Monday, October 28, 2013

I Love Sunflowers

When the twins had their field trip to the pumpkin patch, I grabbed this shot of the red barn while we were on our hay ride.
You may recognize it, as it was featured on my blog last year, with Cort and Reid skulking along in their superhero capes.  I'll be sharing a couple more pictures of this same barn in the near future.  What can I say?  It's fun to photograph!


Nancy said...

I snapped a photo of a nearby barn yesterday as I drove out to see my mom. Something about barns and Autumn just go together. :)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I need to plant some sun flowers next year, I just didn't think about them last season. I used to paint them.

Anonymous said...

The sunflowers looks so much better where you are. We saw some at the pumpkin patch and they were withered and bent.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa this is a beautiful barn and worthy of many many photos. Did they wear super hero capes this year?:) B

MastHoliday said...

Love your sunflowers!!
Beautiful photo!!

An Apel a Day said...

It is very pretty! Sun flowers just bring a smile to my face. :) I think it's a combination of the color and the size.

Sandra said...

Sunflowers are my favorites!!

Chatty Crone said...

I am with you - I love sunflowers and I love that red barn. It is a pretty picture Lisa. sandie

Anonymous said...

Nice shot! I would take this barn's picture multiple times as well... It's just gorgeous with the sunflowers in front of it. xox

Gail Dixon said...

Nice photo! The sunflowers framing the pretty barn makes for a beautiful scene.

TexWisGirl said...

such a pretty scene!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's a great shot! The garden of sunflowers is so pretty next to the barn.

Anonymous said...

Such vivid colors!

Tiggeriffic said...

LOve the sunflowers~!~! The birds well be in happy land with all the sunflower seeds they can eat..
Barns are getting to be rare here in Iowa...I just love them and love to take pictures of them too.
WIndy and chlly here in Iowa:)
Have a great Monday~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

I Am Woody said...

Nothing beats a barn for photo ops!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a sweet barn...and I love sunflowers too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love, love, love the big row of sunflowers in front of the barn. I have been known to snap sunflowers for so long that I almost pass out. To me, they represent all that is good about life! Turn your head up to your giver of life and keep on going!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a perfect photo, two of my favorites....sunflowers and barns!

Anne Payne said...

What's not to love about a barn and sunflowers :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Barns and sunflowers go together!!!!...:)JP

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That does look fun to photograph! The colors are awesome together.

Harry Flashman said...

I like sunflower seeds. You can store them for a long time and they're tasty.

Lots of old barns here, mostly abandoned now.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I have a fascination of old barns. That photo is great with all the sunflowers in the front.

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful old barn, and it looks so gorgeous hiding behind all of those sunflowers. Bet the boys had alot of fun at the pumpkin patch!

Eat To Live said...

Those sunflowers look great with the red barn in the back.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love that photo sooo much and we love sunflowers too

IanH said...

That is a really nice, BIG, barn!

Renegades said...

I love barns. Older barns in particular.

Linda said...

Indeed! Such rich colors!

Liz Mays said...

I definitely see why you love it so. It's utterly charming.

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love sunflowers, too. And these look right at home next to the big red barn.

Unknown said...

What a lovely photo. Makes me want to go out and look for old buildings to photograph.

Endah Murniyati said...

I love sunflowers. I love this picture.

Anonymous said...

Sunflowers looks beautiful:)

Valerie Boersma said...

Now that is gorgeous!!

Marie said...

the sunflowers are beautiful! it looks like a nice day. :)