Friday, November 1, 2013

Just Reid. And Kittens. Orange Fluffy Kittens.

1.  Reid is tricky to photograph.  He's a little camera shy.  Also, he fake smiles in a grimace - with just his bottom teeth.  We have a lot of staged family photos where Reidy has a little grimace.  It's much easier if I can sneak a shot when he doesn't know it.  Like below, taken at the pumpkin patch.
2.  I'm taking on a new client with my part time job.  Supposedly it will only be an extra 3 hours a week (as other people will be doing the other hours), but I'm still distressed over how to fit it all in, as I already feel overwhelmed on a daily basis.  But this is a person who truly needs help, and after hearing her story, I felt it was an opportunity for me to make a significant difference in someone's life who has hit rock bottom. 

3.  I'm such a softie when it comes to animals or people in distress.  I'm not in a position to do much to help financially, but I'm always open to helping with my time and effort.

4.  I also have a weakness for orange fluffy kittens. 

5.  I think my husband may live in fear that people will randomly start dropping orange fluffy kittens in our yard.  He knows I could never resist them.  I would have 50 if he'd let me.  Sadly, we have no orange fluffy kittens (or cats) right now amongst our three adult cats.  Michaele is killing me lately with her adorable orange fluffy kitten blog posts!  If she weren't so far away, I'd be over there now getting some orange kitten love.

This post linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


Sunnybrook Farm said...

We are down to one barn cat now, I need a couple bob cats that will make a coyote think twice.
I still need to figure out what hours I will work next week when I go back to 19 hours. I would like to group them to where I can get some work done here.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture you caught of him. What a sweet picture it is!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Isn't that funny? We never talked about Orange kitties but I was ecstatic that Bill & Tina "lost" Cartouche when I found her in the shed!!!!! Orange and Coons are my FAVS. Reid is a little Pierce...:)JP

Nancy said...

Yep, one must be strong when it comes to kittens... :)

mail4rosey said...

Little orange kittens are cute. :)

My youngest has a fake smile too, it makes me laugh. It looks like someone told him to say, 'cheese.'

Good luck w/your new PT work. I'm a softie for helping too.

MastHoliday said...

Beautiful photo!! Kid looking cute.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo!

Brandi said...

That's so funny, I also have a soft spot for orange cats! But, I've never had one. Best of luck with your work. And adorable shot of your little cutie!

Sharon Wagner said...

My weakness is pure white and calico cats. But I don't have enough blog followers to worry too much. I hope.

Anonymous said...


I like this picture of Reid. I wonder what he is thinking about.

You have a big heart! The time you need with your new client will all workout.

My Hubby like the orange cats too. I always like a B&W or calico.

Happy November!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that is such a great photo very candid.
Lisa you are such a big hearted woman and that is why we all love you you are going to make a difference in this persons life and the time will be found I just know it.
Fluffy and orange yes I get that:) Hug B

Anonymous said...

The sneaky shots are often my favorites.
Cool about your new client. And getting kitten love.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

to find a orange cat or two. i'll let u know. 2 funny. more the merrier. right???!!! ( ;

I Am Woody said...

One day I went to Wal-Mart for a little grocery shopping. I came home with no groceries but I did have a tiny orange fluffy kitten. The momma kitty had died and the babies were way too young to be without a momma. I had plans to feed him with wet food made soupy with milk replacement. But our boxer had other plans. She was days away from delivering a litter of pups. She adopted Leon and nursed him with her puppies. We almost never got that cat weaned!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

You and Livie are alike with your love for "butterscotch kitties" as she calls them. ;)

Reid is so cute.

Karen said...

That's a sweet photo!

TexWisGirl said...

my neighbor lady adopted 6 kittens from her sister's neighbor. it is all i can do to keep from accepting a few of them for our barn.

that shot of reid is really cute.

Marie said...

Reid is a cutie!
Glad you'll be able to help someone that has hit rock rewarding.
Happy Friday!

Gail Dixon said...

You have a compassionate heart. I wish you lived near my son--that boy needs help! I think unstaged photos of people are so much more special than staged ones. Great example here!

Rose said...

I love any kitten...but not going to get any more cats...or dogs. Too hard to go on vacation with having to worry about them.

(I have three adult cats)

Plus the fact that we are aging and I would hate for something to happen to us and then the kids have animals to deal with.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That is such a sweet photo of Reid. The ones caught when they're unaware can be some of the best.

You have such compassion for others, Lisa. I know you will help this new client, and the time will open up for it.

