Monday, November 18, 2013

My Claim to Fame is Dog Puke - and How to Clean it Up

Well, not really.  But I will say that two and a half years ago I wrote this post about how to clean up dog vomit and it still gets a lot of hits on Google.  We were having a really good streak in which our border collie, Scooter, hadn't barfed in the house since I wrote that post.  But hunting season started a few weeks ago, and Scooter gets really neurotic during hunting season.

Happily, I was away at a craft fair when I got the text, "Just sprayed off the living room rug in the driveway.  Scooter laid out a HUGE barf."  Boy was I glad I was gone for that one.

Let me show you Paul's ingenious method for cleaning the rug though.  He used one of our chicken tractors that is not in use to put the rug on.  Then he was able to clean it really well using cleaning supplies and the hose on full force, and it dried in the sun. 

Paul isn't always the world's best cleaner, but I have to say I approved of his methods for tackling the dog puking episode.  Great job!

Readers, I'm hoping you haven't had to clean up anything gross lately!


Steve Surratt said...

I can sympathize with Scooter. With hunting starting Sat you can't go outside without hearing the gunfire. Not safe in the woods.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it is so annoying when they puke on the rug instead of the floor. Ugh.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I couldn't figure who the tractor held up the rug then I see what he made it out of. Neat idea and very strong yet lite.
Our dog arrived to make my daughter happy so she gets vomit duty.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! What a great rug cleaning location!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Poor Scooter, yeah Paul the excellent cleaner can I borrow him? I do not mean Scooter:) Hug B

Jeanne said...

Good for you for not being home when that happened. Was I your mentor for this cleaning process??? I have 3 little barfers.... I usually step in it before I clean it though. Have a great day!

Lynn said...

Poor Scooter if he is anything like our dog it takes quite a bit of upsetting for him to barf big, impressive cleaning tool, bravo Paul.

Monkeywrangler said...

What is a chicken tractor?

Gail Dixon said...

Genius! My husband once cleaned up the kids' vomit with the vacuum cleaner. NOT a we vac. Well, that thing went in the trash right after. My husband is brilliant, but NO common sense sometimes! lol

Sharon Wagner said...

Smart re-purposing!

Out on the prairie said...

Think I am feeding the katz too much, had it all over this morning.

TexWisGirl said...

i've done the 'drag rug outside and hose off' routine, but i don't have a chicken tractor to use for drying it. :)

i need to get out the resolve and scrub brush and get muddy paw stains out of my living room rug right now.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Great way to clean and dry the rug! And good timing for you! :-)

I have cleaned up more cat vomit than most people would believe. We have found some really good cleaners that do the job without fading rugs or spotting wood floors. And we stay stocked in paper towels.

Tiggeriffic said...

Sometimes that is what I have to do when my daughters dogs come to my house.. take the rug out lay it over the truck and spray it and use a mix of peroxide and dawn dish soap.. Seems to get it out of the rug...Why do dogs or cats have to puke...why can't they do it on the kitchen floor where there is tile?
Thank you Paul for taking care of this for your family.. My husband would just look at it and tell me it needs taken care of.. yikes~!
Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

The title of this post totally made me crack up. Looks like Paul did a good job on the rug! Nice idea for using the chicken tractor to help clean the rug off. I sometimes have to deal with cat puke which is definitely not pleasant!

Maggid said...

That rug is BEE-YOU-Tee-Full.

Border Collies??? My favorite. They are sensitive creatures, though.

love & love to you!!!

mail4rosey said...

That was ingenious timing on your part. :)

Anonymous said...

Uggh, clean up of those kinds make me gag... I've cleaned up some doozies on the school bus after poor kids get sick. I'll never forget a middle school girl who must have thrown up everything she'd eaten for two days, she was trying so hard not to be humiliated and I did everything I could to make sure she wasn't be it was a mess, a BIG mess... and then of course you have to clean the bus up with disinfectant before you can go pick up the next load of kids at your next school...

An Apel a Day said...

The messiest clean up I had was when Mica threw up on the side of his bed. Well he has a captains bed. Most of the throw up landed in 2 drawers. YUCK! Everything had to be taken out to clean. Some school papers had to get thrown. I consider myself lucky to not get sick myself after cleaning that up!

Michaele said...

Sometimes puke is worse than the other P word!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Ugh. I remember that post. Blech. Cleaning up dog puke is definitely hard for me to "stomach."

I do like his method of cleaning the rug! Smart thinking!

Jill said...

Good job! I'm having problems with my cat puking on my carpet. Wish I could pull it out to clean it like this! :)

I Am Woody said...

Our boxer was notorious for doing the 'Walking Puke' when she got old. Puke a little. Step. Puke a little. Step. Step. Puke a little. Step...... Ugh!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Paul is just plain AWESOME....handsome,e and creative!...:)JP

Eat To Live said...

Thats the best way I have ever seen to clean up dog puke. Yuck!

IanH said...

I much more enjoy dog puke to baby barf! :-{

Marie said...

no hunting around here, thank goodness!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Maybe this blog will be a hit across the internet also. Funny what people look at!!!!!

Sounds like your hubby took that claim to fame away from you!!!! ha....


Harry Flashman said...

Nothing too bad. Just the odd ferret poop.

Rain said...

Well you gotta admit..... When they do a job ..... They really DO a job!!!!! Love it!!!!

Vision By Mila said...

No, not lately, but 2 years ago when we got Pickles, due to an unfortunate incident before we took him he got overfed, then had to endure a trip by boat, then car.. he (not it.. hehe) was like a balloon ready to pop.. and he did pop! The result, we had to buy 3 new carpets! Luckily no big financial damage, we never buy super expensive carpets, cheap even, as long as they look decent, in case we get bored and want to change them.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am glad to hear your husband was there to clean it up. That is one great method to cleaning a carpet. Over the summer my grandchildren spilled lotion on our living room rug. I took it out and hung it over the swing set and hosed it off. Then got a broom and bucket of soapy water and scrubbed it down rinsed and let sun dry. It turned out great.

Busy Bee Suz said...

He is pretty darn smart! We don't have much carpet anymore….but if someone wants to puke, they seem to find it!