Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Cows on Random Friday

1.  I've been doing a lot of crafting in an attempt to get ready for a craft fair this fall.  Mind you - I still haven't found the right craft fair to do.  But I'm looking.  In the meantime, I've been making all sorts of soap creations.  This week I made Happy Cows.  They are a glycerin soap with shea butter added for softness, and mango scented.  You can find them in the Two Bears Farm Etsy Shop.
2.  Because I hit 2000 followers last week, I wanted to celebrate.  I decided to randomly pick one of my fabulous commenters - since my commenters are the biggest supporters of my blog.  Using, I picked a commenter from last week's Random Friday - #22 - to send one of my cute cow soaps (plus a couple of other fun things I've been crafting).  Commenter #22 was LisaS (who creates the most fabulous jewelry) - congrats to her (please email me your address if you haven't already!), and thanks to all of you who regularly read and comment!

3.  Do any of you know how to make an easy print recipe card on your blog?  I have been receiving a lot of traffic from Pinterest for my recipes.  I'd love to make it easier for readers to print those out (I always appreciate it when other blogs do that for me) but I don't know how.  If any of you are familiar with the process and don't mind doing some virtual handholding to walk me through it, please email me!

4.  Pierce has a toenail that has turned black and is falling off.  The other night we were talking about it, and he grinned really big and said, "Maybe the toenail fairy will come!".  Gotta love a 6 year old making a joke.

5.  This weekend marks the beginning of Fall.  I'm looking forward to soups and costumes and pumpkin patch trips, leaf jumping and warm hoodies and furry horses.  I'm not looking forward to relinquishing my beloved Fitflops, shorter days, or the onset of winter.

How about you, readers?  What do you love/hate about Fall?

Linked to with Nancy at A Rural Journal


  1. 1. That's so cool that you are making soap! I used to make soap to sell too. Best of luck at the craft fair.

    2. 2000 followers? Congratulations! What a fantastic landmark. I know you've been working pretty hard to make that happen.

    3.Sorry, I'm a technological newbie. I just figured out how to add a pin it button to my blog last night. So, I'm a bit slow. ;-)Wish I could help.

    4. Toe nail fairy! Teehee! Nice try, Pierce. :-)

    5. Fall - love the cooler temperatures and the colours. Don't like same thing as you, my sandals have to go away :-(

    I always enjoy your Friday 5. And congratulations again on 2000 readers!

  2. Pierce is always thinking, even I never thought of a toenail fairy.

  3. I love the idea of a toe nail fairy. I think there is a plugin for recipes on Wordpress. I don't know about Blogger.

  4. Oh I love the idea of a "Toenail fairy" :)
    Congrats to Lisa S and yes she has beautiful jewelry.
    Wow 2000 congrats on that that is a feat in itself.
    Love the cow soap good luck with setting recipe thingy up. B

  5. I'm bad with crafting.. maybe not the crafting is the problem, I guess I'm just lazy. The only time I feel like making stuff is for Christmas.

  6. i want to meet the "toenail fairy" ... please come visit me. ( :

    i love your Happy Cows. too cute!!

  7. Toe nail fairies...too cute!

    I recently saw something on another blog called Clean Print ( or Clear Print ...not sure ) but I don't know how it works or prints as I didn't want to print anything that day

    There is another place that I THINK had such a thing...I will go try to find hers and come back if my memory served me correctly

    Your cow is cute! :)

  8. Who are you kidding? I have seen you wear those Fitflops in winter.
    I think the toenail fairy could come and leave a joke prize.
    I want some cow soap. Save me a couple please.

  9. Ok what program this is I don't know but she did have the save recipe and print option at this blog ( Not the same as the Clean Print mentioned in the prior comment : )

    She has a save recipe button and a print button

  10. YOU do EVERYTHING!!!
    Cutie Soap. . . .

    Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.
    I will - very soon - require one caramel apple - I think the inner call for one caramel apple came from my Great Grand Mother - she was full of Life, unique and quirky. Still, it is an inner need - once a year - makes Fall official.
    I like the way the air feels. I like sweaters, I like school, I like getting ready for staying-in projects.

    And - All Year - I Like You.

  11. Lisa,, cute soap!
    Cobgrats on 2000 followers!
    If you get any help with the recipe cards, pkease pass it along😄

  12. What do I love about Fall? Almost everything!
    Pumpkins, cool weather, jeans, boots and fleece. Sweating less on rides. Fall colors on the trees. Walnuts and pecans on the ground for free. Rain.


  13. Pierce has a black toenail just like I did! :) mine has nearly grown out now. That soap is super cute!

  14. Strange: I was just reading Buttons comment on cows and turkeys, and here you're writing about cows.

    Congratulations on reaching the 2,000 followers mark.

    I thoroughly enjoy the autumn colours (though I miss the red leaves of the east). The nights are cool, so I throw an extra blanket on the bed. Maybe I love the fall so much because what's when I was born, so many years ago.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  15. toenail fairy...too cute! congrats on 2000!!! woo hoo! and congrats to lisas!!!

    we had rain this morning. blessed, desperately-needed rain! that's what i like about autumn!