We have had only gray and black and white kitties so far. When we go to PetSmart, I can't look at the kitties up for adoption. I cry over their sad stories and I want to bring them all home with me.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is such a sweet picture. I'm going to head over to look at those kittens.....enjoy your weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

My grandson has a smile problem, I would enjoy seeing the nonsmile shot. His mom has to sometimes threaten him. I will mail you a cat, I call him Rascal Flats since someone dumped him on me five years ago, but he is a lover, very fat and woke me a few times last night while over at the farm.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a really good picture, he is in thoughtful repose. Since you got a job, are you still thinking of selling your farm? When Anne was under two, she would do the big grimace when asked to pose for the camera, we have tons of photos like this, and I know you do, too. But the real thing is so much more joyful.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Good luck with the new client at work. Sounds like you will be able to help him or her out a lot. Just hope you don't feel too stressed!

Tanya Breese said...

number 1 is adorable. i remember when dalton always fake smiled, drove me crazy lol....number 2 will work will be great! and me thinks someone needs to drop off an orange fluffy kitten to your house! asap!

Latane Barton said...

I think that Reid is a heavy-thinker, that's what I think.

Harry Flashman said...

Remember the axiom that no good deed goes unpunished. In my experience that is absolutely true.

I have no fluffy orange kittens but I have two orange Tomcats who fight incessantly.

You have nice looking kids. If the gypsies come round your neighborhood you better keep them in the house.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I sympathize on the photo thing. My older son does that bottom teeth thing.. still! And he's 28. My middle son always puts on a cheesy smile. I hope you have better luck!

rayfamily said...

My goodness, my son does the same thing! He avoids photos at all costs, but when I do get one he has that fake smile grimace . Boys!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Nice photo of Reid. I love kittens of any color. We get cats dropped of all the time. Even stray dogs. We usually keep the kittens and cats but the dogs we take to the shelter.

An Apel a Day said...

That's funny in regards to the kittens! At least it's small animals being dropped off. What if someone wanted you to watch a cow, or something big like that?

I think Reid is cute in the photo! I wouldn't smile much as a kid either.

Eat To Live said...

At least he smiles... even if it is a fake smile. The older kids make ugly faces the minute you aim a camera at them their tongue come out. Whats up with that anyway with these kids?

Sally said...

LOVE Reid's photo. Natural is the best.

It must be such a wonderful feeling to be able to help someone who needs it so badly. Good for you,Lisa.


Karen said...

OH, now Im tempted to find an orange fluffy kitten and send it your way.

And.. I love that you care about people and animals in's what makes the world continue to go round, my friend. Keep up the great work.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute photo of Reid....Some kids are just more photogenic than others!!!! But--he's adorable!

I think of you when I see the big orange kitten who belongs to one of our neighbors. He likes to sit on our woodpile and survey the area...


Tweedles -- that's me said...

My friends, I am sorrys I have been missing,, but now I came to thank you for all the love and caring and prayers that you have been sending to me while I have been sick. I am still fighting to get better.
Thank you too for all the love and prayers for my moms.
I do not have words to tell you how you have touched our hearts, Thank you for all the love .
your tweedles

Lin said...

I have a thing for orange stripeys. And black kitties. And gray....and....

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like oranges too- but rarely see any. All the cats around here are grey blends. Love Reid's pic!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Halloween must have been a day of great joy for your children...
Your son is adorable, just like all your children, Lisa.
I guess you would have to patiently wait when he is not aware of you taking his picture. Then, you may get a better shot at him. About orange cats, I love all cats! I've got 3 cats at home at this point. Sonya and Little Bear are 11 years old siblings. Baylee is only 3 months old. I have just adopted her when she was a one-month kitten. She sleeps with me in my room. I used to have 10, but many crossed to the Rainbow Bridge due to illness or old age. Our cat, Frank passed away in January 2013 at the age of almost 18 years old. Frank was a very smart and sweet seal-point Siamese cat. It is lovely to realize that you are a warm, soft hearted lady. I am also that way towards the ones in need, humans and animals as well. I am glad you have a new client who needs your loving help. It is always great to help the ones in need, so we may feel good with ourselves that we could make a real difference for the better in someone else's life.
Thank you so much for posting your heartfelt comments in my blog posts, Lisa!
Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Linda said...

You have a beautiful heart!

Michaele said...

Reid is so handsome. Too bad he is camera shy. I would definitely part with one of my orange kitties. Right now I am trying to figure out which one it is that doesn't use the cat box. When I find out I will give you a call.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your Reid is a handsome this capture.
I love that you are helping someone who really needs it....sorry it stresses you out, but you are a hero to those who need you.
I have three orange cats, and I deliver. ;)

Jenn Jilks said...

My youngest is camera shy and now private. I don't see much of him now. I see my son in Vancouver more often!!!! Such is life.
Such fun shots!

Shine Kids Crafts said...

Kittens are so lovely that I cannot resist too. lol!