Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Day of Preschool

The twins started preschool after Labor Day.  They go three mornings a week, and are in the Fours class this year. 

I giddily celebrated their first day back at school with a seven mile run through parks and hills on a perfectly sunny but cool morning.  Then I headed to Starbucks for some quiet computer time, with a Frappuccino by my side.  I didn't run a single errand on that first day - I greedily enjoyed my down time.  I'd venture to say that it was well-earned this once! 

And as for the twins, well, so far they seem to be loving it - I think they were so happy to see their old friends again.


  1. Beyond precious! Love their shirts. :)

  2. It is fun taking care of a child, never had 2 or 3 at once though. I took off from work when Debbie went back to work and took care of the baby. Caught hell at work but it was the law so too bad but it was worth it. It was nice to get a day off as it takes a lot of effort if you take care of kids the right way.

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate the first day of school for the twins. They look excited about heading back to school.

  4. Good way to spend your firt day of freedom!!

  5. Oh Mom time wonderful they are the most adorable boys, I am sure they love school. B

  6. They look so cool for their first day of school! That's so sweet that they wanted to see their friends. Glad you are able to enjoy some down time while everyone is in school--it's well deserved!!

  7. OMG.. what a great, cute photo of the guys. They look awesome and happy to be headed off to pre-school... we still need to get together!

  8. It is awesome you took a little time for your self. As mothers we often forget to renew our batteries. I bet they were very happy to see their friends. I know my grandson was thrilled.

  9. Yes it was great you took care of yourself! You needed it. THe twins are so cute - this is the first time I realized one had straight hair and the other curly. Good luck to them in school! sandie

  10. Happy for the twins and for you. :). Good for you, Lisa, to get in some relaxation!

  11. Sounds like you spent a perfect first day school doing stuff for YOU!

  12. It's nice to have a day, isn't it? And the kids do like school. Yours look cute in their rockstar outfits. :)

  13. I know I am always the old doomsayer but aren't you taking a risk by running off by yourself like that. Twice in the last four years we've had women disappear doing that very thing. Isn't there anyone who could run with you? Safety in numbers type of thing.

  14. How cute are they! Good for you....taking time for ourselves is so needed.

  15. Sounds like everyone is happy with them back in preschool! :)

  16. It sounds like a perfect day, and now finally you can have some time just for yourself! The twins look so cute, I this picture, I cannot believe how much they are growing!!

  17. That's great that you get some time without them. They look happy in the photo.

  18. Good for you, nothing better than taking some well earned time for yourself. Glad the boys are loving their preschool.

  19. Freedom! For a little while anyway. Glad you all enjoyed the first day of preschool.

  20. They look so cute! and sounds as if you made a great day of it! Enjoy!!!!

  21. And they are sooo adorables!
    Thank you for the well wishes for me while I recoop from my back surgerys.

  22. My Axle tried the whole Preschool thing and he only lasted a day. While I love having him home, I have to admit that I was looking forward to some downtime myself!

    They are soooo cute!!! Glad they are enjoying school!

  23. fabulous shot, I love those backpacks, pretty cool. a run then starbucks for a frappacino, couldn't get more perfect...

  24. Agreed with you, Lisa. It's good for all of us to have down time and to savor the moment!

  25. Hope they enjoyed school, glad you took it easy on your first day off too!!

  26. adorable - hope they have a great year!


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