Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vintage Pumpkin Bread Recipe

I have fallen in love with my vintage Virginia Hospitality cookbook, and made another recipe from it this weekend, when two days of pouring rain led me to baking.  I made the pumpkin bread.  It is delicious, and the boys have been devouring it in the mornings for breakfast.

3 1/2 cups flour
3 cups sugar
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup vegetable oil (you could substitute a portion of this with applesauce if you wanted to lighten up)
4 eggs
2 cups canned pumpkin (15 oz. can)
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350*.  Mix all dry ingredients; add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Bake in 2 well greased loaf pans 50 - 60 minutes.

I modified the recipe just slightly - the original called for raisins and walnuts but I preferred to use chocolate chips instead.  In addition, I found I had to bake mine for 65 minutes for them to be completely done.  Be sure to check the middle of your loaves with a knife before you turn off the oven! 

I am posting this recipe at the special request of Elizardbreath Speaks - hope you enjoy it! 


  1. I love the smell of hot pumpkin bread. You probably made your boys happy with that.

  2. A friend of mine just passed along a recipe to me for Pumpkin Bread...I am going to take yours as well...because of your reputation for YUMMIEST!...:)JP

  3. hey, thanks for sharing ... i need to try making it very soon. looks delicious. ( :

  4. Sounds delicious, especially with the chocolate chips!

  5. this looks too super good, have you ever tried cutting down on the sugar, if you have, did it upset the balance? sweet photo

  6. What a great recipe for this time of year!

  7. I was just looking for some pie pumpkins over the weekend so I could make some breads, soups and smoothies. Your bread looks fantastic.

  8. My neighbor just gave me a half-loaf of pumpkin bread on Sunday afternoon. HEAVENLY.

  9. Chocolate chips sound like a wonderful addition!

  10. Chocolate chips is a yummy substitution. :)

  11. Yum! Chocolate and pumpkin go really well together.

  12. I suspected chocolate chips were a signature variation (grin) -
    You would not be able to trust me in your kitchen - if you turned your back, i would sneak & devour a handful . .

    sure looks great - i can almost smell it from here . . . .

  13. That sounds so good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  14. Looks delish! We don't really have the pumpkin tradition here..

  15. Yum, I would love to have a piece fresh out of the oven, with a little butter. :-)

  16. It is beautiful and looks just like fall!!!

  17. Oh yes - replace raisins with chocolate chips every time!

  18. I love spicy banana bread. I'm not sure I ever had pumpkin bread. Looks like it would be delicious on a cold winter day, with a cup of coffee.

  19. One of my favorites!

    It looks so good. Thanks for the recipe! :)

  20. Chocolate chips are always better than raisins!

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  22. Looks wonderful! Pass the cream cheese!

  23. I can see why the boys are loving this; yum.
    You've had rain too? Baking is a great thing to do on those days!


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