Thursday, September 19, 2013

Upcycled Pringles Gift Container Craft

The boys recently had a special playdate, and I used a coupon to buy some Pringles to go along with the food we were serving.  Afterwards, it seemed wrong to toss all those nice Pringles cans, so I decided to upcycle them into something new.  I found a picture on Pinterest where someone had covered them with Christmas wrapping paper to use as gift containers.  I modified the idea some, to make it my own, and was pleased with the results.  Think about it - how perfect would these be for giving a gift of cookies to a special teacher over the holidays?

 All you need is some scrapbooking paper (or heavy duty wrapping paper) and Elmer's glue.  I used some scrapbooking paper that I got at a thrift store a few years ago.  I was glad to finally have a use for it, since I don't scrapbook.  First make a pattern for the size of the can, and then cut out your paper. 
 Pour some Elmer's glue into a small dish and paint it on the back of the paper.  You slowly roll your paper onto the can, smoothing as you go to prevent wrinkles.  Leave a slight overlap at the end, and then put some masking tape on it until the can has dried well.  You can also make matching gift tags to go on top. 
 For the owl can, I actually spray painted it, but made an owl out of the scrapbooking paper.  I glued it on the same way, using masking tape for the edges overnight until everything had dried.  I used vintage buttons that my grandmother gave me for the eyes. 
I was having so much fun, that when I ran out of Pringles cans, I also did a Laughing Cow cheese box.  I'm the world's worst gift wrapper, so I'm excited to have found an easier (and cuter!) method. 

Readers, do you have any special ways you like to wrap gifts? 


  1. What a great idea! These turned out so cute. I often see small bags full of scrapbooking paper at the thrift store. Now, I'll be buying some!

  2. Those really look nice and will survive the trip in the back pack to school which is the challenge.
    Pierce took off his shoe and sock yesterday to show Debbie how his toenail was coming off then later informed everyone that it had in fact come off! It was a major thing in his day for sure.

  3. What a great idea! I love the owl! You chose such fun papers to use.

  4. That is a super cute idea! I'm passing it along to my daughter- she can send cookies to the kid's teachers.

  5. Nicely done, Lisa! But how did you get the potato chip smell out of the Pringles cans?

    I'm so utterly non-crafty....I'd never think of doing this.

  6. Great job on the cans. I used to do this with the old tin cans that had lids. Your owl is my favorite.

  7. Oh my I love this idea they are so pretty. B

  8. That is cute, and fun! I love it.

    I change my wrapping ways every year. One year I bought a cheap set of foam Christmas shapes, brown craft paper on a roll, and wrapped with the brown paper and put a foam shape on the top. They were easy, and turned out cute.

    My oldest reads the funnies just about every week, so I often wrap in funny paper, but usually just for birthday presents.

  9. really cute!

    i often feel bad about tossing the smaller squarish plastic containers that sugar free drink packets come in, but not sure what i'd ever use them for.

  10. How ingenious! The owl and the other designs are beautiful!

  11. I do something very similar with those oatmeal bins made of cardboard!

  12. These are awesome, and look like something that was packaged in a fancy gift shop! I love that owl!!! And who would have thought of the cheese box? Now we will all keep our eyes out for boxes we have from the grocery store, a really cool idea especially with Fall coming and Christmas shopping!

  13. Super idea -- they look cute and you are recycling too. Love the owl! :)

  14. How cute! Those would be perfect for Christmas gifts. Great idea.

  15. What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing!

  16. What a fantastic idea and especially for teacher's gifts - nice job.

  17. YOU are so creative!

    But, i doubt there's anything more precious than the containers - They would make a perfect gifts all by themselves.

    Wonderful day to YOU!!!

  18. I'm one of those you always see volunteering to wrap gifts for charity at malls, but no special method other than to make it super neat - like origami:) I love this, I wonder how you'd sorta 'degrease' the insides of the Pringles cans...they're so cute!

  19. Those are so nice to give as teachers gifts. I love the owl. I don't have a special way of wrapping gifts. But I would like to use this idea for cookies and popcorn for the Sunday school children. Thanks for such great inspiration.

  20. That is a fun, cute idea, and nice wrap makes a good gift even better!

  21. what an awesome idea, looks like cookies would fit perfectly in them!!

    the owl is super cute!!

  22. These are really cute, and perfect for cookie gifts!

    Your do such good and neat work, Lisa. I cannot imagine that you are a bad gift wrapper. :-)

  23. A very wonderful idea- thank you for sharing something that looks so easy to make- especially when our minds are stressed out and we cannot even think!
    tweedles moms

  24. LOVE these, Lisa! I used to be crafty, and really enjoyed it.


  25. I have some Panko cans that I've been saving. THey're fab because after you peel the label, there's nothing on them that identifies a brand. The tops are clear. :)

  26. These are the cutest things ever! I love them all. Even to give with a gift card/candy in them would be a fun option!

  27. Fabulous idea, I have been seeing these more and more but yours look the best by far! I'm not really a baker but I am a crafter and I think presentation is super important. Great job! I featured your packaging on my blog today titled BAKED WITH LOVE free printable gift tags. Check it out at SohoSonnet Creative Living and I hope you enjoy my gift tags as well.


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