Friday, October 18, 2013

The Mum that Got Away

1.  A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about the mum that was devoured by the spider's corpse.  This week, I'm showing you the mum that got away.  This mum has returned for over five years.  It seems to like us.
2.  I have written over 1200 blog posts, and sometimes I worry that I am posting something I've already posted.  Especially when it comes to recipe.  Last week I did a search on my blog to make sure I hadn't already posted a particular recipe.  Fortunately, I hadn't.  It's probably only a matter of time though...

3.  October is a really busy month for me each year.  Maybe even busier than December.  I typically volunteer for fall parties for the boys at their schools, plus there is Pierce's birthday, Paul's birthday, and then various fall festivals we tend to attend.  It's all a lot of fun, but it's not easy fitting in all the baking for these events - particularly now that I'm working too, even if it is only part time!  Hopefully it'll all come together.

4.  I watched the new version of The Great Gatsby the other night (checked it out of the library).  I know it got poor reviews - and honestly, whenever a movie is made from a book it can't exactly compare.  However, I really liked it.  The cinematography was incredible. 

5.  Related to The Great Gatsby - I went through a phase a few years ago where I was reading books about Zelda Fitzgerald.  Interesting stuff.

Readers, are there any movies based off books that you really like?

Linked today with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Lynn said...

Beautiful Mum, I am always impressed with you young Moms who seem to do everything andyou JOG.:-).
I once saw Vanessa Redgrave play Zelda in a theatre piece, Zelda was an interesting character.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad one of the mums got away. If I really like a book, I don't tend to see the movies. The pictures I paint in my mind are the ones I want to keep.

Buttons Thoughts said...

1200 posts wow Lisa amazing and I have never seen any repeats but it is only a matter of time:) you know I am kidding. Two birthdays and all the other things will indeed keep you busy.
Love the Great Gatsby and and have never seen the movie will look it up. Have a restful weekend you look like you will be running after it:) B

Monkeywrangler said...

I've never read a book about Zelda Fizgerald, but do know of a song she is referenced in...
Life Between the Wars, by Al Stewart.

Gail Dixon said...

Even if you repeat a recipe that wouldn't be a bad thing, especially for your newer audience. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i totally wonder about the Great Gatsby too? ... i've heard not one good reviews until you ... so i have been iffy do i get it from Netflix or what? not sure whether to waste my time or not??! ( :

I Am Woody said...

127 Hours. It was a fantastic movie! Incredibly intense!

Out on the prairie said...

Gatsby sounded good to me and I hope to see it. I didn't know anyone that saw it in the theater.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know I repeat pin on Pinterest, at least now they tell you! I liked the new Great Gatsby too, I saw it at the show. I liked Water for Elephants.

Steve Surratt said...

I'm looking forward to Ender's Game, based on the series by Orson Scott Card. Don't know if the movie will stick with the original book or expand into the 5 or so sequel books.

Anonymous said...

I loved the new version of The Great Gatsby--so beautiful.
Just like that mum!

Sharon Wagner said...

Well, I'm reading and watching Game of Thrones right now. I'm 1/2 way through the 3rd book.

TexWisGirl said...

a pretty mum it is!

mail4rosey said...

I have The Great Gatsby here for a Christmas gift for hubby. He liked the book and the older movie. I'm glad to hear you gave it good reviews.

I want to see Lone Ranger too, even though it got not such hot reviews.

Karen said...

Lovely mums! 1200 posts, wow, that's a lot!

Grandma Bonnie said...

It would be really easy to repost a recipe after years of posts. I have had that fear a few time and did the same search just to be sure.
I don't remember any movies from books that I liked much. I am sure there was one or two I just don't remember. Lol.

Nancy said...

"The Notebook" by Nicolas Sparks was made into a movie. I thought it was great. Your mums look fantastic. How pretty!

Harry Flashman said...

Didn't she kill herself? Or am I confusing her with somebody else from long ago?

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I have to check to see if I've run the same photo before. 1200 posts! That's a lot of work! If anyone can get through a busy month, I would count on you. I admire you ability to get so much done!

I love Lee Child's Jack Reacher books, so I was anxious to see the movie "Jack Reacher." It was pretty good, but Tom Cruise played Reacher. I like Cruise fine, but he didn't have nearly the physical build to play Reacher. So I was somewhat disappointed.

Erin @ Quixotic Magpie said...

The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books ever! I liked the new movie too. :) I usually don't care for book to movie adaptations either, but I did like it. My only issue with it was some of the soundtrack.

Karen Lakis said...

Part time work + full time mom + baking for fall festivities > hours in a day. But, it sounds like a lot of fun, too. I'm coming up blank on the movie thing. I tend to read more than I watch, so nothing comes to mind. Have a nice weekend!

