Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Running Recap October 2013

Below is a statue that I love, which is on the back part of the greenway, on a loop I run from time to time.  Sometimes, running makes me feel just like this statue.
I backed off some on the running this month.  More than I had planned to.  It's been hard - time constraints, shorter days, an illness, and a hard time finding continued motivation for the treadmill early in the mornings on days I don't have time to run outside.  Still, I ran 108 miles this month.  I also did weights a couple of times. 

Readers, what has you lifting your arms up in joy lately?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

That averages out pretty good per day for running but did you count all the leg work with taking care of 3 boys? LOL
I have not seen that statue and haven't been over the new part of the greenway yet. I used to walk it when taking photos to paint from as it is a real pretty area, much of it is very unlike what people think of a city.

Lynn said...

stunning statue and I like the rainbow striations, beautiful photo. Running outside is far more pleasurable than the treadmill, & 108 miles bravo.

mail4rosey said...

That is a great statue! Good luck with your continued running goals.

Monkeywrangler said...


This is one of my favorite sculptures, though in my mind's eye, I remember it slightly differently.

Congrats on the mileage last month. I haven't been back on my single bike, since the crash...

Steve Surratt said...

Love that statue. Where is it? Any month free of injury is a good month!

LisaS said...

Wonderful photo! ...makes me want to go outside and run too ;)

Gail Dixon said...

That is one of the most inspiring statues ever! I don't know if I've run 108 miles over my entire life, so I'm very impressed with your running stats.

TexWisGirl said...

rain has. and cooler temps. i find myself singing 'it's the most wonderful time of the year.' not for christmas but for fall...

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Congrats on the mileage! I think it's great, especially considering how busy you are. That's a beautiful statue--such a wonderful expression of joy.

I Am Woody said...

So impressed that during a cutback month you still managed over a hundred miles! That is impressive!!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Even though you cut back a bit you still logged a lot of miles! I really need to get into an exercise program!

Out on the prairie said...

More than what I have done, some days I can really turn it on

Renegades said...

That statue is so pretty.

Last night I went back to walking. I know it's not running but it's doing something. I used to walk 4 miles a day and bike two. Notice the used to. I might have walked a mile last night.

It's just hard to find the time. Last night I was able to because I had supper all ready and when I popped it in the oven I took off.

Harry Flashman said...

I worry about you running out by yourself. I know I said that before, but still.

Nancy said...

Beautiful statue -- inspiring really.

I don't add up my miles (I guess because it's too small an amount), but I'm happy I was able to run every day in October except for one due to torrential rain.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Your mileage is amazing!
I was having the hardest time keeping up with my runs, but I'm going to try harder!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

WOW your mileage puts me to shame!!

love that statue..

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have many, many things to be thankful and joyful for!!! Just one of them is your blog. I love this joyful woman with the sun on her, she looks wide open to anything.

Maggid said...

One Hundred Eight Miles????

Oh my fur and whiskers.
I know you are taking care of yourself . . . I just KNOW you are . . .

This art work is amazing.
Lifting my arms . . well, yes, as a matter of fact. One of my teachers saw an article I'd written and took it upon himself to add a "proper introduction," adding all my credentials to my name . . . golly, it was kinda . . amazing. I'm surprised to find it feels good . . I know he did that because he cares about me . . . It will go to print that way . . color me blessed.

love & love to you.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing statue! I am so excited about my new job.

Marie said...

beautiful statue! I'm thrilled that most of my health tests are coming out well. :)

Endah Murniyati said...

Run 108 miles in this month... Wow... I have no idea about that.

Busy Bee Suz said...

That statue is awesome!! You certainly aren't the slacker when it comes to exercise.

Anonymous said...

That statue would inspire me, too.
And holy miles, girlfriend! Way to hit it even in the dark.

shirley said...

That is a cool statue - very freeing.
Great mileage for last month!

Unknown said...

Such an amazing statue, and your exercise certainly is a source of motivation for others to begin, Lisa. Take care.