Thursday, September 26, 2013

Civil War Days

I have lived most of my life in Virginia.  There are a LOT of Civil War reenactments in this state.  It's kind of weird I never went to one before.  Recently Civil War Days was going on, and as it wasn't too far from us, we decided to check it out.
 There were tents set up with various wares for purchase; we walked through but didn't buy anything.
 I was surprised by how expensive this hobby is.  Apparently just for a soldier to purchase the uniform and musket, it runs upwards of $1000.  Of course if they want an outfitted horse, it would cost even more.
 The boys weren't crazy about all the shooting; even though we'd told them they were blanks they still worried someone would be killed.

 The cannons were particularly loud.  There was one that could shoot smoke rings - check out the picture below.
Overall, it was an interesting and educational experience, but when it comes down to it, Civil War reenactments are kind of like Nascar to me - they just aren't my thing.
I think I'm more of the "visit the battlefield and walk through the museum looking at artifacts" type.  How about you, readers?  Would you like a Civil War reenactment? 


  1. We went to that a couple years ago and found it interesting but I had to chuckle at how old and well fed the soldiers were.

  2. I have friend who's husband is Abe Lincoln :)
    My husband is the History Buff! He loves all of that stuff!

  3. It is a guy thing more, I have never seen one live either

  4. i really enjoyed the one we went to years back - we had friends that were within the show. the Robert E. Lee actor was almost a twin it was super cool. ( :

  5. My kids would love it. DD1 would be flitting from horse to horse, in love. DS1 would be all over the soldiers, and the cannons and the muskets and rifles. DD2 would hang with her brother for some of it,check out the horses, and then chase bugs in the fields.

  6. I should, since I am fascinated with genealogy and history...but I'm really not much into watching it be recreated. Now I would love to see the museum, the artifacts, the photos...that would be a fun day.

  7. I don't like war. For many reason, I absolutely hate that word. I love live in peace and brotherhood. So sweet... A civil war reenactment... no... I don't like! It's remind me to the colonialism period in my country. No...

  8. Nice photos. I attended one reenactment at Kennesaw Battlefield. Not exactly my thing either. I marvel at the actors wearing wool in the hot summer!

  9. How fun! A great way to learn about history.

  10. It went to several when I was younger. I think my son would be worried about all the fighting.

  11. I've never been to a reenactment, either, and I've lived in Virginia all but 5 years of my life. I don't think I would like it, either. But I do like visiting battlefields and museums. I'd like to go back to Appomattox. I live less than an hour away, but it has been years since I've been to the battleground. Have you been there?

  12. folks who do them should be commended for their diligence and attention to detail. but they are not my thing, either.

  13. No. Battle re-enactments not so much, but definitely a museum-look-at-artifacts girl. The enactments ate educational i know. But i just don't understand why some want to re-enact war. But i know we each have our own interests...

  14. My brother was a civil war reenactor for many years. In fact, if you see Dances with Wolves, in the battle scene between Union and Confederate soldiers, he was the one in the pork pie hat walking through the corn field.

    I think you have to have an emotional attachment to the history of the war to really appreciate it. My great, great grandfather was a private in company B of the 54th Georgia Infantry. He fought all through the war, was finally badly wounded by artillery fire at kennesaw, then had his hip crushed when his hospital train was derailed outside Atlanta by Federal cavalry.
    I had 17 relatives in that war, of whom only 2 survived. When I was a teacher local reenactors were a great asset during the social studies section on the War between the States.

  15. To each his/ her own. Anything with firing guns is not my thing! Reenacting a war? Why not just an open air museum with peaceful life? Linda@Wetcreek Blog (

  16. My boys would SO LOVE that kind of action. I imagine yours will, too, in about 5 years or so!

  17. You got some really good pictures, and I am glad the boys did NOT like the guns! No, since we are non-resistant and don't believe in war, these are really not my thing. But they have them everywhere around here.

  18. I'm in love with that period of history and especially the fashion, but I've never been to one either. I think I would like it. Awesome images Lisa.

  19. I like history and would love to travel east sometime.

  20. I think I'd like to see a battle enactment at least once in my lifetime!

  21. My middle son would enjoy this because he is a history buff. I myself might like the shopping part if we could afford it.

  22. No, I don't like those things. Some of those people get into it just a tad too much. They creep me out.

  23. Hi Lisa,
    Virginia is a very beautiful State with lots of History there.
    I am in awe just by looking at these historic photos that you share with us in Blogland.
    I visited Virginia a couple of times, and my daughter, 3 grandchildren and family were there last month to spend their vacation in Williamburg and Virginia Beach, Virginia.
    They really loved it.

  24. I've been to several and enjoyed them. However, at this point I don't need to see another because they are a bit repetitious. I still seek out living history events including soldiers hanging out around a campfire because they make interesting photos. It kills me when they pull out their cell phones though!

  25. Well that looked like a good one - you know we have them here in Dixie too - about a half hour from us at Kennesaw Mtn. I know you all had a great time. sandie

  26. I think I'm a mixture of the two things. I get bored with too much of either of them!

  27. I honestly just don't think I could get into them either! Looks pretty cool though. Might be something I'd want to experience at least once just to say I did!

  28. Great photos, but I wouldn't enjoy it either. I'm not one for war or shooting...unless it's a camera!
    I've read about these before and some people take it very serious. Yikes.

  29. i'm laughing at sunnybrook's comment! yeah, we've been to a few, missouri, georgia and here. we have one here in buchanan every year. we've been once. it's actually the whole weekend. saw a bit of one in gettysburg too. loved gettysburg! i also, like you, like to just tour the battle fields on our own!

  30. Lisa: You pick the most interesting places and events! I'm sure the boys loved seeing this!

  31. I would have loved going to this event. The historical dress fascinates me. I've been known to have people at museums practically undress while I check out exactly how the clothes were made. :-D


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