Friday, October 4, 2013

Random Rainbows

1.  Recently after two straight days of pouring rain, we were happy to spot a rainbow - the biggest we'd ever seen over our property. 
2.  I have never cooked fried chicken.  Oh, back in the 90s when it was popular, I made Shake N Bake chicken a few times, but that's as close as I ever got. 

3.  I'm using free wifi at McDonalds while typing this up, and just saw my mom drive up with the boys.  She's watching them for me while I work this afternoon.  They must've convinced her to come here.  What are the chances, out of all the restaurants around? 

4.  I read a lot of books set during the time of the Tudors.  I devour them.  It's a guilty pleasure, but I just can't get enough of Henry VIII and Bloody Mary. 

5.  Speaking of the above, I truly hope one day it is in my cards to tour Hampton Court.  I watched a documentary by PBS about it recently, and I was enthralled. day.

How about you, readers, do you have any bucket list palaces or other landmarks you truly want to see?

This post linked with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal


  1. Yep what a surprise the boys showing up at McDonalds, that is where I would go look for my daughter, not sure what they like about the place.

  2. oh, we always have a list of must sees. we need rain here. ( :
    enjoy your weekend. & cook some chicken!! please. ha. ha!!

  3. Never fried chicken before never seen my Mom drive up with my kids but my Mom did not drive:)I bet it was a nice short visit for you all.
    Henry V111 yes what is it about that horrible man that makes me want to know more too?
    I would love to go to the states (that would be you:)) and see some of your sights I will get there some day I am sure Have a great weekend. B.

  4. I'd love to go to Vienna someday. And those Tudors--just fascinating. Better than anything on TV, really.

  5. I want to see Angkor Wat while we're still young enough to move around good for the climbing.

    And I'm sure you were glad to see the boys at McD's, but if it was a designated work day...that's just Murphy's Law waving hello to you. :)

  6. I'm enthralled with Henry the VIII too!

  7. I remember the days of just wanting one hour to myself - but something would always happen. Lol. Hope you have a good day.

  8. I have actually fried chicken, many years ago when I was young and still lived at home with my parents. My mother's fried chicken is divine.

    The rainbow is beautiful!

    I have lots of places I'd like to go, but right now the American West is calling my name.

  9. I've been to Italy, my ultimate dream destination, so if I don't get to go anywhere else, I'm okay with that. Other bucket list places are the east coast in autumn, Alaska, and Hawaii.

  10. Wow, that rainbow is gorgeous!

  11. The rainbow is lovely! Just seeing a picture makes me smile! I have fried chicken many, many times, but then I am southern. It was one of the first things that I learned to cook.

  12. Great random 5! I have spent much of the last couple of years immersed in Tudor England. I love historical fiction. I had the opportunity to study in England my junior year in college. Of all of the places I visited Hampton Court was my absolute favorite. I hope you get there some day!

  13. Love the Rainbow. I've never fried chicken either. My husband has never liked the smell of the oil so we don't fry anything although we do saute in olive oil now.

  14. got a chance at a rainbow today. The chicken calls at me, but I grill or oven fry it instead.

  15. i've never made real fried chicken either. fried boneless breasts is about as close...

  16. I do have a list - I used to REALLY want to move to Scotland. I thought i had a friend there I hadn't met, yet. Now, when i think of this - i hope they are having the Best Life Ever.

    I would like to see Savannah, Georgia because i enjoyed singing "Hard Hearted Hannah" so many times.

    I'd like to rent a zimmer in Tszat (Safed) and walk around . . maybe sip coffee and breath the air - I wonder if I'd be changed by a visit like that.

    I'm certain every dream you have will come true.

    love & love,

  17. Oooh, what a pretty rainbow! I do want to see a lot of landmarks before I kick the bucket. I hope I get to them all!

  18. Your photo seems to glow all on its own. A most beautiful rainbow shot. Enjoy the weekend coming up!

  19. What are the chances? About 100% I'd say. Lol.

    I was on a Tudor reading kick last winter -- still have one book unfinished. I think I max'd out on the genre -- will likely pick it back up in the coming months.