Willow said...

I am sure no one would mind if you posted those delish recipes of your by accident twice , reminds us to pull them out and use them again YUM !

Renegades said...

I have some mums on the south side of my house that just seem to thrive there. The fall color is nice.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What pretty mums! I love them. I don't have 1/4 of the posts you do, but I still find myself searching my past posts to make sure I don't repeat a topic or photo!

diane said...

I saw the Great Gatsby when .... who was it? ..... Robert Redford had the role!
That was many many years ago!
The mums are lovely!
Have a great weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was redirected to your blog! But at least I gt here. Th mums are beautiful, it almost looks like a night background with the sun on the close up. I missed the spider story. But I did scroll down and read the previous blog, it is a sad, sad story. Not because of the missing case because you can make one again. But that a child that young would steal. Gosh, what has happened to the innocence of childhood. Perhaps he was not taught any better and he just took it without knowing.

An Apel a Day said...

I thought Polar Express was a good book to movie. I liked that they tried to keep the illustration style in tact.

When I was younger I liked both the book and movie of Flowers in the Attic. It's been years since I've seen it though.

Wizard of Oz is great, and To Kill a Mocking Bird is wonderful!

Angela said...

They say that if you plant your mum at the right time of the year and if you don't cut it back or something that it will keep coming back. I did have one of the two that I planted to come back in a flower pot one year but it didn't make it the next year because I think it got too cold that year and it killed it. It does seem to be that the fall is a busy time of year for me too.

hula-la said...

I agree. Tom Cruise is certainly not the Jack Reacher I envision. Jack Reacher is one of my fave characters. Cool dude...just don't mess with him. Aloha

hula-la said...

Lovely colored mum. Autumn is my and bounty! Enjoy what's left of it! Aloha

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very few..however Lord of the Rings trilogy was pretty close to being perfect. I did holler at the tv several times when scenes were not just right!

Linda said...

I wouldn't worry about posting something twice, as long as it's not twice in the same week. Then we'd worry about you!


Despite the reviews, I enjoyed the new Great Gatsby too - especially since its author was a Princetonian!:)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

speaking of confusion...when I first read "mum" (even though I SAW the photo!) I thought "mother" and then...oh no, not horror stuff. I cannot stand horror stuff; news is bad enough for me. Movies and books...probably but it's too late to put effort and energy into trying to remember.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mum. Your boys are so blessed to have you as Mom. I always loved fall festivals at school. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Endah Murniyati said...

1200 posts... great!
I love you flowers

Nancy said...

Mums are so pretty -- and relatively inexpensive to pick up a new one each year to add to the group (which I admit I do.)

We watched the Life of Pi, well most of it, this week and it was surprisingly good (I didn't think I would like it.)

Anne Payne said...

Love mums and I have had some come back year after year, too :) Jane Austen books made into movies, especially Emma; and Tom Clancy books made into movies, especially Hunt for Red October :)

Sally said...

Beautiful mums!

I don't know how you do all that you keep up with, and so cheerfully. :)

Never have seen a movie from a book I don't believe but not a real mover going these days. I read though!!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl, the book I'm reading/studying is all about Tai's origin, essence. And yes, October is a busy month up here as's soon time to make the cookies!!!...:)JP

Busy Bee Suz said...

Seeing your everlasting Mums makes me think of a classic song: I will survive by Gloria Gaynor! LOL!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i could never do 12000 posts!
good job!

Marie said...

Beautiful mums! We start our baking and Christmas shopping in October so it will be getting busy here as well. :)

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
I think you have written an outstanding wonderful blog with many extraordinary posts, thousands of them.
You are so successful, and got lots of good friends.
I am sure you must have the feeling of accomplishment.
I truly enjoy reading your posts, and going through some of your older posts as well...
I wish I had more time to spend at the computer, but I am into other personal things that take my time.
Anyway, I love to visit my online friends and read their posts.
Today's story is really good, Lisa.
Have a blessed time, sweetheart doing whatever you love doing best!
Happy Halloween in advance, Lisa, family, children, and love ones!
Greetings from Poet Starry.

Maggid said...

Your recipes are memorable - and worth repeating . . . I LOVE it when you are honest and whip something up you don't care for . .

In fact, I am just plain grateful you share with us . . .

You Rock.

Anonymous said...

I have some mums that have come back for a couple years, but I think it's just because we haven't had that really cold sustained below freezing temps the last couple winters... yours is pretty!

Shine Kids Crafts said...

Wow! 1200 posts?! How long have you written the blog?

I have a blog not in English. I have written it for 5 years. But there is only 718 posts now. : )