Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sony Reader and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs DVD #Giveaway

I don't have an e-reader, but I know many people who have them and love them.  Today, I'm giving away a brand new Sony Reader to one lucky reader!  A digital book reader, it is Wifi certified and includes Public Library, Evernote, Reader Store, and Facebook.  It comes in black, and touts a long battery life.  In addition, the lucky winner will also receive a copy of the DVD Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  Just think what great Christmas or birthday gifts these could make for someone special.
To enter, you will just click on the Rafflecopter giveaway below.  I'm keeping entries simple this time around, so it is extra easy to enter!

Disclaimer:  I received these items to give away on my blog as part of the campaign I did for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 this past July.  The opinions above are my own.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have an e-reader and LOVE them - but would LOVE to win this one to give as a gift!!!

  2. What a wonderful gift pack! The reader looks amazing.

  3. I have long admired e-readers. Not because I want to read books on them. I could never give up the feel, smell, sound, and pleasure of reading a real book. But I would love to have that compact screen for travel. No dragging around an awkward laptop just to check email and read my daughter's blog.I have been using my Ipod touch, but with aging eyes, that little screen makes reading pretty tricky. My son and daughter-in-law travel with kindles, and they are such a nifty little size. Sony is a well-respected brand. This is a great giveaway!

  4. Sony e readers are nice. My oldest kid would love it!

  5. Wow Lisa -- this is quite the giveaway. Would love to win this to give to my sister who is an avid book reader. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. They certainly would make great gifts! Whilst I could never give up my books I must say that my kindle has been wonderful for traveling and when my hands are especially painful.

  7. a very nice giveaway, i'm sure someone will love!

  8. I have a kindle and enjoy it so good luck to the participants!

  9. An e-reader would be nice to take on vacation or down to FL when I see Sis! Wish me luck and I'll take a few cyber hugs too, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  10. Not sure if my comment worked...but I would love to enter and win!...:)JP

  11. How great that would be! I don't usually enter, but this is enticing, Lisa. Thank you for the opportunity!


  12. Gosh, this is AWESOME!!! I will see if I can enter this time without messing up.

  13. What a great giveaway! I have a Nook, and I love the ease of buying books on it.

  14. Love our e-readers and everyone we know has a beloved one too! This giveaway will make someone happy:)

  15. I would love to win this for my Daughter she is 11 and has been asking for one of these.

  16. I do not have an e-reader but I do have a kindle app on my phone. I think an e-reader would make it easy to travel with your favorite books.

  17. Thank you for the chance to win such an amazing prize! If I won I would share the E-Reader with my 10 year old son and it would get a ton of use :) Thanks again!!


  18. Very nice prizes- I have an ereader already or I would enter!

  19. Great Giveaway Lisa! I almost missed it. Thankfully caught in on google :)

  20. Now tell me...would a brand new 3 year old enjoy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? He loves the book and plays 'Chewandswallow" with his sanitation truck. Is it too old for him?

  21. What a great contest! Would love to win :D marissarbuffett at gmail dot com

  22. Awesome giveaway Lisa! Glad I could be a part of it :)

  23. would LOVE to win this for my twins!! Thank you so much! GREAT GIVEAWAY!!

  24. Nice nice nice! I would love to win, thank you for the chance :)

  25. Thank you so much for the chance to win this I would love to have it I love reading and honestly I am just excited about the movie my son just asked me today about seeing it and I told him I don't know when we can he would love that.
    Amy Williams


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