Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Spiders Overtake the World - Random Friday

1.  Have you ever noticed that the spiders seem to go all crazy in the Fall.  They're everywhere.  It makes running through the woods a real problem for me - as I'm always being attacked by massive spiderwebs everywhere. I caught this one in the morning sunlight on the side of our porch the other morning.
2.  Remember in high school when they would have locker clean out days, and kids would fill up trash cans with chip wrappers and piles of papers and tests from months before?  I always kept my locker neat and never had much to do on locker clean up day.  Still, it was fun because I wasn't in class and could chat with my friends while they hauled candy bar wrappers and crumpled math tests by the dozen into the trash bins.  

3.  Speaking of spiders - remember the huge one I dug up last fall when planting a mum?  Well, I don't know what happened to that mum, but it disappeared.  They're supposed to come back every year.  I am pretty sure the spider's ghost devoured the mum, in revenge. 

4.  It's that time of year when mice move into my minivan in droves.  I haven't had a problem since we got the two inside/outside cats.  Hoping they will continue to be a deterrent.

5.  Okay, confession time:  in desperation I recently used a feline antibiotic gel that had been prescribed to our cat, Disco, when he developed "cat acne" on his chin.  Even though I'm 38 and you'd think I'd be over acne myself, a massive zit erupted right under my nose and became embarrassingly infected to the point that I was considering a doctor visit.  Happily, the antibiotic gel worked immediately - within an hour the swelling started to recede.  Now if only I could stop meowing...

This post linked with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal. 


  1. I remember Sat morning trail runs with Dru and gang where the first one through had the "honor" of knocking down all the webs. Actually, since Trina and Dru were not very tall I seemed to get the "face level" webs no matter what. And then you wonder for the rest of the run whether that spider is still in your hair....

  2. Yesterday when the guys were cutting trees, they killed some huge spiders. You have me laughing about meowing! Have a nice weekend.

  3. That feline antibiotic was purrrfect for you!
    Poor spiders, you traumatize them!

  4. older acne is fairly common. I'm glad the kitty stuff worked...

  5. LOL! Perhaps a costume as a cat would be appropriate for Halloween! Your post cheered me up!!...:)JP

  6. i did not know that cats could get acne - that sounds ouchy for the poor thing. hope it will be ok very soon.

    i dislike spiders but i enjoy their art work ... so amazing. ( :

  7. buwahahahahahahhhahaa
    I totally laughed at the last one!!! You're a gem. :)

  8. Beware of sprouting whiskers. :) You are too funny.

  9. I'm cracking up over the meowing! But good thing that worked...I hate going to the doc. I drove through about ten spider webs yesterday while I was mowing. Just the ones who didn't see me coming. It was quite comical watching the others try to scurry up out of my way..but I was also very glad they did. Spider webs are one thing, but the actual spiders...well it gets dangerous when on a mower. I flap my arms and flail around like a crazy woman. I'm sure passers-by think I have lost my mind.

  10. Me-Yeow . . . . . Oh, i really like your post.

    Best Day to You!!!

  11. I love the spider web picture, even though I do NOT like Spiders at all!
    The mice thing happened to my sister when she lived down south. They can sure do a lot of damage!

  12. hehe at #5 but hey antibiotic's are antibiotic's, i'm not surprised it worked!!

    i kept my locker neat as well. my friends would tease me!!

  13. Lots of spider webs here too, but I do see a few stink bugs trapped in them so not complaining. Spiders are wonderful creatures so long as they live outside.

    Meow.... Meow... Meow.... Meow.... Didn't I see you on a cat food commercial? LOL

  14. Oh you are funny! I admire your courage at using that cat gel in the first place. I think I would have just put up with the zit.

  15. LOL! You are too funny! Great shot of the spider web and just in time for Halloween! I need to get some mums. Road trip!

  16. YES I noticed all the spiders, seem to attack me in the fall. I wonder if we ever get over acne?? glad it worked for you

  17. There are a lot of spider webs here, around the year. I don't like that. They make my little house feel narrower.

  18. I never knew a cat could get zits!
    I used to be so scared of spiders, but now they make me thankful.

  19. You are so funny! You haven't coughed up any fur balls, have you? :-)

    I'm 50 and I still have occasional acne. Not fair, since I'm also getting some lines in my face.

    That's an awesome spider web--I love their handiwork, but I want them to stay outside, away from me.

  20. ha ha ha! guess you'll be keeping the mice out of your minivan all on your own! :)

  21. I had a z word this week as well. But luckily those days are almost over.

  22. My husband fights the webs every morning on his way to the car. And the spiders in them are huge! Cat acne....hmmmm....interesting.

  23. I know what you mean about the spiders! The webs are really pretty to look at, but not so fun to run into..nice shot! :)

  24. Haunted by spider ghosts and using cat medication - hehehe! LOL to TexWis's comment above!

  25. We have spider webs everywhere right now ! I hate walking through them also !

  26. Great photo od the spider web! Spiders and mice and other critters do seem to be active in the cooler weather. We have an old fieldstone foundation and despite my hubby's efforts to fill the cracks, the mice do seem to seek warmth in our cellar every fall. The cats are a help ... sometimes ... the older one has too much fun playing catch and release these days with the mice, though, and the other cat, who is cute but not the sharpest one in the shed, has never caught anything larger than a moth. Well, at least she catches the moths for us ... :) Pat

  27. My Gosh that web is HUGE!!! But, it does make for a fabulous photo.

    Oh, thank you Lisa. My coloring of the hair is yet to be decided. I got brave on the cutting now I have to muster up the courage to do the color. I don't have to cross that bridge yet tho;2 more weeks out.

