Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do I Look Monstrous to You?

I love Halloween.  It's one of my favorite things about Fall.  Recently we got a surprise in the mail - a box, with a Frankenstein on the outside.  I opened it up to find that CLIF Kid had surprised us with a sampling of their newest Zbar, Monster Chocolate Mint.  They know how much my boys love their healthy, organic snacks.  I thought the bars were so cute dressed up as festive monsters, and I tucked the Frankenstein into Pierce's lunch box for the following day.

When Pierce got home that afternoon, I said, "Hey, how did you like your monster snack?"  He said, "What monster?"  I said, "The Frankenstein!" And I pulled the empty wrapper from the lunch box and showed it to Pierce.  He said, "Oh.  I thought that was you."

Readers, do you see the resemblance?  Do I look like a Frankenstein?  Maybe I should make more effort to wear some makeup or something....
I confess - I am almost a little scared to send the purple witch in his lunchbox next week....

Disclaimer:  I received some Clif Zbars in the mail.  I was not obligated to blog about them - but we enjoy their products and I had to share this funny story. 


  1. Hey... it's so creative idea. I love the purple one.


  2. Funny boy, he got old mommy that time, he has a sense of humor!

  3. Oh I do see some resemblance:)no worries you are both so darn cute and your son has an adorable way with words:) Hug B

  4. Out of the mouths of babes...but I have to say I don't see too much resemblance :)

  5. hhahahaa Out of the mouths of babes. And you have no worries, Frankenstein hasn't got a thing on you, lolol

  6. What a sense of humour for such a young fellow!
    No you don't look like Frankenstein-at all.
    Very cute packaging for the bars.

  7. You are much prettier than Frankenstein and not nearly as green. LOL Kids are so funny...

  8. Halloween. My wife will make me go buy a pumpkin and she will carve it up and put it on the porch, although we haven't had a trick or treater up here since my daughter was a teenager, about ten year ago.

  9. Lol! I don't see a bit of resemblance. Pierce is ver funny!

  10. This is too funny!!!! I think he was looking at the dark hair. These are the coolest! And I am thinking we could make them and put them on candy bars, it doesn't look too hard. You would have to see what shape paper they start out with though. Could you tell? My best friend is a two time ovarian cancer survivor and does not eat much, but she loves the Z Bars. She eats the chocolate, and I can't wait to tell her about the new flavor!!

  11. Oh how funny. Boys can be silly at times. You just got to love them.

  12. I think your lips need to be more zigzagged.

  13. Those look so cute. That new flavor sounds yummy!

  14. So adorable! (I don't see any resemblance though:) I do love Clifbars, this is going on my list!

  15. You have a long ways to go before you look like frankenstein! Sorry

  16. Oh that little stinker.... You don't look like Frankenstein.... ha ha ha

    Pierce obviously has a good sense of humor.... Love the little boxes.... That is nice that Zbar sent you some samples.....


  17. You? Frankenstein? Not seeing it -- but Pierce always makes me smile. :)

  18. I can't wait to hear what he says.

  19. Crack me up! Pierce has such a wonderful sense of humor.

  20. Oh my, how funny! I love that Pierce! :)


  21. i did a cute craft with tic tac's, i featured it on my blog recently! you and the boys might like it!!

  22. You don't look scary and monstrous to me. But your kids may have a different perception of you. You are, after all, a Mom, and well . . . I think I had better quit while I'm ahead.

    As for the witch, you might get a great story. I'll keep reading.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  23. This is funny! I can still remember "Trick or Treating" as a kid, and walking up to a house with friends only to find a sign taped on the door that read, "No More Candy". We all had bars of soap in our pockets for that too! :D)

  24. Something different and creative...

    I love the expressions in last image...


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