Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hot Chicken Salad Casserole Recipe

I didn't have a ton of cravings during my pregnancies, but I can remember two I had when pregnant with the twins.  The first was for buffalo chicken wings (which is really weird, because in my 'real' life I don't really care for them) and the second was for this Hot Chicken Salad.  This is also weird, because it's a recipe I hadn't thought of in years - my mom used to make it when I was a kid.  I sent her a frantic email, "Do you remember that casserole that had all the chicken and celery?  I HAVE TO HAVE IT!  Do you have the recipe?"  Sure enough, like any good mom, she not only had the recipe, but she even MADE me the casserole and brought it to my house.  Yeah, she pretty much rocks. 

I've been making the casserole a couple of times a year since then.  It's a great way for me to use leftover chicken, and the kids all seem to enjoy it. 

4 cups cooked chicken, chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 cups diced celery
1 small onion, chopped
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 tsp. salt

Mix and refrigerate overnight (or for a few hours).  Top w/ one package Pepperidge Farm stuffing breadcrumbs and 1 cup grated cheese.  Bake at 400* for 25-30 minutes.  I tend to put aluminum foil over top for the first 20 minutes, then remove it for the last ten.  Enjoy!


  1. This looks yummy Lisa, and your Mom definitely rocks!

    I craved strawberry milk shakes and salads when I was pregnant with the kidling. Boring, hmmm?

  2. That is simple and would probably work with some of the dark turkey meat at thanksgiving.

  3. Wow your Mom truly does rock and I will be borrowing her recipe:) Hug B

  4. We just had this last week. I want to make it with pepper jack cheese next time. So good!!!! Great for using up leftover turkey too.

  5. This sounds so easy and so good. I love anything with celery in it. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  6. Totally craving that chicken salad now.. It really looks good!

  7. Pinning right now. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I remember running out after strawberries for both of my girls, and figured they might come out with red hair

  9. It looks really good - but, what I like best about the story - is your mom making - and bringing -

    Sounds like you had a Great Mom - D'ya think that helped YOU become the Super Rockin' Parent YOU ARE???

  10. Simple and sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing. :)

  11. Your mother is a sweetheart, for sure! This recipe sounds good and simple. I think I could do it.

  12. I could eat anything topped with stuffing and cheese :)

  13. Oooo delicious! Another must-try recipe, Lisa! Thanks.

  14. Lord, that looks good. I have been eating frozen burritos and fried spam for about two weeks now because my wife hasn't been able to come home on the weekends. I could eat a whole bucket of that chicken.

  15. YUM... that looks good. I copied the recipe and already printed it ... Think we'll like this one!!!!


  16. That's so funny about your cravings! Strange that you were craving something from your childhood. It was sweet of your mom to make it for you :)

  17. I think I just found a gem here!!! I want to make it asap....yum!!!!!

  18. I got out my journal and wrote the recipe down.. This would be a great casserole to take to potluck at church.. Comfort Food...yum yum~!~! Tell your mom "Thanks"..and tell the twins "Thanks" because you craved this when you were pregnant with them...
    Have a tiggeriffic Day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  19. Sounds yummy! I put something similar on chicken sandwiches minus the soup and salt part.

  20. I used to make this one a lot when I was newly married & the kids were little. It really is good!

  21. wow... great recipe. Thanks for sharing

  22. This sounds wonderful and I have a can of Cream of Chicken soup that is about to expire!!!

  23. I craved chicken when I was pregnant and didn't care for many sweets, which isn't like me. My dad would say that my son should be born with feathers. My son does love chicken! lol
    Your recipe sounds delish!

  24. Lisa: I'm copying this down. Every guy needs to have this as part of his "survival at home" kit. Looks good, and easy to make!

  25. This looks easy and good. I will try to make for my son. ^^

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