn :)

mail4rosey said...

It is a pretty gorgeous barn!

Karen said...

What a beautiful barn, just awesome!!...

LisaS said...

That is a beautiful barn! I remember exploring my Uncle's barn as a child... it was awesome !

Rose said...

I know I would sure have fun exploring this is such a beauty!

Michelle said...

That is a special barn.

Lin said...

Oh WOW! That is in pristine condition!! And so clean!! Was there even a cob web anywhere???

Marie said...

It's beautiful!!! How cool for your boys to play there. :)

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Wow! That is a dandy! Twyla

Elaine said...

What an absolutely exquisite barn! It's wonderful to see an old beauty so well cared for.

Kaya said...

Barn is so lovely. I wish I could find such a charming barn!

Renegades said...

That barn is awesome!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It is beautiful!

Dianna said...

Oh, my! What a lovely place!


Joe said...

That is an awesome barn. Glad to see some people still take care of their old barns.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow! This one is a beauty! Love those large cupolas, too.

Linda said...

Wow! That is a wonderful barn!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous building.

Beth said...

Fantastic barn! How wonderful that it's a part of your extended family! Thanks for giving us the tour inside--that's always a treat.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is gorgeous!!! What a treasure to have for the family; love it.

Sharon Wagner said...

Wow! 50 comments. Well, that barn is cool. I saw a few nice ones on my rural travels this weekend. But not on my farm. It burned down years ago.

Mari said...

It's a gorgeous barn! Nice shots!

Nancy said...

It almost looks like a church with those beautiful cuppolas.

born imaginative. said...

That barn is FANTASTIC! I'm thinking of what fun parties could be in there. And what animals could fill it up!

Sue Frelick said...

This barn is fantastic! I think it's big enough to hold a village exhibition. I could imagine the tails swishing at flies (that was a nice bit of imagery you added ;-).

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. I love barns. I'm pinning this.

ytsmom said...

There is a Facebook page called Nebraska Barns. Not sure if this barn is on it, but it would be great if you could add one of your pictures! I love to see all of the pictures of barns, some in not great shape. This barn is FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing.