Monday, October 7, 2013

My World According to Pierce

When Pierce was 3, I did this interview with him where I asked him questions about myself, and he told me what he thought.  It occurred to me that this might be a fun thing to revisit, and I could share it with my blog readers to let you all get to know me a little better....through the eyes of a six year old.

1.  What is something your mom always says to you?  "I love you"
2.  What makes your mom happy?  "giving me hugs and kisses"
3.  What makes your mom sad?  "If someone is mean to her"
4.  How does your mom make you laugh?  "telling me jokes - like why can't you hear the pterodactyl going to the bathroom?  Because the P is silent"
5.  What was your mom like as a child?  "She slept a lot"
6.  How old is your mom?  "37" 
7.  How tall is your mom?  "5 feet"
8.  What is your mom's favorite thing to do?  "run"
9.  What does your mom do when you're not around?  "drop Cort and Reid off at preschool and go run"
10.  If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?  "a meteorologist"
11.  What's your mom really good at?  "chess"
12.  What is your mom not very good at?  "building Legos"
13.  What does your mom do for her job?  "help her client"
14.  What is your mom's favorite food?  "macaroni and cheese"
15.  If your mom was a cartoon character, who would she be?  "teacher Susie in Sid the Science Kid"
16.  What do you and your mom do together?  "go shopping"
17.  How are you and your mom the same?  "we are both a person"
18.  How are you and your mom different?  "I'm a boy, she's a girl"
19.  How do you know your mom loves you?  "because she's always respectful to me whether I'm bad or good, and she loves me no matter what"
20.  What's your mom's favorite place to go?  "JoAnn Fabric".

A few of his answers are a little far off (a meteorologist?  really?).  It was fun to hear his perspective though.  If you've got a little one in your house - try asking them these questions.  You just might be surprised what they have to say. 


  1. I totally believe the "a meteorologist" thing. I think he hit the nail in the head I loved this. Hug B

  2. The P is silent, I love it!
    Such a good mom!

  3. I love his answer to number 19. What a wonderful thing to know about you!

  4. Cute, I wondered if his favorite food overpowered yours.

  5. Awesome idea for a blog post -- I may have to steal it, only replace a little human with a farm critter. :)

  6. Ahh, they are such a treasure :)

  7. Oh, how I wish I had done this when my kids were little. I love all his answers. So, you won't be taking Al Roker's place one day?? :)
    #4 made me LOL! That is a great joke!

  8. That is so cute! Several had me grinning but by the end I was laughing out loud :) Great post!!!

  9. This was so cute Lisa! Little kids say the funniest things, and then they get bigger, and older, and say things you don't understand at all;)

    Happy Monday!

  10. Now I love that - that is such a great idea and great answers.

  11. oh dear me this made me laugh out loud, this is a beautiful post Lisa.

  12. Aww so cute , will have to ask my nieces 5 year old !

  13. This was fun to read! He is absolutely precious.

  14. Oh, Lisa, this is so sweet! It made me laugh, and I wanted to cry, too, at his sweet answer to #19. Your kids are obviously loved and know it. That is the greatest gift you can give them. You're such a great mom.

    I didn't know you were interested in meteorology! :-)

  15. Too cute! Meteorologist, eh? And Teacher Susie? That is high praise!

  16. Not only does Pierce know you well (perhaps not the meteorologist) but he absolutely sees you as a loving mother and appreciates your humanity. That was awesome, and so glad you shared! :)

  17. Love this! :). He's so observant and clever! And most important, he knows you love him A LOT. :D

  18. I LOVE this!!!! Both a person, so funny! And he is just right on with quite a few. Wonder why he thought you slept a lot as a child? Number 19 has tremendous wisdom, but JoAnn fabrics, oy! You have given me an awesome idea, I am going to do this for both the girls, then post it!!!! What I like is you find out things that they think that you did not know!

  19. Oh, I wish I'd seen this over the weekend when the grandkids were here. Great answers and so sweet. :)

  20. I enjoyed hearing his answers to the questions. Love the minds of young children.

  21. Lisa, you gave me such a good idea for a Christmas present for my son and daughter in law this year! Thanks!

  22. Thats a great interview with your son'

  23. That is so cute and what a great idea. I like the pterodactyl joke :)

  24. What a perfect idea!
    I wonder if something like this would work with students?

    Thank you for sharing. You are just as awesome as I thought you were - I have it on "Great Authority!"

    love & love to YOU!

  25. He is pretty dang close on all of these. And hey-at least he knows the word "meteorologist.

  26. Oh he is so cute-I like the pterodactyl joke!

  27. I'm watching Mia later this week...I can only imagine!!...loved the RUN, drop off the twins and RUN!...:)JP

  28. The answers are soo cute- and honest- just as he sees you!

  29. What an awesome way to see your self through your child's eyes. I would love to try this on my grandchildren.

  30. I did that a while ago with my kids and it was fun to hear their answers. I should do it again as they are older.

  31. I love this, how fun! I think I'll ask my son tomorrow after school. The teacher did something similar last year, but just a few questions. One was how much does your mom weigh? My son put 35lbs. That's in the baby book, lol

  32. So he is brilliant along with being photogenic! What a cutie!

  33. Too sweet is right!!
    I'm trying this w grands!!!

  34. That was so adorable! I wish my mom had done this with me when I was little!

  35. I also love "help her client":) What a great thing this will be for them to read when they're older!

  36. I think he did really good. I gave my son Mica and nephew Evan an interview about themselves a few years ago. It was pretty funny how they answered things.

  37. How cute. I wish I had done this when mine were little. Some were comical and others quite insightful. Thanks for sharing.


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