  20. LOL! I never made fried chicken either! Boneless, skinless breast, pounded to tenderize then sautéed until golden...much better!!!...:)JP

  21. I love to use free WIFI too. How fun that you all ended up in the same restaurant.

  22. Your extra long rainbow is stunning, and my favorite thing about it is how it lights up the clouds! Too funny how you had just settled down to write in McD's when your mom and the boys showed up! I have a lot of places I would love to go! Williamsburg, Biltmore House,Atlanta and Savannah, New England in the fall. Hope you have a great weekend!

  23. oh my what a gorgeous photo. I would like to see all the castles in the Loire Valley! too funny that Grandma and grands would show up at the same time.

  24. I saw someone post a rainbow yesterday on FB. It was a rainbow with lightening going through it.

    I'm not much of a bucket list person. I just do things when I see them. If we are planning a trip, I figure the stuff out before it.

  25. Seriously, I think all kids love McDonald's....above all else! lol

  26. Your rainbow is gorgeous! We did think alike. :)
    I've never made fried chicken, just fried boneless chicken breast.

    We would love to visit the New England area.
    Have a nice weekend!

  27. I made fried chicken for the first time last year. We wanted the old fashioned southern fried chicken that you can't even find down south any longer. It turned out great.

  28. I love random rainbows everywhere :)
    Hmm ~ I have always wanted to visit Australia.

  29. I made fried chicken once...but it was such a mess!
    So funny who you can run into at mickey D's. :)
    Me? I want to visit Washington DC. Thats is a historical landmark, right??? :)
    Have a great weekend!

  30. What an unusual cloud formation and rainbow. I guess your little break at McD's came to an abrupt end! I'm not hankering to go anyplace special, but I do like to travel.

  31. I've never fried chicken either. The first time I offered to make dinner for John, he just knew it would be southern friend chicken....wrong!
    How funny to see your mom drive up with the boys!
    I would love to visit Ireland.

  32. I saw that same documentary about Hampton Court, and it was indeed fabulous. I loved it. I wonder.. have you read Philippa Gregory's novels and Jean Plaidy's. The latter authors books are older, but they're great!

  33. I'd love to one day go to Alaska, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago.

  34. What a shot! Nicely done! Aloha

  35. I have to say that my MIL used to make the best fried chicken of anyone/any place ever....I have made fried chicken a lot and my kids and hubby love it, but it doesn't hold a candle to hers.

    I would love to make it to Alaska before I die.

  36. Great shot of the rainbow..I wish I could see one rain yet..:(
    I have a bucket list and it is getting longer every day. The older I get, the more anxious I am to start making things off.

  37. Love your rainbow!

    I used to think that I would like to parachute, but not so much anymore. However, after seeing President Bush in his early 90's, I shouldn't be afraid. :)

    Hope the weekend is good for you and your guys. That really is something that your mom took the boys to the Golden Arches and you were there. :)


  38. That's a wonderful photo of the rainbow! Funny about the family showing up when she was watching them so you could get away to write!

  39. I really love rainbows, Lisa.
    Have a great weekend with your dear and beautiful family!

  40. I do a really bad job trying to fry chicken so I opt to let Hubby do it. Love his fried chicken!

  41. I'd love to visit every national park/monument and refuge in the US... probably will never happen.

  42. Thank you so much, Lisa for posting your heartfelt comments in my blogs!
    I highly appreciate friendship.
    I love your amazing blog with gorgeous photos of your dear family and places. I love rainbows.
    I used to run when I was a little child, and a young girl. I was a fast runner with big dreams at that time.
    Now, I am still a dreamer...

  43. That is so odd that your mom showed up at the same place your were at. I would have been ducking and hiding. Lol.

  44. Nice picture. We had lots of spring rain and a few outbreaks of sunshine - which tends to lead to rainbows! Pictures to follow!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

  45. I am a fan of rainbows also. I like yours.

    I got one the other day. It was like get my camera quick as usually they don't stay that long.

    I have it up in my blog. A double one. In our Fall season.

  46. Olá Lisa; excelente registo....

  47. I hope G'ma went through the drive-up with the kids. ;)

  48. Stunning rainbow♫ I like reading Sci-Fi so I really have no geographical/historical spots on my list! My Randoms:

  49. I don't fry food at home. It's too messy and it's unhealthy as a bonus. I figure it should be a treat to only be ordered out!
    Laughing at the kids showing up at McDonalds!

  50. Reminds me of when I was working, I was pumping gas 45 minutes from home when I saw my dad's truck next door at McDonalds. I sat right down next to him, completely caught him off guard.


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