    What brand of color do you use? Does it cover gray or is that not an issue yet for you?

  28. Meow!!! And what a great web capture! Those creepy spiders are quite talented. Aloha

  29. I love, love, love that you are brave enough to tell that last. As to spiders, I always hate walking into them in the woods. Here, we have never had mice bad...only one or two in the fall. But never have a one with cats. (I have only been catless just a few short times in our lives since we had children...)

  30. Cool your randoms. You might try placing a hedgeapple in your van to keep out mice...My post:

  31. I haven’t noticed too many spiders. On warm afternoons the mosquitoes have been out in droves. We seem to have lots of flies too.

    My school locker was neat and orderly too.

    I would have done the same thing with the cat meds. I have done similar things in the past. When we were showing steers we always made sure the shampoo and conditioner we used was good enough for the cattle. If so, we could use it too. Mane and Tail and Show sheen works great on my hair.

  32. Ha ha ha ha!!!!! You and I are the SAME! A month or so ago, I foolishly put my nose in Sunny's fur and gave him a big snuggle. Well, that did NOT go well, since I am allergic to cats and keep it at bay with medicines. My nose kept me awake all night and I was miserable. On my trip to the vet the next day, I was telling her, and she told me to use the cat's antibiotic on my nose. She said it would save a doctor visit and would work just as well as anything my doctor would give me. And it DID!!! I am not meowing YET, but I do have a new tendency to purr when Phil scratches my back now. Your web is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And they are not easy to snap unless the sun is on them. Webs are just gorgeous, spiders just the opposite. I do hope your cats will be vigilant! And WHY do they chase down moths and flies and do not care a thing for spiders, arg!!!

  33. Cracking me up! Love this funny randomness today :)

  34. LOL! Glad you took care of that zit business! Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do!

  35. Spiders! Gack! They're everywhere here too. Except under my covers at night. :)

    Glad the gel worked. As long as you're just meowing and not growing whiskers!

  36. Yes, the mum conundrum sounds very suspicious. Hmmmm....

    I once took my dog's Xanax prescribed for him for storms. Since he hadn't been nervous about storms for a long time, I snuck a few when I was having a bad day. Glad I didn't start barking...hahaha!!

  37. spiders really do go crazy in the fall!

  38. We have spiders inside and outside all year long. I even bought spider spray, and it does not help. :( Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  39. Good lord don't talk to me about spiders! I'm not the least bit worried about them but after I get faceplanted with the tenth web while trying to walk thru my garden and after I shake the seventh one out of two feet of hair...well, enough already! I'm still laughing about the one who built his web on the side mirror of my car. He's going to be talking about The Great Storm Of 2013 for a long time! Lol.

  40. Your story also reminds me of growing up when a horse would get cut up we'd put furison on it. When I skinned my knee terrible they lathered that stuff on me. It worked.

  41. Oh, this was too funny, Lisa! Reminded me of high school, where someone would forget a lunch sandwich they had packed and left in their locker. The smell nearly knocked us over. But we were lucky never to have a rodent problem. My best buddy from Track dealt with "Zits" too.

  42. Nice shot of the spider web!

    I know what you mean about mice. I dread it when they come in from the cold.

  43. We've got spiders all over the place this year, the weather conditions must have been perfect or something.

    And as long as you don't dip too heavy into the catnip, you'll be ok.

  44. I bet the boys get a kick out of Mom meowing!
    I love your spider web. I think they are beautiful, as long as they are outside!
    We had mice in a car once-it ate through the wires. It was a lot of damage, so good you have your cats.

  45. Oh my gosh....thanks for making me {meow} laugh!!!
    I have a huge fear of spiders....I no likey! Mice in your van? what the heck? I'd move a cat INSIDE the van if I were you.

  46. Good for you. It shows you are flexible in your thinking. That was a good call with the medicine.

  47. The zit gel is too funny! I would have tried it too. :)

  48. That web is so detailed!

  49. Hahahahha... had to laugh at you meowing. Hate adult zits.. lucky for me I never got them much... but sometimes!!!

  50. Ha ha that was too funny ~ psst I have done things like that ( don't tell anyone) lol

  51. lol #5!
    love your sense of humour.

    really funny randoms.

  52. We don't have the locker concept in Romania.. kids take their bags and put them by their desk, and all subjects are taught in the same room (different teachers).

  53. That's so cute. But, really I guess an antibiotic cream would work for people too as you've already said.

    I hope the weekend is being good for you and the guys.


  54. Oh, I hate those last-ditch efforts by the spiders to nab some vittle before winter. Blech. There are webs EVERYWHERE and the problem is, that there are also some very big fat spiders to go along with them. EEEK!

    You made me laugh with the cat gel. Was the cat mad that you used her acne medication?

    My friend had mice do $3500 in damage to her car--they ate all the wires. Ugh. Hope the cats work.

  55. I loved reading all your wonderful comments about spiders. You have readers in droves with thoughts on spiders. I don't really like them either.

  56. Beautiful click of the spider's web, Lisa!

  57. Spiders make my skin crawl. I have been battling them on our porch for weeks now. I am hesitant to use sprays but I may soon.

  58. If my neighbors looked out their windows in the mornings, they would probably think I was crazy. I"m out there waving a broom around in the middle of the air. I'm actually out there sweeping down the cobwebs that the spiders somehow manage to re-spin every single night between the front of the house and the redbud tree. (Which means they cross the front walk right at about face level.) Ugh!


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