Friday, November 29, 2013

So What If I'm a Crazy Cat Lady?

1.  I love my cats.  Willie and Baxter, who have been with us for just over a year now (we adopted them from Barn Cat Buddies), have brought me such happiness.  The boys adore them.  And do you know what?  I haven't had a single mouse in my minivan since we got them.  And it's mice season, folks.  Two years ago I caught NINE mice in my minivan (which, while it made for excellent blogging material, made me rather grumpy).  Yes, I might be a crazy cat lady (contained only because Paul won't let me have any cute orange kittens right now).  But I don't care - I just love my cats.
2.  I don't allow both Baxter and Willie to sleep in the bed on the same night, because they play fight at 3 am.  So I make them take turns, because that's only fair.  However, Baxter is a big baby on the nights he has to sleep in the living room, and he hides under the bed.  His fat black booty sticks out, though, so we have no trouble catching him.  It makes Paul and I laugh every time.  Poor Baxter. 

3.  The first cat-love of my life was my grandparents' cat, Snuffy.  He was a Siamese, and I adored him. 

4.  I'm allergic to cats.  Really.  But I build up a tolerance to them.  Some cats bother me more than others.  Willie and Baxter don't bother me too much, but when we had Disco, if I petted him for a really long time I would get hives on my hands and my eyes would start itching and burning. 

5.  Cort is allergic to cats, too, but he loves them just as much as me.  He has a tolerance built up, and generally does alright so long as he doesn't rub his face in their fur.  Baxter and Willie like Cort too - they seem to know that even though he's a little wild four year old, he's always gentle with them. 

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal


  1. I can sympathize with the night time arrangements, we have two
    2ft X2fr X3ft cloth doggy travelling cases in our bedroom, two places in and two on top,each has their own pillow, plus the no object surface of the chest of drawers except a pretty pillow for a cat..this doesn't always work and often all creatures share our bed, neither of us is allegic. Cats :-)

  2. I have a couple, but the bed is off limits. I already have 2 dogs in there. Mine come in for food and cold.

  3. I like cats, they seem to like me and I never had one bark at me so that is good. I like the photo of the kitty beside the bucket, that might make a good painting.

  4. Aww, I am glad you manage to have your kitties and love them despite your allergy to them.

  5. i miss having my barn kitty, but the dogs have been doing their fair share of mice and wood rat catching. :)

  6. Our dogs do much the same at night. Makes me crazy! lol

  7. Very sweet, pets are more than pets, they are real additions to the family!

  8. What is it with mice and minivans?? Us too! We are also cat people, and of course all except our daughter are allergic! Happy day after Thanksgiving!

  9. Now you know that I love, love, love this post! :-) People probably think I'm a crazy cat lady, too, but I don't care. Chase Bird sleeps beside me for much of the night. He helps me sleep better, I think.

    Larry and I are both allergic to cats. I didn't know I was until I got Waddles. My allergist told me I would have to find her another home, and I told her very firmly that that was not going to happen. We've built up tolerance, too. We're already allergic to so many other things, cats don't make it worse.

  10. Cats are awesome, and Hubby and i have four! And i'm totally a crazy cat lady. Lol. There is,not a thing wrong with me. Or you. :)

  11. So, you're keeping a cat house! Hmmmm. Well, along as the neighbours don't mind, I guess that's OK.

    We have never had cats because my wife is allergic to them. Really allergic! So we have had dogs.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  12. Oh I'm with you on being a crazy cat lady. We have 3 indoors and 2 outdoors, with another cat that comes around just for food lately. I've always been a cat person. I always thought it would be the worst thing in the world if I were allergic, but it's good to hear you can build up a tolerance!

  13. I can see why you love your cats! What a couple of cuties you have! Cats, like animals in general, are so much more preferable to people a lot of the time;)

    Great picture, and enjoy the rest of the weekend with your sweet boys!! :)

  14. I remember all the mice you used to get in the van. I am so glad that problem has been taken care of by your furry friends!

  15. We usually get one mouse a winter. We didn't last year and I was oh so glad. But one of the winters when we did, the mouse was in hubby's car,e eeeeeeeeeek. Better him than me because I'm scared my reaction would have been bad. They freak me out for some reason.

    Your cat in the picture is a beauty. :)

  16. Not a cat person, but have to say that's a pretty one. :)

  17. Cute photo! You're not a crazy cat lady, but maybe a little bit too brave! If I were allergic to cats, I would not adopt one.

  18. Avery pretty kitty! We have 4 cats and they were all dumped here when they were all grown up. They fight each other- only 2 get along. We put them in a back room at night- cause of the cold and wild animals outside,, but they don't come in the house,,at least not usually,

  19. Cute cat. So lovely. I love cats. I have three kitten. They are so lovely. I adopted them from my sister house. Everyday, there are so many cats come to my house. Mouse hunting.

  20. I like cats and I don't. My husband hates cats and so do my dogs! lol I had a few cats when I was a teen. A neighbor gave us a male cat that turned out to be a female cat that got pregnant and thus we had lots of kittens!

  21. That's a hoot. We have 4 cats, 3 sleep on the king-sized bed. No play fighting involved. The 4th, hubby's cat, won't tolerate the others. Which is just as well as she doesn't like me, either!

    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  22. I have one inside the house cat, Midori. She is a Himalayan. She likes to play with the ferrets. We have one cat in the enclosed part of the barn (Itty Bitty Kitty), and I have 14 barn cats by last count. They eat a 16 pound bag of Meow Mix every three days.

    Cats are good, comforting animals.

  23. I like cats, but man I'm really allergic to them. I basically seem like a zombie when I'm around them. I just walk around all out of it.

  24. One of our daughters is allergic to cats but has three in the house and 3-5 outside. She takes care of them all and had them all fixed so there would be no cat explosions. It was expensive and took time but the job is done and everyone seems to get along.

  25. HOW did I miss this??? It is Sunday now and the only reason I saw it is because I was checking you for a very rare weekend post. I am very allergic, too! But the new allergy medicines work wonders. I take three. Months ago I did a stupid thing, I snuggled with Sunny and put my nose in his fur! I still have boils and sores in my nose! After all this time. I have been using cat ointment on it!!! Yes, the vet told me it would be just as good as people medicine! I remember when you had all those mice!!

  26. me, too - love em -
    allergic, too
    does that stop me???

  27. I know your feeling about cats. I am always finding another stray to give a home.

  28. Muito belo o seu Gato...Espectacular....

  29. I can't imagine not having a kitty around---although I could understand the allergies.

    My cats still avoid the kids...even though they are grown and have always been nice to them. Isn't that weird?

  30. What a cute and funny post! You and your cats. Hey, I have three orange ones that would love to live with you. :) HA HA! I'm glad you don't have any mice issues….cause that is a huge issue for me too!

  31. I love cats too but we no longer have indoor ones, we just take care of the outside strays. One might do for an inside cat but she even wants out of the garage in the morning (after her "treats" of course).

  32. I really think you can build up a tolerance to some cats more than others, too.
    And HOORAY FOR GOOD MOUSERS! One reason I wish we'd get another cat around here...


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