Monday, September 16, 2013

Butterfly Garden in Center in the Square

When we took the boys to the newly reopened Science Museum, we were excited to check out the new butterfly garden. 

We weren't disappointed.  It was so beautiful inside.  And butterflies were everywhere! 

The boys kept wanting the butterflies to land on their hands, but they didn't have much luck. 

I had one land on my purse though.  And then one landed on my hand.  Only it was on my right hand, so I couldn't get any pictures of it!

After the butterflies, we headed up to the roof to see the outdoor gardens. 

The boys really loved the coy pond.

And it had an excellent view of Roanoke on a rather gloomy day.  What a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
Readers, have you seen any good views lately?


  1. Looks like some lovely butterflies in the garden. always love seeing what you are up to with your cute little guys!

  2. That looks like a good place to take kids. We went to a butterfly garden in Danville when our daughter was little. This was a good summer for butterflies around here but they have mostly disappeared.

  3. We got to see turtles swimming through lily pads at our science center on Saturday. I love your pictures.

  4. Oh now that is a wonderful view I have never seen Coy or a butterfly sanctuary. Great shots. I see a great view every morning I am truly lucky, outside my window. B

  5. Oh my! The Taubman Museum looks so out of place with all that wonderful old historic architechture, doesn't it?
    Another wonderful outing. Your boys are so blessed to have such a fun mama.

  6. looks like fun & i love those butterflies. ( :

  7. I love the diversity that is taking place in downtown Roanoke. The City Market, with old and new vendors hawking their wares, the look of the Taubman, the old church, and now this updated Center on the Square science museum. It's all just PERFECT! Hope people with take the time to see all of this when visiting our fair city. XOX

  8. Looks like the boys were having such fun. Such a good mom you are and such sweet boys. Now yes I want to say ~aww :)

  9. i've always wanted a koi pond - but the herons and egrets here would have a field day!

  10. Nice photos!
    We always enjoy butterfly houses.

  11. I know where I need to go! Those photos are lovely. So glad the boys enjoyed it, too.

  12. I bet it felt magical to be there with all the butterflies.

  13. it is so cool that Roanoke has not one high rise, it would be pretty cool if it stayed this way...I love butterfly farms.

  14. What a great mother you are! Your sons are getting such an education --because you are taking them to so many great places... Beautiful Butterfly Gardens and I love the roof one....

    I love ANY view from the top of a mountain --looking down at the valley below.


  15. I have always wanted to visit a butterfly garden. I have not really had the opportunity though. I can see why your boys would enjoy seeing the butterflies. My grandchildren are always chasing them in our yard during the summer. I have to remind them to not handle them or they might hurt them. Hope you have a great week.

  16. The red butterfly trimmed in white is so unusual! Love those butterfly gardens, but they are usually too humid for me to last long. Your inquisitive little boys are precious as usual. :)

  17. Sounds like such a fun outing! Love the patterns on the butterflies, and I'm sure the boys must've enjoyed themselves:)

  18. perfect Saturday afternoon! butterflies are so lovely. :) love the view of Roanoke, it looks really pretty!

  19. That is a nice way to time, and the pics are awesome. I cannot remember the last time I saw a beautiful butterfly in person.

  20. So cool! I've always wanted to go to a place like this. Your photos of the butterflies are really great!

  21. Is this near downtown? Is it only for kids? I imagine the butterfly garden will soon be gone now, if it isn't already. How wonderful. My favorite is the butterfly with all the white around his wng border, I have not seen one like him before.

  22. That Butterfly Garden sounds wonderful. Looks like the boys had fun!

  23. I love to play around butterflies like this. You have a Monarch and Mourning Cloak.

  24. I never tire of seeing butterflies and that city view is GORGEOUS!!!
    Today, I viewed my work computer TOO much. :9

  25. I would have loved to be along on this trip. Beautiful photos.

  26. Ah! Beautiful captures of the butterflies! They look so beautiful! And the scene from the top looks very nice too, though the weather seems disgusting. We are celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi here in Mumbai and everyone is in celebratory mood here :)

  27. I've never had a butterfly light on me like that. You must have a certain something about you!

  28. The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga has a butterfly garden. At the very top of the aquarium they have recreated an Appalachian forest. The butterflies were a big hit with my kids when they were little.

  29. love the photos from the roof top! we haven't seen this yet, gotta make a point to before it gets cold!

  30. Recently I've visited an ocean look-off (it's close to where I live) and the lovely peaceful pastures on the farm where my grass fed beef is raised.


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