Friday, September 13, 2013

Sometimes Waking Up is Hard to Do - Random Friday

1.  Reid and Willie were lying side by side on the living room rug one morning, looking as though they didn't want to be awake for the day.  I thought they were so cute I had to take a picture.
2.  We took the boys to a baseball game a couple of weeks ago, and the twins have been playing baseball a lot ever since.  But they don't quite have the terminology down yet.  Cort recently asked Reid to pass him the "Baseball kicker".  This would be the bat.

3.  My favorite social media hangout these days is Instagram.  I usually post at least one picture there a day.  If you want to keep up with me on a day to day basis, I'm more active there than Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Google+.

4.  Why do I like Instagram so much?  I don't know.  I guess sometimes a picture says a lot more than words do.  I like that there aren't so many words.  It's simple and real.  It doesn't take a big time investment.  If you want to come find me there, I'd be happy to follow you back.

5.  I've been doing my part time job for over 6 months now.  It's going alright and I've adjusted to it.  I'm thankful to have a job that offers flexible hours - I put in about 9 hours a week, in 3 sessions, doing mental health support services with one client.  It's nice to feel like I am contributing in some way. 

This post linked with Nancy at A Rural Journal for Random Friday. 


  1. This photo is precious.
    I had been wondering how your job is going. Thanks for the update.
    I love the new baseball terminology! Hope you all enjoy the weekend.

  2. I agree! I am not much of a morning person!

  3. A good photo, lucky you had the camera at hand. Nothing like a good base ball kicker thing!

  4. Such a sweet photo / baseball! Little kids are priceless :)

  5. "Pass the baseball kicker" I love that. Your kitty is a good size:) Glad your job is going well. By the way I would love to visit you too:) B

  6. Precious capture! I keep looking at instagram because my granddaughter is on it. My phone takes awful pictures, so I haven't joined yet. I'm losing interest in FB rapidly.

  7. Sweet shot of Reid and the cat. I have an Instagram account but never really use it and don't know why since I love photography.

  8. I don't do instagram. Don't you need a Smart phone to do that?

  9. That's a great picture ! I too love Instagram ! Have a great weekend

  10. I love Instagram too. It gives me a window into what my favorite bloggers are doing.

  11. Baseball kicker. Lol!

    I tried Instagram once but didn't really get it (my capacity for learning new social media sites diminishes each day...) Neat that you are enjoying it though. :)

  12. that is a sweet photo and i am cracking up over baseball kicker :D have a great weekend!

  13. Such a sweet photo of Reid and Willie. I can nap with the best cats myself.

    Love the "baseball kicker"!

    I've never tried Instagram. I haven't been doing much social media period of late other than blogging.

  14. That photo of Reid and Willie is just too cute! Adorable. I'm glad to hear your job is going well :)

  15. Such an adorable photo!

    I don't even blog much anymore much less learning something new. :)

    Yes, you contribute in many ways, Lisa. Proud of you!


  16. Reid looks so cute and sleepy on your rug! I have just joined instagram. I have no clue how it works yet.
    I am glad to hear you are doing well in your job.

  17. Willie looks really big! What a sweet picture of him and Reid. "Baseball kicker" is priceless. :-)

  18. I wish I could instagram. I love the way the pictures look. Hopefully some day...

    Feels like I've been away forever, from all of my dear blog friends. My inlaws were here for almost a week-with a new, very rambunctious puppy. It stressed poor Willow out so much that Willow suffered a stroke. She is doing better, but for a few days there I thought we'd lost her.

    I promise to write soon. Lots to catch up on:) In the mean time, I enjoy reading about you and your darling boys:)

  19. It's nice to catch up on your activities.
    I've been missing from the blog world until recently.
    Love the photo; reminds me of the days when my kids were little.

  20. What a sweet photo! Pets can be such great pals for kids. And... - thank you. -

  21. I've got pictures of my daughter as a tiny child, sleeping with an old calico cat we had. I guess kids and cats go together at that age.

  22. it's important to be happy in your work. the first photo is too cute -- i think i might join them with a nap this afternoon! love the baseball kicker -- makes sense to me! i think there is something fascinating about seeing life in photographs like instagram provides. have a great weekend.


  23. That is the sweetest picture!!! I know you are a huge support to the clients you serve. Thank you. We need more people in roles like that.

  24. This is an adorable post!!!! It reminds me of Ella and Hank, the cat down the street. She used to follow him around and do everything he did. The two cats even look alike. The baseball quote is priceless!! For me, I just hate it when little kids start talking RIGHT! I miss the cute things they say so much that I refuse to correct both the girls! I have been trying to find out for months what instagram IS!! Everyone mentions it and so many pictures on Facebook say they are instagram. One person told me it a picture taking app, that is all I know.

  25. oh my goodness that is too cute...

  26. Love the picture and enjoyed hearing about the baseball kicker!!! I do enjoy Instagram but I always forget to go over. I don't do too many pictures here at home but when I'm out I love to share them there. So glad to hear that your job is going well. Enjoy your weekend!

  27. Hi Lisa!

    Cute picture! Pets are special members of the family.

    I have not taken time to check out instagram. I agree, sometimes a picture says a lot more than words.

    Congrats on enjoying your part-time job. If you enjoy it and feel good about what you are doing I am happy for you! We all need to feel like we are doing good in the world.

  28. Cute picture!! I would love to be able to sleep in.. but the Hubs is a morning person and once he gets up, I usually follow.

  29. How wonderful to be able to contribute AND still take care of your family!
    The photo is is the 'baseball kicker' comment.

  30. I love the picture of Reid and Willie; so precious....I love to take naps with my cat too.....

    I agree with you about says so much more than words.....

  31. Sports terminology is tricky! Every sport has a different word for the same thing!

  32. You contribute in a huge way raising the future.

    Cute picture.

  33. I was wondering about the job so I'm glad you mentioned it and that it's going well!

    Love the "baseball kicker"!

  34. Thanks for sharing the pic and Instagram...never heard of it! Feeling a tad there's a big cloud over me...:)JP

  35. I miss the kid terminology now that my own kids are older. *sigh*

  36. That is a sweet pic. I don't have Instagram, but I know people sure love it. :)


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