Tuesday, November 12, 2013


When I was eight years old, in 1983, a book came out called Bony-Legs, by Joanna Cole.  I checked it out from the library and fell in love with the tale of the evil witch that lived in a house on chicken feet.  It's a clever tale - one with a few twists involved. 
I was excited to find a copy at a used library book sale a couple of years ago.  My boys love it as much as I did.  Each year when I get out the Halloween books, this is the one they are most excited to see.

Case in point, when Reid designed his preschool trick or treat bag, he must have had Bony-Legs on his mind.  Because what he came home with brought a smile to my face.
Readers, do you remember any spooky books from your childhood that made you shiver in delight? 


Anonymous said...

I don't remember reading scary books outside of fairy tales. Some of them were really scary.

Steve Surratt said...

I remember when 'Where the Wild Things Are' came out. Read to me, then my kids, now I need to find that one for my granddaughters.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

We didn't need books as we had several old witches teaching us back in the 60s, I know it is hard to believe but I still remember the hateful old women. I just don't remember any books like that but the wizard of oz used to be scary on TV.

Endah Murniyati said...

Sounds an interesting book. I remember Indonesian folk story 'Timun Mas'(Gold cucumber), that told about a princess and a vicious giant. Very interesting story

Sandra said...

I love finding favorites, at book sales!

Out on the prairie said...

Need to find a copy to read, lovely to share

Chatty Crone said...

The Old Lady Who at the Fly or something like that. And Micky Mouse's The Haunted House.

Hope you are having a nice day.


mail4rosey said...

Ha! That's awesome. I like to introduce my kids to the books I loved as a kid too. It's really fun when they enjoy it!

TexWisGirl said...

that's cute. nope, didn't like spooky even then.

Gail Dixon said...

So cute! My mother was so Catholic and I was not allowed to read any scary books. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have not heard of bony legs but nice your kids like it as much as you did

Mary said...

Library book sales are awesome! I think i'll look for a copy of Bony Legs for myself. :). It sounds like something i'd enjoy, though it's not my usual reading fare. :D

Anonymous said...

No, no I did not like spooky books neither to read.

I liked childrens adventure and really happy ending books. Maybe some had sad beginnings like the one book I received for being the best reader in class in Grade two.

Five Little Puppies For sale was the title.

So I passed it onto my oldest Granddaughter as she is in third year of University to be a School teacher for Primary class's.

Have a nice day. Snowing here.

Anonymous said...

Cool book! The illustrations look marvelous.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awwww...how cute his drawing was!...:)JP

Michaele said...

I remember reading this to my girls even tho we tended to shy away from scary books at bedtime.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Back when my sons were young, they loved the monster and ghost and witch type books during Halloween season...There was one called the Blue-Nosed Witch I think and one called The Night the Scarecrow Walked.... Can't remember anymore right now. It's been a FEW years.

Vision By Mila said...

I remember pretty much each and every book I used to read, and there were lots, I wish I'd read as much right now!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

That is so cute! I've never read that book before, but you had me at chicken legs ;)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Cute picture! I love that your boys love books.

Some of the fairy tales scared me, like "Bluebeard." And I remember reading a book about a mystery in an old mill, but I don't remember the name of it. The book took place around Halloween, so the setting was ripe for fear! :-)

An Apel a Day said...

I don't remember reading this book, but there are many others I remember reading that I don't see on the shelves today. One that comes to mind is Bimblemen's Bakery. I loved that book.

Maggid said...

What a terrific parent/educator you are . . sharing that love of literature - will help your children soar - now - and as adults.

You remind me of so many Great, Important (and Fun) - things.

You Rock!!!!

ps - I love this dragon.

Michelle said...

That is so sweet! Do your boys use the website: http://www.storynory.com

It is an audio site for classic fairy tales, folktales, etc...with some new stories as well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

How awesome that you can both share in your like of this book. I've never heard of it before!

Harry Flashman said...

No scarey books but I loved "Fire Hunter" by Kierkegaard.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Can you believe- moms cannot remember any books- except Peter Rabbit

born imaginative. said...

I always love a memory saved!

GardenOfDaisies said...

The fairy tale that I grew up with, where there was an old hag/witch in a house with chicken feet, was called "Baba Yaga". And it was a Russian tale. I am guessing your Boney Legs story is a variation of that. ?? I always LOVEd fairytales... still do to this day.

Marie said...

my son loved adventure/mystery books.:)

Lynn said...

none ;-( I love Reid's T&T bag.

Betty Manousos said...

so cute!

sounds like an interesting book.

big hugs!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I remember a few of my childhood books; none scary though. Don't you love it when you can influence your kids in a good way? Love this!

Shine Kids Crafts said...

I did not read any scary book. But I remember that I watched a scary movie which is about ghost. I was so scared that I never watch that kind of movie again.
: P

Unknown said...

I was more of a "Cat in the Hat" kid!