  16. I love the idea of a toenail fairy! I think Pierce is on to something. :-)

    Your cow soap is so cute! And I bet it smells good, too. I've been thinking of making soap for my own use. But I see that I need to visit your Etsy store, too!

    Congratulations on over 2,000 followers! That is awesome.

  17. That little Pierce is a doll baby. And, looking for the positive at such a young age. Awesome! :)

    Love the soap!


  18. LOL at the toe nail fairy :)
    I would love to be able to print our recipes on cards. I'm going to have to look for a way to do that. I have everything on regular computer sheets.

  19. I've never thought of a toenail fairy, I hope she stops by! 2000+ congratulations.

  20. I adore your soaps, Lisa.
    That is so cute about Pierce and the toenail fairy!
    I love everything about fall.
    I hope all of you enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  21. Aww, the happy cows are so cute! And congrats on reaching 2k followers - that's awesome!

  22. 2000 wow, ongrats to you!
    Toenail fairy, gotta love it! :)

  23. The soap is adorable! What happened to Pierce's toenail, did he injure it? Fall is gorgeous, I LOVE the flaming leaves! But I do NOT like the coming of the dark and the cold. I just don't like winter anymore at all now that I am old!

  24. Fun soap

    I made your cake last night and got some rave reviews from neighbors. That is all I had for lunch today.LOL

  25. I congratulate you on 2000 followers!

  26. 2000 followers? Congratulations and good for you!!!!
    Cow soap .... so dang cute!
    Fall is my favorite season.....the only thing I dislike about it is that Old Man Winter is right behind it. Not that I mind the cold ... I am just not a fan of snow!

  27. I have seen many bloggers who offer the "print" option for their recipes so there's got to be something, Baby Girl. I think the toenail fairy might come after all, don't you? Your soaps are adorable...out here, we have live cows!...:)JP

  28. The best thing about fall is leaving the brutal temps behind! Next, I love the crisp air and the leaves changing color. My favorite time of the year.

  29. Congratulations on the 2000 followers. If you figure out the recipe print thing I would love to know. I am totally ready for fall but not the pending winter.

  30. I thought about making soap before but so far haven't done it. Maybe one day. I wish you luck finding a good craft fair.

  31. Lisa,
    Congratulations on 2,000 blog followers. WOW!

    Your cow soap is cute.

    I like crisp fall mornings, although this mornings 39* was a little chilly. I like the way fall warms up to just the right afternoon temperature.

    The changing fall colors and flavors are also fun.

  32. Good things about Fall:
    Fires in the fire place and wood stove.

    No humidity.

    The leaf season is spectacular.

    It's the best time for walking in the woods.

    Bad things:
    Too many tourists and bicyclists.

  33. Congratulations on the 2000 followers and that is the cutest cow soap!

  34. The happy cow is adorable! And let us know if there turns out to be a toenail fairy.

  35. 2000 followers... wow!

    Love the homemade cow-soap. That is udderly terrific!

  36. Congratulations on hitting the 2000 mark. I have seen the little recipe card with a print button somewhere, but I can't remember where. If I find it again, I'll send the html code by email to you. We received 3 inches of rain I am pretty happy-
    Have a great weekend!

  37. congrats on the numbers! the cows are cute. :)

  38. Print Friendly? Something like that. I know there has to be a few out there.

    Love your soap and congrats on the 2000th follower -- that's awesome! I think I'll be 80 when I reach that number. Lol!

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  39. Love the sweet cow soap! Congratulations on 2000 followers!

  40. These cows looks so 2000, doing good

  41. I used to do recipes. And wondered myself about easy downloads. I bet wordpress would be better than blogger that way. And congrats on 2,000 followers! How do you do it? I don't get many followers. And I don't know why.

  42. The happy cows make me happy. :) They must be from California. LOL
    Fall is a long way off for us, but it is my favorite time of year! Our electric bill goes down a bit$$.

  43. Congrats, dear friend.
    I'm back now! I was away...trying to keep my job as a teacher.
    Now i'm here again- BShell

  44. I thought there WAS a toenail fairy :)

  45. Be careful - that crafting bug is a hard one to eradicate! Seriously though, I am happy for you and think you will have a great time. Take the kids with you, they can be excellent salespersons.

  46. Cute soap!

    I don't know how to embed PDF's, but here's a website link that shows how. I'd have to mess with it for awhile before I could figure it out. I would think you could do it through a lot of outside photo sites like flicker or photobucket. Those sites, if they were smart should have code you can copy and paste into blogger HTML.

  47. ADORABLE soap. Hope your kid's toe heals up fast. What a bummer.

  48. I had a toenail like that once and it decided it wanted to part ways with me the night before I was taking a trip to Florida. Uh, NO WAY, Toenail---I superglued that sucker back on and painted it with nail polish. We had a lovely last trip together.


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