Monday, October 21, 2013

A Visit to Thee Red Barn

Pierce asked a couple of weeks to visit Thee Red Barn.  I had never been before, and decided it was worth an outing, as we needed to pick out our pumpkins anyhow.

I bought tickets for the train ride, and the boys loved weaving in and out of the rows of corn. 

I had to laugh, watching, as the driver kept blowing a train whistle....while driving his lawn mower.  Very cute.

There was a big slide on top of stacked bales of hay.

I bought the boys each a little rubber duckie (they had all sorts, at $1 a piece) so they could do the water races.

 The combine/tractor/slide was a huge hit.

What kid doesn't dream of a huge John Deere slide in the yard?

There was a tennis ball bucket toss.

And a rope pulley that made skeletons dance.

Did I mention?  This kid.....he's missing a top tooth.  Kind of charming, isn't it?

 A bit of cow milking
and we were ready to go grab some pumpkins. 
It was a fun morning, and the boys really enjoyed it.


  1. Oh I love Thee Red Barn we have The Red Barn I thought you were here:)Have to say I was a little disappointed when I looked out and you and the boys were not here:)Those smiles brighten everyones day.
    Looks like so much fun. Hug B

  2. Cute photos. Looks like a lot of fun for 3 active boys!

  3. Charming? CHARMING???? He is just as handsome as Paul ALREADY!!!!!!! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a few big hugs!...:)JP

  4. It doesn't have to be high tech to make the boys happy. I haven't seen many pumpkins this year, mine just didn't grow.

  5. Looks like the boys had a blast! What a fun day!

    The pumpkin crops here seem way better than last year. Larger, better shape, heavier stems too. We need to go get our pumpkins soon, especially since the weather has cooled. Maybe they won't rot by Halloween?

  6. oh this is a great place..espeically for three little boys.

  7. What a fun place, Lisa! My super techy son (almost 30) would have loved that kind of fun when he was your boys' ages. HeHe, maybe he still would! Enjoy your sons and good luck with the pumpkin. Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  8. Olá Lisa; belo divertimento das crianças...Espectacular....

  9. Really a nice and interesting place to play. My children must be love it.

  10. The VERY BEST Kind of Fun!!!!

  11. I wish I could enjoy Halloween like a kid again. Now all I can do is post spooky things on my blog. Boring!

  12. What a fun place! Looks like everyone had a great time!!

  13. What an amazing place to visit! It looks like they had lots of things to do.

  14. Wow, they really went all out on that farm. We're seeing more of that around here, too, people opening up their farms for festivals and fun like that. I think it's great. Love seeing your boys have a good time. And Pierce has a great smile!

  15. i love how everything was kept farm-related and used real equipment. :) so cute!

  16. Love all the pictures, sounds like a fun time! Love the missing tooth, we all have photos like that and he is looking so grown up.

  17. The toothless photo is priceless. :)

    I love the idea of a train ride through the corn, that was fun thinking on their part.

  18. There were some really creative and fun events here. I just love pumpkin patches.

  19. That looks like a great time for all. Whoever set it up had a vivid imagination.

  20. That train ride looks fun! Heck, it all looks like a blast to me :)

  21. We had a harvest festival here and it was so much fun. Activities to crafts just a nice way to spend a fall day.

  22. If I had my way, little kids would go around with missing teeth all the time, they are just so cute like that. I adore this place!!! The big scarecrow basket ball with the mountains behind, the slides and the little train. You really got some good pictures! I guess this place is in Roanoke? I would take the girls if it was just a teeny bit closer.

  23. Boone's Mill, looks really close to you.

  24. How fun! I love seeing the boys having a great time. I bet they'll want to go back next year. I haven't seen anything like that around here.

    You're such a great mom, Lisa. :)

  25. Cute pics of a fun day!

  26. That looks like they all had a great time! The whistle blowing man on the lawn mower is hilarious! lol

  27. I want to go down the combine slide!

  28. The slide with the haybales is genius! We have a random slide hanging around here too! Only not a oodles of bales.

  29. Looks such fun - first pic is cute & hilarious!

  30. What a fun day! We also like to take our son to such kind of activities. : )

  31. We had many pumpkin patches crop up a few years ago around here but only those that had fun stations like these survived. Looks like great fun for the boys. :)

  32. Great enjoyable place for kids!!
    all photos looking lovely..

  33. That looks like a great kid friendly hang out!

  34. How fun for your boys. I'm glad Pierce convinced you to partake....lovely memories for the three of them!!
    Toothless kiddos are the cutest. :)

  35. What a nice outing for the boys. I love the slide and the train ride haha. I bet the boys will remember that for a while.

  36. Glad they had such a good time! Looks like fun.


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