Friday, November 22, 2013

Where's Waldo?

1.  Where's Waldo?  In a book, of course!
2.  Recently I had a really good coupon for pie, so I picked up a turtle pic with chocolate, caramel, and pecans.  After serving it to the boys, they all eyed it warily, and Cort said, "Mom, where's the turtles?"

3.  Pierce has been fascinated by electricity since he was 3.  Lately he's been going outside to check the electric meter and see how much we've used.  He says he is "checking the killerwatts". 

4.  We have a ghost in the master bath shower.  Sometimes the shower runs for a minute or two for no reason.  It happens once a week or so.  I guess it must have something to do with the water pressure, but it's pretty annoying when it happens at 2 am. 

5.  All the detailed fingernail pictures on Pinterest kind of creep me out.  Am I the only one who finds them disturbing?  I don't have long fingernails, and I don't paint them, but when I see little snowmen and grinches painted on long, curving fingernails, it makes me shudder, just a bit.  No offense! 

Linked with Nancy's Random Friday at A Rural Journal. 


  1. So strange about your shower, I have never heard of that before. It has to be pressure. Do you know if it is cold or hot water, if hot then your water heater needs to be checked.

  2. Pierce looks adorable... and killerwatts indeed.

    Since I started my paleo regimen, my fingernails are non-existent, despite taking supplements.

    I apologize for not being around much this week -- hope to get back to some type of routine soon. xo

  3. 1st off i love Waldo ... as a kid i would find him pretty quick. i have a folks that send me Waldo postcards through the group "Postcrossing. com" ... so fun!!

    2nd. your kiddie poohs are too funny. where are the turtles? funny!

    3rd. i wonder if Pierce will be an electrician?

  4. Long nails are just nasty...and those who grow them to such lengths creep me out too. But I don't do Pinterest, so I never see the photos.

    Sounds like maybe the shower valves need replaced? Never ever had a faucet or shower turn on by itself like you describe.

    My R5F post is here:

  5. Oh I love when you post the comments from your boys they are so adorable and I have to say extremely intelligent. The shower ghost and the nail thing creep me out. Hug B

  6. I don't know how people function with such long nails!

  7. Oh my goodness, Waldo is adorable!!

  8. Killerwats, eating turtles and Waldo….your boys never cease to make me smile! I love them.
    Ummmm… least you have a ghost with good hygiene. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Your boys and the things they say! I love that age when they take every word and saying so literally. :)

  10. "Killerwatts" ha ha. Isn't it about time for Pierce to build his first solar panel?

  11. My son got a Snap Circuits Jr kit for his birthday this year... 'have fun learning all about electronics' is what it says on the box. We haven't used it yet, but it looks fun. Could be a great gift idea for your son if he continues to like electric (it's pegged for ages 8+).

  12. Always enjoy the cute kid stories--and photos!

  13. Anecdotes of your boys never fail to bring a smile :) I sort of miss those little boy days. I'm not fond of weird fingernail pics and often wonder how they make them look like that. I have short nails too. Have a great weekend!

  14. i don't pin - nor do i paint my nails. :)

    killerwatts. sounds like what it takes to keep a house cool in texas summers. :)

  15. LOL! No turtles in the pie. I hear you on the fingernail thing. I have no inkling as to why people think those ridiculous long fake stick-on nails are a good idea. And it damages their own real nails in the process. But then I don't understand why people get fake boobs and botox injections either.

  16. Such a sweet photo of Pierce! He looks so intent on reading. And killerwatts--yep, they bring about killer electric bills. :-)

    I haven't seen the photos of the nails, but I can't stand having long nails. I keep mine short. Sometimes I break out the polish, but rarely.

  17. Love the Waldo costume! Love the one about the turtles. We have a shower that does that sometimes. Yes I find the nails creepy and several other things too!

  18. that photo is unexpected - and AWESOME!

    Fingernails? I haven't started looking at pinterest - But, I do notice the nail decorations here - and the every increasing number of shops that do nails . . I always notice - because my hands were always working hands (played guitar - seriously played guitar) - now they've decided to retire - and relax into crooked . . . never, ever had fancy nails -

    killerwatts? interesting - and, i hope the shower also know how to turn itself off . . . . that might be important . . .
    love & love!

  19. I've seen all those fingernails! Some are real pretty, but the real long ones are a bit scary! The killerwatts is too funny!! Again, I hope you are writing all these things down. Talk about SCARY, your shower...maybe the ghost of Norman Bates is about...

  20. OMG! A real tree-hugger, Baby've got a tree-hugger in your midst!!!!...:)JP

  21. Oh your kids say funny things, I chuckled about the "turtles" in the Pie and then really laughed about the "killer watts."

    Hmmm the shower thing would be annoying at 2:00 am.

    I don't have long nails either (but then I'm a nail biter at times) so even when mine are grown out I keep them fairly short and never paint them anymore, to much trouble. I don't mind nail art but those super long nails do look a bit weird.

  22. oops my link:

  23. You have some cool little dudes at your house. And, really....where ARE the turtles?!

  24. Oh girl- that shower thing would freak me out!
    Your boys are so adorable...maybe Pierce will become a scientist? I have one grandson who loves science- he is asking for a telescope and microscope for Christmas...I guess he wants to see the stars and also check out some cells!

  25. I should lend you my cat. She can see ghosts. Sometimes up in the third floor study she bows up, fluffs out, hisses and stares fixedly at a spot in the room. Then she goes tearing out of there. I don't worry, I figure if it is a ghost it would have already done something if it meant to as long as I've lived here.

  26. What a cute Waldo!
    It can be confusing why we call things the names we do. At his age, I would have asked about the turtle too.

    Good Luck with the shower ghost and have fun painting your fingernails (just kidding you, Lisa).

    Have a great weekend.

  27. I don't mind seeing the fingernails. I have mine short all the time, but I paint them from time to time, mostly nudes and pastels lately. I would not have patience to create models though, nor talent.

  28. Your kids are a hoot! Have you served them Buffalo wings?

  29. Woah, the shower thing is uber creepy! Yikes. Your boys sound so funny! It must be a hoot to live with them :)

  30. Long fingernails in general creep me out--painted or not. And don't get me started on long toenails...blech!

  31. That is the sweetest picture! (But have the agree the shower - plus the nail images - are a bit creepy...eek:)

  32. I love the Where's Waldo cute!! Little boys can be interested in the most unique things...My little boy is mostly fascinated by trains, but he loves pretending to "charge his phone." Lately, he brings his charger everywhere!

  33. Your little Waldo is just the cutest guy! I don't mind the fingernails when they're reasonable in length, but I hate that new trend of super pointy ones.

  34. Turtles, killerwatts and ghosts lol too much fun!

  35. I've been such a bad bloggy friend - I'm missing you! Goodness, he is SO cute. :) Love the picture and hope you're doing well. Happy not yet Thanksgiving!

  36. your little man is SO cute!!!
    love that photo so much:))


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