Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The twins can be so competitive.  About every thing.  Some days we start the day with tears, "He woke up before me and I wanted to wake up FIRST!".  Other days, we end the day in tears, "But I wanted to finish my dinner first!" 

Thankfully, in between all that competition, there are many moments when they are side by side, heads bent together in whispered secrets, the best of friends.  I love those moments.
It must be nice to have a twin.


  1. Twins really are great!

    My twin sister and I describe each other as more than a sister and more than a best friend. I feel so lucky to have been born a twin!

  2. A real nice photo, they will like that one when they are grown up.

  3. I love that photograph! and I've often thought how very cool it must be to have a twin - or twins to raise!

  4. That is too cute, I can't believe they compete about waking up!

  5. Oh Lisa growing up in a house with two sets of twins 16 months apart I have seen this all my life. It does not end the only difference is the competitions become different and they will motivate each other. LOVE LOVE the photo. B

  6. I totally love this shot! They are so cute together, and know the love will outweigh the competition

  7. That's one for hanging on the wall- so cute! I think it would be heaven to be a twin...having another kindred soul to tell all my secrets too,,how lucky they are!

  8. What a sweet picture! They look like they are having a wonderful time.

  9. Love the picture! Made me chuckle to read about the things important enough to them to be competing over. Must be pretty entertaining having twins :)

  10. My SIL is a twin. There is a very special connection between them that is just unexplainable!

  11. One of my daughters best friends is a twin. Boy and a girl. They compete academically and then at times it seems like my daughters friend quits competing at some things because her brother will beat her.

  12. That's a beautiful photo, Lisa. I know you'll treasure that one. I would love to have a twin, or a sister.

  13. I LOVE the photo!
    I love twins too :) They grow up fast, mine are 12 and yes, they are best friends-most the time ;)

  14. That's an awesome picture, they're so cute!!

  15. reminds me of the 'pushme/pullme' - was that sesame street?


  16. I think it would be, and your photo is a prize winner for sure.

  17. Best friends, and whispered secrets! Those two are such a pair of cuties! It must be a little magical having a twin:)

    I just love the picture too!

  18. That is so adorable. Competitive and cute! Fun combo. :)

  19. That is brothers for you! Love that they're tight.

  20. This picture is just priceless! They sound like normal twins to me! I agree, it must be nice. I would have settled for any sibling.

  21. Nice looking young fellows. When they hit their teens the girls will have to watch out.

  22. Cute...and yeah for the International too!

  23. What an awesome photo... LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Such a sweet moment...

  24. Hi Lisa,
    You've got beautiful children.
    Your twins are awesome.
    I truly enjoy going through your older blog posts, and find them so very interesting.
    I invite you to visit my sites at anytime you wish, Lisa.
    Welcome Aboard!
    God may bless you, your dear family, and loved ones.
    Greetings from Starry.

  25. Oh, how funny are they??? So cool.
    I couldn't imagine two of me. Yikes.

  26. I wanted a twin when i was young. I thought it would be so much fun. :). I'm your boys are close despite their sometime competitiveness.

  27. *i'm glad they're close. Sorry about that. :)

  28. I think it would be lovely to have a twin! I'm sitting here chuckling over, "But I wanted to wake up FIRST!" funny!

  29. They are so funny! They even compete on who wake up earlier, lol!

  30. Siblings and competition can be hard at times but for twins it must be double the work and fun. I love the photo!

  31. Love love love. Contest winning worthy. And my 3 year old is enthralled with the IH tractor.

  32. I love this photo of the twins. It really must be nice to be twins! I imagine there is a bond between them that is hard to imagine.

  33. What a wonderful photo on this tractor!


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