Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Pool at Natural Bridge State Park, Kentucky

One of the big attractions for the boys at Natural Bridge was the pool.  This is the view of it from the Lodge.
 Shaped like a river, the pool sits right next to an actual river. 
 It is a walk in pool which is perfect for little kids (and does offer a separate wading pool as well).
 The boys loved the spray fountains scattered through the pool.
 The other side was deeper, but the boys stuck mostly to the shallow end.

Believe me, when it was time to leave, our boys didn't want to go.

Readers, do you love to swim?


  1. Nothing is more fun OR will wear kiddos out like water!
    I loved those walk in pools when my girls were little; just perfect!

  2. Awww, but Mom we're having too much fun!!

    Beautiful pool, adorable boys. :)


  3. Yes! Love to swim!

    And what a great, fun pool! No surprise your boys didn't want to leave! :)

  4. I love to swim, though I wish I was a stronger swimmer. I would love that pool!

  5. I remember those days when the kids wanted to stay all day. Easy life being a kid... Beautiful place to have fun.

  6. How FUN! I love Kentucky State Parks--they are really nice for families. We go to Cumberland Falls (South East Kentucky) every year--it's our favorite place to go.

    never been to this park, but it looks fabulous!

  7. I used to swim in H.S. -- love to swim, but haven't in years.

  8. The absolute JOY on those boys' faces is priceless!!! I love a pool :)

  9. I swam three times a day when I was a kid. Morning was swim lessons, then afternoon was open pool for everyone, and after dinner in the evening we once again went to our local pool. The pool in Kentucky looks AWESOME!!

  10. I do. I haven't been in awhile though.


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